Well, as you can gather from the title of this post, lots of planning for this year has been going on behind the scenes here at L.B.Craft world. First of all, my classes went on sale last week and I must admit, I was a bit apprehensive about how many classes we would sell straight after Christmas and in the middle of the credit crunch. It was a freezing cold morning, minus 6 degrees C to be precise! and I was surprised to still see people queuing outside the store...so the biggest THANK YOU possible to you guys who braved the cold and also to those of you who persevered with the very busy phone lines. Many of the classes sold out on the day and we have now updated the website to show where the few remaining places are.
I've just spent a fun few days with Leandra, planning, playing and making finishing touches to the samples for our ArtsyCrafts weekend events. You may be aware that the first date in March sold out so quickly that we added extra dates the following weekend, March 28th & 29th. There are still some places left on this date....if you are quick.....you may still be able to snaffle one! Here are a couple of sneaky peeks to whet your appetite!

Next on the agenda is CHA. It's only two weeks before I hop on the plane to LA....destination....Anaheim convention centre, where the world's largest craft trade show takes place. I've just started to receive the press releases from the big suppliers and there are some cool new goodies on the way. Sorry, I'm not giving anything away just yet until my orders are in the bag but I think you are going to be as excited as I am!!!! I will really need to be super organised over the next few weeks as the Stevenage show is straight after CHA so I need to be packed and ready to go to that show before I leave for the States...yikes...that's a bit worrying!
Finally, my last piece of very exciting news is about Suze Weinberg. She will be here in February to teach a class for me. She will of course be showing you her magic with UTEE and a Melt Pot. She will be doing her amazing image transfer with UTEE in the class along with a ton of other stuff. The date of her class is Thursday 19th February at 10.30 until about 2pm. There are just a couple of places still available. If you would like to come and play UTEE with us, please call the shop on 01234 714848. As usual, it is strictly first come, first served. I'm sorry that there are only a couple of places, as soon as I mentioned it to anyone, they all said they wanted a place so I didn't even manage to get it on the website class schedule.
Stay safe and keep warm, Lin
LOVE your art!!
See you soon!
Have a safe trip.
WOW!!!! Terrific job here!!! What great results for your classes, and they will not be disappointed. They look scrumptous!
Wish I could be there....
Your Friend in ART,
Linda C
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