Now that the jet lag has settled, I've started to remember more of the great adventure that was Ranger U. So let's back track a bit to the things I actually made. Above is a snap of the tag book that I made during the two fantastic days with Tim, over 50 different techniques.....such fun!!!
Finally, I need to share our adventures with Suze.We had a trip to one of Suze's favourite sushi restaurants, well I'm not a fan of anything raw unless it is a fruit or vegetable but she took me under her wing to make sure that I ordered something that I would like. Well, I had the best terayaki (I have no idea if I've spelt that correctly) chicken on the planet, it was wonderful. After a great day at Ranger, followed by a great meal with great friends, you'd think that the day could not get wrong can you be. Suze invited us to visit her fabulous and I truly mean FABULOUS home. Leandra, Lisa and I were all treated to a tour of Suze's home. I'm not very often left speechless, but it was amazing. It is full of all Suze's treasures that she has collected on her global other word for it but gob smacking!!!
Suze also very kindly took the time and trouble to show us some of her favourite shops, you may have seen it on her blog already but you really need to see "Anthropology" in real life to get the feel of this amazing store. They have a fabulous display of old suitcases which now have table legs attached to them to make them into the most amazing occasional tables but the best part is that their display has all these tables hanging on the wall.....can you believe that.....I wish I took I photo of it!!!!
Suze, I know you love shopping....I'm not sure if you are a good influence or a bad one but here is the aftermath of our short shopping trip!!!
Hi Linda,
I am so pleased you have started a blog, it's about time
Sounds like you had a fantastic time over at Ranger U , love the samples that you made , can't wait to see what you ideas you have .
Boy would i like to visit this place Anthropology sounds like an Aladins cave , no wonder you had so many bags of goodies .
Love Lorraine xx
Terrific job! Looks like everyone had a great time!!! What a treasure trove of goodies and friends!
Linda Cain
Glad you got the melt pot madness. I hope it is catching, I feel very dissappointed in the fact that mine is stashed away in the bottom drawer when it used to be on the desk top. Can we have some melt pot classes please Lin?
Melt pot classes are definately on the agenda for next year, Deb, watch out for news later in the year reagrding all the details
shopping and creating ooohhhh perfect perfect day and its funny what gets to the bottom of the pile of craft items - and yep my melt pots come to the top again to play with
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