Friday 10 February 2012

Fabric Journal

I've just made my very first fabric project with my shiny new sewing machine. Well, a girl has to do something fun to cheer herself up when her washing machine dies and goes to that great big white goods graveyard in the sky. My washing machine wasn't exactly a spring chicken any more but I loved and needed it anyway. Oh well, worse things happen at sea I guess!!!

Anyways, enough whinging, back to the fabric journal.......when I set out to make this, I had no plan in my head, I kind of figured that I would work it out along the way which is what I do with ink and paint. Don't get me wrong, I am pleased with my journal but I do now realise that I should have put a little more thought into it's construction before I stitched it all together, but do you know what, it was probably a good exercise for me because now I realise that when my students say to me "oh, you make it look so easy, it comes naturally to you", I can completely understand what they mean. I always had it in my head that it is easy doing what I do but of course it's only easy if you know what you are doing. So to all you lovely students that made that comment to me in the past, the penny has finally dropped and I do now know exactly what you mean.

So here's the front cover, it's not an elaborate journal, I just wanted something with a few pages in that I can scribble a few thoughts on.
I used some of my lovely, lovely fabric that I got from The Bramble Patch last week, really love this fabric, think I may need to get some more.

All I've done is to add a few little pieces of plain fabric to each page to write on and I thought that if it needed any extra embellishing, I would do that once I've written on the pages.

Right, that's me for today......I'm off to walk Missie Meg the dog.


  1. Ha ha -- I'm the first comment!!! It's gorgeous, Lin!!! The finished goodie is lovely, and the colours are so delicate. Wonder what you're going to write about in the journal? More fun making that than using the washing machine!!!!
    Stay warm --
    Love - Sally xoxo

  2. Oh this is just gorgeous! I love how you have put it all together and I marvel at your sewing machine skills as mine are so woeful! Sorry to hear about your washing machine - thinking mine might be on the blink too so I might meet you Comet! Enjoy your snowy walk!

  3. I loved the fabric when I first saw it and even more now it is in the journal, pretty yet sophisticated.
    Hope you enjoyed your dog walk - ours was a street walk today and she couldn't wait to get back home to the warmth.

  4. I seem to be following Gabrielle round leaving comments today... hmmm!! Love the fabric journal - what are you using to write on it with? Maybe I need to buy a small basic machine to do some crafting.... yikes, stop!! See you Sunday.

  5. Beautiful Lin colours are lovely. Happy sewing
    Jeanette :)

  6. Tres yummy, loving the lace and buttons as well, are you going to bring along on Sunday, I'd love a closer inspection! jo xx

  7. Stitching, ink and colour - what more does a girl need??? ~Looks fabulous - I'd be too scared to write in it although you could document your washing machine saga!!! Stay snug...

  8. Love the colours of that gorgeous fabric...what a fantastic first attempt :)
    xoxo Sioux

  9. What a fabulous idea to sew up a fabric journal. I love your new journaling you have taken up. I am just trying to get started in it myself.

  10. yes indeedy a gung ho attitude does not always lead to the most well designed thing, it could be worse

    I sometimes watch my videos and think - idiot - why didn't you measure it first???

    it is good to be a novice in some areas

    it reminds us not to take our expertise for granted.

    your journal looks great

  11. This is beautiful!!!sorry about your washer!this is fab and I love the colours the fabrcs are beautiful colours!hugstarce x

  12. The journal is gorgeous but oh dear! I might just have to branch out yet again.
    It is so inspirational to see how you continue to take crafting to a new level.
    Anna xx

  13. love that Lin the colours are great and the fabrics you have used are lush too, glad to see you are enjoying your new toy ; )

  14. Lin this is truly beautiful. Lee x

  15. So talented! I love it - I think that your best 'message' though is that we should just 'do it' and 'have a go' - who knows how something might turn out

  16. Hi Lin
    Fantastic journal and loving the colours. Looks like you have taken to you new sewing machine very quickly. What medium are you going to use to write in your journal?
    Sorry to hear about your washing machine. I can recommend the new LG direct drive machines as i got one a few months ago. Very quiet and economical:-)
