Wednesday 4 January 2012


I wanted to post on my blog today so that I could once again join in the fun of WOYWW. I have been so busy for such a long time that I found it really difficult to blog on a regular basis let alone trying to time it for Wednesdays. Hopefully, I can remedy that now that I have more time on my hands and join in each week as it is a lot of fun hopping and snooping around blogs and desks of others. The other reason for my post today is to have another stab at blogging from my new iPad and hopefully upload a photograph this time. For those of you who asked what App I'm using, I'm not yet entirely sure if I made the correct choice but I opted for Blogger+. I'll let you know when I have everything figured out, I hope it does everything I want it to......let's wait and see!

So my desk today is a small desk in my old, tiny workroom (the one I used at home before Mark built my fabby new studio). It has become a bit of a dumping ground whilst I try and find permanent new homes for all my stuff and artwork from the shop. I came across artwork that I had completely forgotten about and the altered book you can see was my very first attempt at altering anything. It was quite a simple project, but I do still really like it.
I have a photo.....yippee!!! Now that I'm starting to understand the format a bit more, me thinks it's going to be easier to blog from my iPad instead of my laptop. Ssshhhh, don't tell anyone I said that though just in case it all goes pear shaped!

So if you would like to join in the WOYWW fun, click here to head on over to Queen Julia's blog for all the links.


  1. YAY you have time


    see I will love reading you blog, this is GOOD, you will love retirement -



    ps nice desk top and I adore anything book and altered - close ups please....

  2. Welcome back to WOYWW! Hope we'll be seeing lots more of you in your fab studio very soon!

  3. Welcome back to WOYWW - so pleased you will now have more time to let us all have a regular snoop at your desk. Enjoy your retirement and make the most of it. I finished full time work two years ago and found the first 12 months very strange - guilty that I didn't have to 'do' anything - soon got over that.
    Ann B

  4. I love using my ipad to post to my blog. By the way, I've found the app Blogsy the one I like best. Happy WOYWW! Enjoy your retirement - I'm sure you'll find all kinds of fun creative things to do.

  5. Well done for making it to WOYWW. The book looks great on your desk. You seem to have got to grips with the iphone. The only downside is that I can't click on your photo to get an enlarged view, and I think I could on your lap-top posted blog. I look forward to seeing your desk when you get into that wonderful studio. Don't expect to have lots more time now you are retired; I seem to be busier than ever, but at least I chose what to do and what to refuse, and there are no more deadlines to keep to. Kate x

  6. Well done...time at last and congrats on managing to get to grips with your new ipad.
    Kyla #21

  7. Glad you are enjoying retirement. I remember that book so well, so much to look at, it must have taken you ages. I look at my lovely Star Book we made at one of your classes, fab day and times.
    Sheelagh T.xxxx

  8. Ohhhh I love your altered book, it looks amazing from what I can see. I'd love to see it in closer detail any time you have the time to show it. Lee x

  9. Wow well done on getting a photo on from the iPad, impressive!!happy new ear and happy woyww, hugs trace x

  10. happy new year lin...loving your altered book...thanks for the crafty snoop...wishing you a happy 2012...hugs kath xxx
    P.S. thinking of getting an I-pad but would the old technophobe brain manage to cope

  11. Lovely to see you on here Lin. How on earth do you blog from an iPad. I know I have tried in the past but it was showing in HTML code or something (not that I know much).
    I wondered, when I saw your post, who you did your first altered book with. Mine was with Leandra.
    Hope to see you on here every week now - no excuse - so just go and enjoy your new studio, your new way of life and everything that goes with it. Above all, stay happy. Hugs, Neet (yes #1 again - pure flook)

  12. Hi there - nice to meet you!! I love the look of that altered book, but Doone is right, pretty please could we have a close up to appreciate all the details :D
    Happy new Year!
    LLJ #33 xx

  13. Glad you are going to be blogging - would love to see some of your projects - the older ones too please - to be honest Lin I would come and 'tidy' in your workroom any day :o))

  14. Lovely to see yoU Lin, bet you've had no time to consider yourself a retiree!! I'm on iPad too, but haven't tried blogger+, although generally I pad and blogger don't like each other...I used blogpress on my phone, but it won't even open on the pad! Anyway, will enjoy seing your early stuff as you find room for it, your first altered I bet that feels like it was a lifetime ago!

  15. All the altered stuff looks great. I haven't got the hang of posting from my new iPad yet, but loving it anyway. Happy new year

  16. That altered book looks awesome! Haha - I am ipad clueless :) Goodluck figuring it out!

    Katie (138)

  17. Hello I am late visiting I know but decided I would visit everyone this time. Have just looked at your next post as well- I love your studio and the altered book- I have never tried doing that. Have a happy and Creative 2012. Anne x

  18. Wow love the altered book, I had a look inside it and a good nosy around your crafty area on your post on Friday, all the artwork is great but I loved looking at all your goodies as well :-) Kezzy
