Tuesday 31 January 2012

Q & A

Since closing the shop, I have been kind of inundated with questions via my blog and by email and although I have answered all the emails, there are still a few unanswered questions via my blog. At the risk of repeating myself, I thought I would take just a few minutes today to answer those questions as best I can.

1. Will I be at the NEC in March?
A. Sadly no as Leandra is not booked for the March event due to other commitments....so sorry!!

2. Where did I get the fabric that featured on my blog recently?
A. There's a fabulous shop in Weedon called The Bramble Patch....it really is fabric heaven....here's their website, you should check it out.

3. Mikki asked - How did I make the bars on the jewellery piece on my blog post on 28th January?
A. The silver bezel came complete with the bars. I got it from the nice people at Ice Resin. Having said that, they do sell all sorts of other cool jewellery making items, it really is worth looking at the website and blog, they make the most amazing pieces.

4. Caroline asked- Will I be at Stevenage for the show at the Leisure centre on 12th February?
A. Yes, I will do a short stint of demoing for Mark & Leandra but the rest of the time, I am actually going to snoop around the show as a paying customer....that will be a treat for for me, I'm really looking forward to it.

5. Julia asked - Will my classes all be local or am I going on the road?
A. Well, I am supposed to be putting my feet up a bit but starting July, I have fixed dates (one per month) with the lovely Steph of The Bead Scene, Potterspury, Northants which is where I am going to be teaching most of my own classes. For those of you who will be travelling a fair distance and want to make it worth your while, I have booked some dates as a whole weekend, so some of the classes will be two day classes. Details for these will be announced once I have the projects made.Oh, and very conveniently, there is a travel lodge just 5 minutes away!!!

With regards to teaching further afield, I am teaching in Holland at the beginning of March at De Craftorij, if you are interested, I think there are just a couple of spaces left on one of the classes, email Lia through the website for details. Other than that, I am looking at each invitation to teach at other stores as just a one off,  a now and again type of thing. If I accept all the invitations, I'll be working full time again and I really can't let that happen, but I promise I will give every invitation careful consideration.

Now this is a question for you guys. Mark and I had some serious email issues over the Christmas period and well into the new year. Basically, we didn't get any!!! Well that's not entirely true.....some were re-routed to my phone bit I do know that we didn't get all our mail. Our problems are now resolved and you can email me again on my old email address linda@lbcrafts.com or yoursartfully30@yahoo.com but I just wanted to ask you, if you emailed me during this time and I didn't reply, it's not because I was ignoring you, I just didn't get the email, so please do re-send it, everything is working fine and dandy now.

Well, I hope I've addressed everything, if I've missed your question, shout at me!!!

Stay warm, Lin


  1. Hurrah! I am going to Stevenage (as long as it doesn't snow) so will see you there - either behind your counter or shopping!! Can't make Bluewater this weekend (can't afford 2 weekends splurging in a row...!)

  2. I'm going to Bluewater so I can't afford Stevenage. I hope to see you somewhere during the year, Northants would be lovely.
    I am NOT looking at the fabric website, can't afford to start another addiction. :)

  3. Hi Lin, I don't need any other incouragement to buy fabric! You're as bad as Leadra!! - v. Bad influence on me!! Lol!!
    Haven't got time for either show sadly - but I'm sure I'll catch up with u somewhere soon. X

  4. Disappointed Leandra won't be at the NEC in March I always spend a good part of my day entralled at her demos. Will have to look out for where you will be appearing together that isn't too far for me to travel.
