I've had a lovely, lovely day today....I had a day off!!!!! Caught up on a few chores this morning, went to get my hair cut then spent a fun afternoon with my two favourite little people Ronnie and Millie. Ronnie is now four and Mills is two so I thought it time to introduce them to the finer things in life.....stamps and ink. Most importantly, we did this at their very new and very expensive house where nearly everything is white!!!! They loved it, not so sure if Kelly (my daughter and their mum) did!!! Millie loved the Adirondack Raspberry ink pad best and Ronnie loved all the colours. In fact the ink pads are now all the same colour, a mix of Raspberry, Red Pepper, Stream and Meadow!!! Millie is a bit of a poser and happily shows off in front of the camera.

Ronnie however, is a tad more shy and decided to try and hide in his wardrobe!!!
I think they may be in for a long spell in the bath tub tonight with a scrubbing brush......but they loved it and so did I. The price to pay for a fun day......an evening with a stack of paperwork. I really have to try and get this stuff to my accountant......it's last years accounts, so I'm only a teeny tiny bit behind. I have been saying this for weeks, no actually, make that months so I really do need to it soon or I'll be in big trouble.
See you tomorrow for WOYWW.
Lin x
I always love to see pics of these two - they are so cute!! Glad to see you're encouraging them to get inky!
Wonderful photos of your little people Lin. Thanks for sharing. I'd best go get some crafting done or there'll be nothing to show on my desk tomorrow. It's far too tidy, Lol!
Lesley Xx
ooh how your daughter must have been chuffed with you, if and when I have grandkids Im gonna let them have a nice long afternoon nap and then fill them up with sugar and fizzy drinks before sending them back to their parents, LOL
you arent making a mess with the childen, you are making memories xx
Oh so lovely your grandchildren. As you say, some of the best times at this age.
you cannot start them young enough, (specially when you're not in your own house)
great photo's
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