So it was an another early start yesterday....Linda and I left home at 6.45am.......headed up to Wellingborough to pick up Karen who had previously warned me that the road through Wellingborough had been closed but it would be fine as they had diverted traffic signs everywhere. Well, there was one sign at the beginning of the diversion, so we ignored tom tom who has recently been re-named Ruby Tuesday, and followed said sign.......yes, one sign, plurals involved here whatsoever!!!! Having ignored Ruby, we decided we had no option but to follow her instructions now as we came to a T-junction and have not got a clue if we should go left or right! Now, I have to admit, I am making this sound more dramatic than it really was but if I had been driving on my own I would never have spotted the "diversion ends" sign which was hidden behind a tree!!
Anyway,we arrive at Karen's and head up to Crafty Notions in Newark for a lovely, lovely day....a tad hot but lovely none the less! It was a retailer training day and it was soooooo nice to be sat sitting down with a pile of stuff to play with (fab goody bag too) and not be teacher for the day. It was an opportunity to play with product that I had heard about but not played with before. We came back with a whopping great big box of stuff for the shop, which the lovely Karen will have the pleasure of sorting out this morning. I'm not going to tell you what we have just yet, as I can't remember exactly what I did put in that box, But I'll be sure to let you know when Linda has it on the's all wet stuff.....inky and painty gorgeousness. It's going to be fab for journaling.
We had a bit of a play making some tags with the techniques we had just been shown. Made a few flowers and finally a little Christmas they are in all there glory!!!

A close up of my Twiddlybitz painted snowflake. I chucked some gold embossing powder on it when the paint was wet....loved this effect.

My tags and flowers.

Close up of one of my flowers.

Close up of my tags.

This one has to be my that tree stencil!

And last but not least......she's seriously gonna kill me when she sees this......Linda enjoying her giant (it was nearly as big as her) creamy, jammy, puff pastry, six foot long cake!

Take care, Lin
Ha! Ha! At least you didn't take one when she had cream on her nose which would have been the next thing to happen if it were me.
Newark is just down the road from me an I keep meaning to get to one of Crafty Notions open days but haven't made it yet.
I love the tags, etc., that you made. Such gorgeous texture on there not to mention the fab colours.
Lesley Xx
How fab a day you had!! I'd have got cream on my nose too! Can't wait to see all the new goodies on the website!
Woo fantastic work and lovely for YOU to be inspired instead of being out the front... I always wonder who teaches the teachers...
Love the artwork. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
LOL at Linda ... it doesn't surprise me (shaking head) :D no wonder she's worn out eating all that cake ! :o)
Love the flowers and tags and ..everything ..all gorgeous x
You could have airbrushed me ... mind you all those chins may have taken some time :0)I think that would make a good profile piccie for CS :0)
Looks like you had a great day, and the samples look amazing!
Poor are so naughty!
Wish I had your inspiration your works are fab !
looks like you had a fab time, the cake looks tasty too, I'd have been another one with cream on my nose :)
Wow the flowers and tags are gorgeous!!! How did you achieve what looks like a stencilled metallic effect?
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