Thursday 9 February 2012

Girls play day

Team LB got together for a play day today and what a lovely day we had. It's the first time that Karen, Linda E. and I have managed to all get together since I closed the shop. We have been trying for some time but due to sickness and other commitments we didn't manage to pull it off until now, but it was definitely worth the wait. We spent a lot of time talking and not that much time creating but that's OK, we had a lot to catch up on.

Anyways, I did do a double page in my giant journal. It started out with a few bits of printed tissue paper stuck on with Claudine Hellmuth's matt medium. Then a few book pages and some scrapbooking paper. Lots of layers of Paperarty's Fresco Finish paint.Stencilling with Crafters Workshop stencils and more layers of paint. At this point I wasn't in love with it and then I remembered something that Donna Downey does.....she adds tape to her pages. Now I have used tape on my pages in the past before I saw Donna using tape but I had always just used masking tape or Tim Holtz tissue tape, Donna uses tape of all kinds so I thought I would give it a go and I'm really glad I did as it kinda pulled the whole thing together. I had some washi style tape that I got at Christmas by their stuff!!

I used my white and black Sharpie markers for the text and came over the top with orange Pan Pastel. .....I forgot how much I like those too.....wonder how they work on fabric????? Maybe that's an experiment for the weekend.

I'm hoping that the close up shots give you an idea of how many layers there are on this's quite a few, I sort of lost count.

I just popped out to John Lewis to buy more thread for my sewing machine......have already used up a whole that I can continue with my fabric adventures in the morning. It's snowing again outside, hope it doesn't amount to much, I'm not a snow lover at all.

Stay warm, Lin


  1. Wow Lin this is gorgeous! The layering is just stunning. This retirement lark is definitely suiting you ! Sue C x

  2. How nice that the three of you spent the day together -- lovely. And, amongst all that chit-chat, you managed to make a gorgeous journal entry. Very swish! Thanks for showing us.
    Love from me -- xoxo

  3. It looks fab, Lin! Love the colours (very you!) Sounds like you had a great day with Karen and Linda...
    See you Sunday.

  4. Testing, testing, testing the comment button.....hope I've got the problem fixed!!!

  5. Fantastic pages. Love what your wrote. Lee x

  6. That's a gorgeous couple of pages ! Love the colours and detail ... & I'm glad you all found some time to play :)Hope you didn't get too much snow !
    Take care x

  7. The pages look wonderful! So many layers, so much to see.
    It must have been great all together again, and to do some playing too.
    Please send the snow to me, we didn't get any, and I LOVE snow!
