Pins are nearly finished....just need the pin bit stuck on the of Karen's many jobs today. If you would like to become the owner of a Lin handmade pin, you'll simply need to purchase some PaperArtsy of Ten Seconds to the value of £25.00 and one of these babies will go home with you. There are only 15 per day so you need to come early!

Some of my deliveries have made it here.......I have Wendy Vecchi's new Studio 490 stamps and Volume III of her fab books. And yes, Tim's new stamps are here too.

The Collections Elements order from Julie Van Oosten in Aus also got here....not entirely in one piece but it's here and looks fantastic.

Then last but by no means least Paperartsy. As you know, Leandra is my Arstcrafts partner in crime and has worked her little socks off this week to get my humungous order of her latest releases to me in time for the show. When we opened the box, look what was lurking inside......a box of PaperArtsy cool....and what a lovely surprise.....thank you Mark and Leandra........I'll be giving these away at the show'll need to come and see me personally for one of these.

So what will I be demonstrating.......metal stuff of course......PaperArtsy stamps and dies and a whole host of other stuff. When Leandra first released Hot Picks 1004 with the Grunge Flowers, everyone on the planet was making roses and we used these for that purpose but then I came up with another flower technique which is much faster and simpler but just as effective. These stamps proved so popular that Mr & Mrs PaperArtsy came out with Hot Picks Extra 02 and it's just full of more collaged flower images and the bonus.....they all have matching cool is that!!!

I think you'll agree that the PaperArtsy guys excelled themselves with the Hot Picks range, just scroll down through the pictures below to see what is in store for you.

Christmas designs as well!

And not just one Christmas plate....there's two!

Now as many of you know, I have quite a large stand at Ally Pally and there is room for two people demonstrating so .....drumroll please.......the very talented and ultra funny Linda Elbourne will be joining me again to share her talents with you. It is an absolute pleasure to have Linda by my side...there is certainly not a dull moment, we giggle a lot and eat lots of chocolate and most importantly have a ton of fun sharing our ideas with you. So if you coming to the show, stop by and say Hi.
We'll now I'm off to try and get my final shipment out of customs and delivered to the shop in time for the show.....I've sort of lost the plot with this now.....cross your fingers for me.
I'll be back tomorrow with details of my final giveaway.
Hope the packing goes well Lin and also hope the Saturday shoppers leave some stuff for me as I'll see you on Sunday.
Really looking forward to it.
Fliss (aka Felicity) x
Lin, everything looks stunning. I will be making a beeline for you once again!!
Everything looks fab Lin, have a great time, Judith xx
Hi Lin -
Everything looks wonderful. Wish I could go, but I live in the States - can't see my husband agreeing to my flying over - LOL! I am sure everything will be fabulous. Have FUN!!
Elaine Allen
Oh dear! I'm gonna need to bring lotsa cash! Lol! Looking forward to seeing you & Linda on saturday! Good luck with the rest of your preps!
Alison xx
i pray there's a video demo coming soon...??!!?!!?? wink!!
have a great time and eat lots of choccie :)
Thats a lot of stuff to pack, your gonna be busy busy busy :)
*hugs* Heather x (41)
Fingers and toes crossed!!!!Go get 'em!
Have a fabulous show. So much yumminess to choose from. Wish I could find a few hours to pop over and have a look myself! Alas. My rubber needs pressing. No way is that as fun. I know you guys will have a blast!!
OHHHHHH how I wish I could attend this AMAZING event!!! but alas....I will just have to live vicariously through your blog!!! I'm sure there is never a dull moment with Linda E around!!! hehehehe
Good luck! but I won't be stopping by, I am in canada...
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