Wednesday 8 February 2012

WOYWW 8th February 2012

How can it be Wednesday again....the weeks certainly do fly by when you're having fun!! Wednesday is always a fun day....a day to blog hop your way around the world to see what other WOYWW'ers are up to. If you are completely clueless about this Wednesday ritual, just click here to hop on over to Queen Julia's blog to find out what the heck I'm talking about.

So what exactly is on my desk this week.??? Actually, this week it's my kitchen table but there in all it's glory is my shiny new sewing machine.
For those of you who are regular visitors here, the saga finally comes to an's arrived and it's fabulous. I have lots to learn but it does some amazing stitchery!!!

These are just a couple of test scraps so that I could see what fancy stitching looks like in real life instead of  in the book......I'm really quite impressed!!!

So today's post is a short one as my sewing machine is calling me. I'll be round to check on your desks tonight.



  1. Oooh a lovely new toy to play with. I hope you enjoy it and have hours of fun sewing with it :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Karen #90

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fabby stitches! Have fun ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Looks wonderful! I know you'll have fun mastering your new toy--ahem, I mean tool!
    Deb M

  5. Tooooooo much fun! Contemplating a new one myself but then I would definitely need a 10 day week and 5 day weekend....and DT deadlines with an escape hatch! Only working two days a week now and and am always short of time! Have great fun with your brother....was just admiring these... and thought of you.

  6. Coo, even I can get excited at that... love the one that looks like leaves. Who'd have thunk you'd need so many different stitch patterns.... Hope to see you Sunday.

  7. Oh my goodness!! Those stitches are fabulous! I hope you have a great time with your new toy.

  8. I can see why you don't want to spend too long away from your new machine, those stitches look amazing, have fun playing xxx
    hugz Minxy x

  9. What fab stichy bits!!!I would not know where to start!!! Have fun!! Hugs trace x no44

  10. fabulous new toy everything in sight is going to be stitched..can't wait to see some gorgeous stitchery creations..hugs kath xxx

  11. oh wow very impressive...hope you're having lots of fun....look forward to seeing all your new creations!!

  12. Lovely shiny machine. If it was mine I would keep stroking it. When I bought mine some 30 years ago it was state of the art and I was thrilled with it - not a patch on yours. It has buttons and look at those stitched leaves, wow! Can you tell I'm impressed.
    Ann B

  13. Oooh man, tht looks fearsomely complicated! Hope you enjoy every stitch to come!

  14. Wow ...looks fantastic ...I got a simple machine last year ...big mistake not to see it in real...spool is so akward I cant thread it ...thick fingers and useless eyes in the dark ...I am going to give it another go now that I've got over being such an idiot. lol.
    LOVE your pages below ...fantastic colours.

  15. ohhh very nice..much flasher stitches than mine does! We will have to share i guess!! LOL

  16. Ooh love your new machine and the stitching is just fab ! Looking forward to seeing what you make next ! Sue C x

  17. I'm impressed! I found myself looking at fabrics today, had to walk away very quickly. :)

  18. super looking machine Lynn, have fun

  19. Shiny new machine how fabulous!!! love those stitches quite amazing have fun this week getting to know your new toy, Hugs May x x x x x

  20. Well you had to wait for it so I'm not surprised you are playing with it, I just can't believe you took time out to visit some blogs!

  21. Wow ! what a lovely sewing machine and gorgeous stitches you have practiced with too I hope you have loads of fun with it .
    Enjoy your week :0))
    Fuchsia 145

  22. Loving your stitched scraps, methinks you are going to have heaps of fun with your new toy/tool

  23. What a fabulous machine. I'm sure you will have a great time making things on that. It does a heap of fabulous stitches. Have to admit I'm in awe of people who can sew. I am hopeless with a mchine, always break the cotton halfway through.
    Have a great week.
    Von #26 :)

  24. ...that is one awesome'll not want to stop playing!...mine just goes backward & forwards...have a fab week...Mel :)

  25. Oh what fabulous stitches...Looks like you will have lots of fun with this.

  26. Oh it's always great to get new stuff.That will keep you busy for hours some lovely stitch settings.Have fun!Have a creative week Happy woyww

  27. Fab machine, though I admit I can't sew! Thanks for sharing & enjoy this weeks WOYWW, I've been nosing around all the fab desks as I try to visit everyone! Zo x 83

  28. Oh, nice! Love all the stitching. Can't wait to see what you make!!!

    Happy WOYWW

  29. sewing in your journal

    oh yeah, it is so wonderful to have the ability to add the sewing element into journal and canvas work.

    if you are interested check out the classes at the Beetroot Tree, Draycott, Alyson Midge something dooo dar ( she's lovely)


  30. YAY! Looook....Sewing Machine....Oooooo...lovely! Have fun with that little baby! Kim

  31. I can see you are gonna have so much fun playing with this new toy.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  32. The new sewing machine looks fabulous Lin, have fun playing with it!

    Love your fabric journal in the post above too.

    Thanks for already stopping by my desk this week :)

    Sherry (8)

  33. What a fun new toy to play with! I love the fancy stitching it does!

    Happy WOYWW (on Friday!)
    Katie #18

  34. Oh you lucky thing what a fab sewing machine, those stitches lok fab. Enjoy
    janet #167

  35. oh yes Wednesday seem to supercede every other day of the week as it comes around so quickly
    Bridget #51
