Monday 6 February 2012

I'm home!!!

Well that was a fun few days. I've been staying with Mr & Mrs Paperartsy since Thursday as I was demonstrating for them on their stand at the new show in Bluewater water. I'm really liking the venue.....a craft show......shops.....restaurants.......shops...... free parking......shops...... all under one roof. oh, did I mention that there a few shops there? Shopping aside, the show has a lot of potential to become one of the biggest craft shows on the crafting calender due to it's location. The majority of customers we spoke to came from the Kent area and they are absolutely delighted to have a show of this size virtually on their doorstep. Of course the only problem really was the weather but that is out of everyones control, the weather could interfere with any event at any time and at any location and this is what we woke up to on Sunday morning.

Mark and Leandra have the most amazing view from their kitchen window and this was taken early on Sunday morning. They live on a farm with a drive that is a mile long and this usually causes them their biggest headache. Having said that, luck was on our side on Sunday morning as just 10 minutes before we were due to leave, we heard the tractor clearing the snow from the lucky was that? So although it was a slow and steady journey to get to the M25, it really was a good journey and the staff at Bluewater had also made a great job of making sure that access to the shopping centre was clear too.

I was a bit concerned about my journey home to Milton Keynes which is about a two hour drive, so having spoken to my Mark to see what conditions were like at this end of the journey, I left the show early in order to get home in daylight. I am really glad I did as although the motorways was clear of snow, visibility was not great in places due to the amount of spray and fog!! Then J14 on the M1 was closed with the traffic tailing back to past J13........guess which junction is mine? J14 !!!! So I left the motorway at J9 and drove up through Dunstable which although slow, was moving all the way.

So enough about the weather, let's chat about the fun stuff. Leandra and Mark had some very nice new goodies on their stand. They have a new range of stamps which will be known as their Vintage range. They are not completely new images, they are selecting their favourites from previous Ink & The Dog plates, re-sizing them and collating them together on Hot Pick size plates and I have to say, the first six are more than pretty good!!!! There are more on the way and I will share the new ones with you tomorrow when I have taken better pictures of them.

Of course there was the new colours of paint which were recently released and I have firmly established that Hey Pesto, Claret and Beach Hut and my three firm favourites....I think I may have used them on just about every sample I made!!!

Brand new stencils from Crafters Workshop, loads and loads of new wooden goodies to work and the cutest of cute little wooden buttons....everyone needs a pack of these. So if you missed out on this show because of the weather, get yourself to the Stevenage show next Sunday because Leandra has my old stand space there, right inside the door!!!! The show is at the Leisure Centre, Lytton Way in Stevenage and I believe doors open at 10am. The show is organised by the girls at Stamp Addicts so if you need any ticket information, I'm sure they will be able to answer all your questions. I am going to be at the show too, I will not be on Leandra's stand all day but I will be demoing for a while. Once I have confirmed the times with Leandra, I'll let you know but just so you know, Stevenage is a great little of my favourites and I feel very lucky to be able to still catch up with you all, courtesy of Mark and Leandra,.

Now that I have waffled on way longer than I had intended, I think I should share some of the samples I made over the weekend!!!

This one was really quite tricky to photograph as it has a sheet of acetate over the front and the lights were reflecting quite badly.

This next one is very pink for me but I do really like it, there's a little piece of stamped fabric stapled on the the tag which was painted with Fresco really loving this technique!

The next one is like a book cover and as well as paint has Portfolio Pastels on it too. (Did you know that you need these....everyone needs a set of these!)

And last but not least, paint and stencil techniques:

So as you can see, I had a fun time playing, oops should really say working, for four days. Thank you, thank you, thank you to my dear friends Mark and Leandra for the opportunity to work with your amazing line of products and for looking after me so well, you guys are the best!

I'm off to unpack my sewing's finally arrived!!!!!

Stay safe and warm,


  1. Glad you had a fab time despite the weather, the samples are lovely and yay for the new machine, have fun sewing x

  2. Woohoo, glad you all had a brill time, loved all the samples the stamps are gorgeous!
    So glad the sewing machine has arrived, have fun, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!
    Jeanette :)

  3. Great to see the samples again here, and I really hope the snow goes quickly so I CAN get to Stevenage on Sunday! I need to spend some money though I must be good (work situation still!).... Glad the sewing machine finally arrived - bet you're in full play mode already. Ok, back to the proper job now!

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous samples! I've been poorly all weekend and bed-bound, and these were one of the very first things I saw on the computer when I stumbled downstairs! Such a lovely treat. . . . . and am so pleased that the sewing machine has arrived -- can just imagine you buzzing away with that in the next few days!!! Have lots of fun -- you most definitely deserve it.
    Love - S. xoxo

  5. Loving all your samples :) Have fun with the machine
    xoxo Sioux

  6. It was lovely to see you and Leandra on saturday and the samples are all yummy...the vintage stamps are great and the new masks...and paints..and of course everybody has to have the portfolio pastels!!!
    I also think the show will be a big hit...lovely venue and being literally off the M25 should be quite easy for most to get to...looking forward to September
    Have fun with your new toy
    See you at Stevenage!!

  7. I love your samples they are wonderful's hard to choose a favourite ....thanks for sharing x

  8. From that first paragraph I got the impression you weren't impressed with the shops!!!

    Lovely to see you, although you must have slipped something in my coffee because I hadn't meant to buy more that Ugly Cat Crayons.

  9. Lovely samples as always Lin - and a PINK one!! Ooooh! New favourite colour?? Lol!! It is gorgeous though. Have fun with the sewing machine. Carol x

  10. Fabulous samples as usual Lin and I am really looking forward to those new stamps - I don't have many of the early ones, so I will have the opportunity to remedy that lol!!! So sorry I did not get to the show - Trudy has sent me an email attachment of the tag, thank you so much, I can't wait to get my gruby mitts on it!!

  11. was great seeing you Lin,really wanted to find out about pan pastels but totally forgot to ask you, oooopss, will have to catch you at AP instead, enjoy your sewing machine cant wait to see what you do with it, mwah x

  12. retiring certainly hasn't affected your creativity, the projects look amazing, loving the pink one

  13. These all look fabulous Lin and glad you had a good time playing. Hope I might be able to get to Stevewnage on Sunday - not sure yet, but I might see you there.
    Enjoy experimenting with the sewing machine.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  14. I'm very glad you made it home safe & sound. Glad too that your new toy has arrived, I look forward to seeing the first results.

  15. Sounds like you had a fabulous time - soooo upset you and Leandra won't be at the NEC in March - Stevenage is just that bit too far for me :(
    Your demo samples are brilliant (as always)
    Looking forward now to some samples produced on your new toy - have fun

  16. Woohoo sewing machine is in the house! Good times. Forgot to ask if u got the arch door. Thx for coming down. Was pukka! Next time I'll book u in for an oompa loompa spray tan at amy child's salon in Brentwood !!!!! Roflolling
    Leandra xx

  17. love all your gorgeous samples lin and what a beautiful wintry scene...OK to look at but a blinking nightmare if you have to travel...thank goodness you made it home safe...hugs kath xxx

  18. It was lovely to see you and Leandra on Saturday. Great samples! I am glad that you had a safe if long journey home. Cant wait to see what you get up to with the sewing machine.
