Can I phone up to book, or come in person?
Will anyone get preferential or advance booking?
Does booking commence Monday 8pm BST (British Summer Time) or GMT (Greenwich Meantime)?
We will reveal the tickets on the PaperArtsy website at 8pm London time. And yes we are on BST at the moment, so technically that is GMT+1, just go on-line and check your world clocks if you are anywhere else in the world.
How is the classroom set up?
If you have been to ArtsyCrafts before you know the rooms are large, with good natural light, air-conditioning, and large round tables which means plenty of wing space for those of you with pointy elbows! (Sheila, Karen, Sally and Jennie were the pointiest elbowed peeps I could find -see piccie below) We have always comfortably fit 10 large round tables in each of the 2 rooms we regularly use, and that is how it will be for this ArtsyCrafts event too. We all like to walk around the entire room as we teach, and be able to easily help on a one to one basis every participant. There is no front, back or middle, you all get to face each other, and can all reach tools supplies in the centre of the table easily! Please note we do ask you not to bring large bags because they get in our way as we teach and besides, you don't need anything except a pair of scissors.
What other ArtsyCrafts events are you planning for 2011?
I am very excited to announce that I am going to become a Nanna again in March (my gorgeous daughter Sarah and Chris are expecting!), we are planning for May and October ArtsyCrafts events for 2011. So the Tim event is a very special 'extra' event in our calendar.
How can I ensure my booking is a success?
Make sure you are familiar with the terms and conditions before Monday 8pm
Your order will not get a green light unless you do the following:
1. Purchase a ticket and a lunch option
2. Enter the name of each ticket holder in the 'Order Notes
3. Leave accurate payment information in our secure cart.
4. Leave an accurate email address at the checkout, an error here and our cart cannot communicate with you at all.
5. Follow the rules of the terms and conditions eg. only book a maximum of 2 places!
Why do people outside the EU pay VAT?
Our shopping cart will automatically NOT charge people who live outside of the EU the VAT (sales tax of 17.5%) on this purchase. However we will need to make a manual adjustment to your bill so that you are charged the VAT because you will consume this purchase in the UK.
To make this process easier for us we suggest you pay via Credit Card rather than Paypal so we can make a manual adjustment to your total due at the time of processing. If you pay via paypal, and live outside the EU, we will send a request for payment of the VAT due to you when we get to your order, this hold-up will delay final confirmation of your place in class.
Can I be an in-class helper, pleeease?
Thanks for the offer, but we have a well-trained and efficient ArtsyCrafts team of Staff: The 2 Mark's, Karen, Lynne, Jo and Linda E. So we've got that covered! Tim of course has the amazing Mario and Alain (Ranger owner), and there are 4 mini-PaperArtsy-me's who are experienced at cleaning brushes, cut and dry foam and making tea. In other words, No, we're good thanks.
How do I get on the waiting list?
Email Leandra at giving your name, phone number(s) and the date you prefer.
When will I know if my booking is successful?
The cart will send you a series of automated emails as we work through the bookings.
• First you will get an automated order confirmation that the cart has received your order.
• As we work through the orders, you will receive a 'processing' notification to say we have started on your request.
• Once we have successfully confirmed we have received your full payment and added you to the class list you will get a 'complete' notification. This means you are in the class. This may take a few days or up to a week depending on the method of payment you use.
• Lastly you will get a 'dispatched' notification on the day we send out your ticket with the lunch badge. Expect these to arrive within a few weeks.
We hope this is a smooth process, and that our shopping cart stock control works efficiently as classes fill up. Please be patient, and take your time. We have a good system in place. Once you get your first order confirmation it's all good!
Lin, Leandra, Tim and our support teams are just as excited as you are! It's going to be AWESOME!! Hope to see you there.

Thanks for the info Lin! Just really, really hoping to get a place!! Cant wait 'til Monday.
I can't wait ... only 166 sleeps :0)
congrats on the Nanna news - I spoke to Liz and we think we will save our pennies and come and learn with you and the girls in May instead...
I know you will all have a fab time and you will teach us all the new techniques when we see you later in the year,
thanks for the opportunity...
Hi Lin
Thanks for all the info and congrats on the nanna news....crossing everything for Monday 8pm and at my age let's hope I get them uncrossed before February....hugs kath xxx
ooh, what a fab opportunity, I have even arranged my crafting coven to meet at mine tomorrow rather than our usual crop so i can get online at 8pm!
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