I feel so embarrassed that I forgot to mention this yesterday....Sue, I am so sorry but also so grateful. One of my lovely, lovely customers Sue came to class on Saturday bearing the most gorgeous gifts. She new that I had lost my Ranger apron in the fire recently and came with a new one for me. I did take a pic of it to put on my blog but it does have a slightly rude word on it so I bottled out, but I wore it all day Saturday and will continue to wear it as I think it's hilarious. But, and this is a big but, the other gift she gave me came with much love, thanks and thought that it nearly brought me to tears. Sue had previously shown me some of her amazing fabric pieces some time ago and I was blown away by her talent. She very, very kindly made a notebook for me in green as she knows what a green girl I am....how gorgeous is this?
I also got a lovely email from Australia, they had seen my controlled squish technique on my blog and wanted to let me know that they had taken the idea and played with it a bit, click here to check it out, it is a fabulous blog, lots of arty artwork to get the creative juices flowing. So a huge thank you to Elaine and Lisa at Destination art.
Okay, I need to go and do some work now, all the Arstycrafts booking forms are starting to arrive.......it's going to be a busy day!!!!
Take care, Lin x
What a brilliant gift, am sure you will treasure it, and you do so love beads.........
Annette x
Lucky lady Lin. And I'm hoping that I am too cos one of those envelopes should be from me and I might actually get to my first AC weekend.ooooooooooooo (that was excitement)
The notebook is beautiful...what a lovely gift!!!
You have opened my envelope....it's just like the OSCAR'S!...and I'm pleased to say I will be seeing you once again in October!!! YEEAAAHHHH!!! Can't wait!!
Jayne x
That is such a beautiful gift! How lovely.
Lucky lady indeed! I love the colors!
Wow ..the work on that note book is wonderful ...such detail ...too nice to use but a brilliant keepsake
this is beautiful what a lucky lady you are....i really want to see the apron now ;0)
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