This show is always mega, mega busy in the morning. At one time we were so busy that someone I know actually said to Mark would you like some help at the till as we had a massive queue, so bless her, she rolled up her sleeves and bagged for Mark to get the queue down.I had no idea that all this was going on as I was having such a fun time demonstrating. So thanks Jenny, your help was greatly appreciated.
The afternoon was so much quieter, it always is, so I took the opportunity to have a bit of a play and experiment with my new Nick Bantock ink pads. Well, actually they are not new at all, just new to me and I wondered, as you do, if I really needed any more ink pads!!!! Well, OF COURSE I DO!!!! Some of these colours are just divine, they blend easily just like my Distress ink pads, and they look great with Glimmer Mist over the top. I particularly liked Damson Plum and Van Dyke Brown. Brown I'm not surprised by but the purple colour......I'm really not a purple girl at all, but this was gorgeous. I'm hoping that you can see the colours on the tag sample which started out with Spiced Marmalade Distress ink on a tag which I had put through my Cuttlebug. I then sponged a bit of both Damson Plum and Van Dyke Brown over the top, sprayed Gold, Copper and Dewberry Glimmer Mists over the whole thing. I love this sample so much that I don't want to stick anything on top of silly is that!!!!!
Let me know what you think.
wow Linda, those colours are beautiful!! Not more ink pads to need!
they are beautiful indeed! oh i don't think we can get these inks here in Belgium! i really really need to get on a ferry!
i understand your not wanting to stuck anything on top hihi!
gr Tanya
Hi Linda
Yes i agree i think the tags looks fine just as it is .
Love Lorraine xx
I know what you're saying. Sometimes a piece of paper is just too beautiful to cover up!
so Lin, are you actually saying that I do need these??
Hi Nicks,
Well.....I didn't think that I needed anymore ink pads but curiosity got the better of me and now I'm pleased that I tried them. They worked so well with my Distress pads and because of this gave me many more colour options when blending colours together. I would hate to say to anyone you need to buy these but if you are the inky girl that I think you are,maybe get a couple to try and see what you think. If you want to chat about colours, give me a call, I'll be more than happy to help.
WOW This is fantastic
Hope to see you at the NEC on Saturday xxx
Hi Sam,
I'm really sorry to disappoint you but I will not be exhibiting at the NEC this year.
With my sincere apologies, Lin
I totally agree with you about the purple. Not my colour either but those Nick Bantock inks are yummy!! love mine!!!
That is fantastic Lin, must dash over to your web site now to check out these inks!!
Jan x
Wow that is stunning. I now NEED some Nick Bantock inkpads!!..... it's all your fault Lin I wouldn't have known about them if you hadn't shown that wonderful tag!
Jan x
Hi Jan,
Glad you like the look as much as I do. I'm sorry the ink pads are not on the site yet....this is the story of my life. I need Mark, my poor long suffering husband to put them on the site for me. You can always ring the shop, we are happy to help over the phone.
Just popped by the web site and see that you have a blog - so thought I would say hi :) Thoroughly enjoyed today's course - a great day out
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