Monday 2 January 2012

Been shopping today

I'm really gonna try hard to post on a more regular basis now that I have more time on my hands. Just hope that I can find interesting stuff to tell you!!!!!!

So today's post is a bit of a test run for me. I was a very lucky girl this Christmas, Santa popped a iPad in my stocking and I'm trying to figure out how to use it to post on my blog. So far, so good but I'll reserve judgement until I can actually see it on my blog. I think I may just stick to text for today though and try photographs next time. After all, too much excitement for one day can make a girl all giddy!!!!!

I can hear you thinking that's not very exciting! Well, I guess it's not but when I tell you that I've just bought a new car today too, maybe you'll understand that my excitement levels on a scale of 1-10 are about 10+!!!! I'll be collecting it from the garage on Saturday morning and the most exciting thing is that road tax on the new car is just a few pennies compared the the whopping £250.00 to tax my Vectra!

So tomorrow everyone returns to work and I can honestly say that it feels more than a tad weird to be unemployed. Please don't worry though, I have no intention of being completely idle. I'm off to PaperArtsy World HQ in the morning to catch up with my Franich buddies and do a spot of planning for upcoming events.

OK so now that I'm all typed up, where the heck is spellchecker on this thing? Found the preview button but no luck with spellchecker. Let's hope I'm good at spelling!


  1. Love my iPad, but I still haven't worked out how to add photos to my blog. Hopefully you will be able to help me soon.

  2. Was playing with my brother's iPad at Christmas - have to say it puzzled me a bit! Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, for many reasons!

  3. Wow an iPad and a new car - you were good last year for Santa!!
    Enjoy yourself tomorrow at PaperArtsy HQ, at least you won't have to worry about what's happening at the shop now and rush back.
    As for work I was back in last week which was lovely because the 'phones were soooo quiet - bet that won't happen tomorrow.

  4. I'm impressed technology has me baffled, I just shout for my son to fix everything but I am going to try harder this year

  5. Wow - who's a lucky girl...... An iPad and a new car. I wish you joy with both. I was lucky enough to get a Samsung galaxy tablet and am still playing.....can't find out how to add to my favourites at the moment, but am sure we both will get there!!!

  6. I just got the blogsy app for blogging on the iPad. Still learning tho. Ohhh i was hoping to see the newcar tomorrow!!! So what did u get???? Spill!! See u in the morning. Not too early I hope!!!! Might have to get up b4 9am otherwise!!! Lol

  7. Lucky you. I'd love an ipad but really can't justify the expense and I probably wouldn't know how to use it anyway. Hope you have a good day tomorrow

  8. Vroom Voom!!! enjoy yoir new car..
    Good luck with the IPad but I am sue you will soon sort it out!

  9. Lucky you on the ipad and the car! I'm considering an ipad as I need a new laptop but not sure , let me know how oyu get on and I might reconsider! jo xx

  10. Love my ipad. A friend was talking about blogging from the ipad today. What app/software are you using?

  11. Haven't dared to try an Ipad yet, but I did get a Kindle for Christmas which I love, love, love. Maybe now I can clear out some of the hundreds of books I've got about the place. Haven't ventured into my craft room since before Christmas, mainly because it's become something of a dumpimg ground and before I can start being creative I have to find my desk! glad to see you're enjoying retirement.

  12. Wow - iPad and New Car!

    Enjoy yourself Lin - Happy New Year.


  13. Love the look of the book Lin but a slight disappointment for me as your pic won't enlarge. I guess it's something to do with the ipad? I always like to click on pics as I'm nosy and like to see the little details, lol!

    I must be getting old as I have now desire for an ipad. My brain just won't keep up with all these changes in technology ;). I wouldn't mind a new car though, lol!

    Lesley Xx
