Tuesday 7 February 2012

Bits'n'pieces kinda day

Today has been a very strange day......I've done a little bit of lots of different things. Had hoped to work on an Artsycrafts project today......that all went out the window when I discovered my substrate was way too small, so that will be a job for another day. I've been food shopping, walked the dog, lots of phone calls  with Leandra, made some chocolate muffins, played in my altered book a little bit. Cut some fabric for a fabric journal.....hoping to put that together tomorrow afternoon and now I'm exhausted. How the heck did I ever have time to go to work???

So yesterday, I promised to show you Paperartsy's new Vintage stamps....so here goes.....six new plates in total

I think you'll agree that all of these are a must have. Mark and Leandra will have them available on Sunday at the Stevenage show and I'll be sure to be using them there in my demo. I have confirmed with Leandra my demo time for the show, I will be on the stand from 10am - 2pm showing you what I've been up to lately, so stop by and say hello, it will be lovely to see you.

Would you like a little looksee at the progress of the altered book?? It's going to be one of those on going projects where you have a little dabble, think about it, come back to it and then another little dabble. So today's dabble was to add some stencilling to my already prepared pages. Kinda like the way it turned out but I need to put my thinking cap on for the next bit.

OK so that's me for today.....I'm off to cook tea. Hope to be back tomorrow with a fabric journal.......fingers crossed.



  1. Oh!! wow Lin!!! Those new PA plates are a real must have!!! Love your journal, its coming along nicely!! I still wonder sometimes ow I ever found time to go out to work full time, it is amazing all the things that crop up to fill your time!! xx

  2. Your book is looking good - even though it looks dark, those turquoisy flowers really jump off the page!!

  3. I told you that you would wonder how you ever found time to work LOL, time just disappears. Glad you are enjoying being creative and your altered book is fabulous. Tracy x

  4. Mmm... Nice stamps = empty purse! Love the book - tis coming along nicely. Looking forward to seeing your fabric book - I'm guessing the sewing machine's a hit!!!

  5. The fabric journal sounds intriguing - you're obviously getting to grips with your new machine?! The altered book is gorgeous too.
    Weather permitting I will be there at 10 - can't wait to see you and some amazing demos.

  6. Sounds like my sort of day! So glad I saw you and Leandra doing your 'thing' at Glow as I can't come to Stevenage. Did buy 2 of those new plates, the rest are on my constantly updated wishlist :), as are all the Fresco Finish paints I don't already possess. Ooh, ooh, just looked on PaperArtsy website and saw there's another Glow show in September, will you be there too?

  7. Love your altered book tis looking fab .......would love to see the fabric journal. The new stamp plates are fab I particularly like 01 ez . Fab x

  8. Your book looks fab so far and someof those stamps are yummy!!!hugs trace x

  9. I'm liking the altered book a lot! See you on Sunday.

  10. love the colours on the book, nice and grungy with a touch of bright x

  11. OOOH love all the new stamps ! Really love your journal pages . If I were jet set rich I be jetting over to your demo.

  12. More stencilling. U know u want to more more more!! Lol. I bet you 2 choccie muffins a fabric contraption goes in the niche!

    See you Sunday diva

  13. LOVE every stamp! And your book is looking wonderful!

