Wednesday 1 February 2012


Well, this week has not be so productive in the crafting department....too many boring chores and errands getting in the way, but never mind I get to play to my hearts content for the next four days at the Bluewater show, so I can't complain.

Today is also the day when I do a spot of babysitting for my grandson Seb and it also turns out, it is also his mummy's birthday today. My oldest daughter and the gorgeous baby Isla who has been poorly with an ear infection this week, joined us for a birthday lunch which was just lovely. We found out that baby Isla is quite partial to a bit of Thortnton's chocolate and fudge cake.....I know, I know.......we're bad parents and grand parents but she really has been quite poorly!
So what exactly is on my desk this week???? Well I did managed to do a little bit of work on that giant book that I am altering. I spent most of one evening cutting quite a sizable niche in the back half of the book. I figured it wouldn't be quite so boring if I watched a bit of TV at the same time. The next day, I got out the paints and set about painting everything black with some mushroom around the edges. I know that sounds really drab but I plan to do some white stencilling over the top at some point.
So what's going in the niche???? As you may have gathered from previous posts, I am on a bit of a fabric kick at the moment so I figured, a stamped piece of fabric, all padded and embellished with hand stitching would look quite nice in there so with my trusty Ranger Black Archival ink pad, I stamped loads of Lynne Perrella images and painted them with Fresco paint.

It may take me a while to do all the hand sewing, but I really quite like that, it's very relaxing.

That's me for today, I'm off to cook Shepherds pie and then snoop around a few of your desks. So if you would like to join me in a blog hopping jaunt click on over to Julia's blog for all the info.

Stay warm, Lin


  1. Looking good Lin.... could not be doing with all the sewing though... not for me lol. Love Cynthia #2 x

  2. The book looks super interesting and the fabric, well stunning!!!love the colours!!!yummy.hugs trace x

  3. I love the colour you chose for the book, and it will look great with white over the top. I am about to follow an online course for altering books (fellow WOYWWer Elizabeth of Elizabeth and Bleubeard fame - is about to do one... watch this space!)Maybe this time I will actually start one!!

  4. that is quite some book you are busy with. Love all the stamping and inking etc on that page.

  5. Ooo love the book altering and the fabric stamping is gorgeous, looking forward to seeing the finished stitched piece! Hope you get sewing machine soon! Have fun at Bluewater for the show. Kim

  6. http://www.gypsyczech.blogspot.com1 February 2012 at 19:30

    Love the niche! You are so talented. Can't wait to see what you do next. dix---

  7. Looking very interesting I cant wait to see how it evolves .

  8. I love to see a bit of hand sewing - have fun. x Jo

  9. The book is looking great. Love the fabric but definitely something I would struggle with! See you at Bluewater tomorrow perhaps!?An yes, this weather is not looking too great for shed studio work but I can't bring everything inside as there's too much!

  10. I am looking forward to seeing the finished book, your distressing is so good I actually thought it had been burned! anyway, waving hi from the hills of NC :)

  11. Wow, such a great and "novel" idea! Wonderful!!

  12. great looking projects you have going on. I have thought about doing a book but...chicken I think. I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #90

  13. Looks fab, really great book. Hope you enjoyed this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  14. What an interesting page, so much to look at!

  15. Oooh that book looks fabulous... i would have it filled with woodland theme... faces on trees etc... it just looks perfect for it!!

  16. I'm sure it'll be stunning when it's finished!
    I'm working my way through this weeks WOYWW - I’m slowly getting there!

