Friday 6 January 2012

Old Altered Book

Thank you all for your lovely, lovely comments recently. Everyone loves getting comments, it kinda makes you feel the effort of posting on your blog is worthwhile when you you receive a bit of feedback. Talking of feedback.....the whole blog posting saga from my ipad continues. Thinking that I had the whole thing finally sussed and managed to upload photos and feeling really quite chuffed that I had managed to do this, I now find out.....thanks to your feedback......that you can't click on a photo to enlarge it if I post using blogger+ on my ipad!!! For today's post I have reverted to my laptop but if anyone knows how to fix my little problem, I would be very grateful or your advice.....may have to swap to another App!

Many of you asked for a little peek inside the Altered Book that was on my desk on Wednesday. This was the very first thing that I had ever altered. I didn't go to any classes or anything, I just found a book with a theme that was interesting to me and messed around in it. In those days I was in love with Walnut Ink so virtually the whole book is brown!!! Of course I would do things differently now but that's the learning curve you go through. Anyways, here are some of the pages from said book.

From the huge pile of artwork that came home with me from the shop, I've been carefully selecting pieces that I would like in my house. This is quite a challenge as there is quite a lot of it!!! I have always loved polymer clay and finding the following two pieces reminded me just how much I do like it so these two pieces are now sitting in my bedroom.

I've also been hanging some of my favourite bits and pieces in my new studio so it's starting to feel less clinical and more homely now.

I just had to keep the metal sign that I made for my exhibition stand, out of all the pieces I have made, this is one of my favourites.

Penny and Bob have settled in nicely too.

A few more of my favourites.....was really hard to choose.

I think I am finally ready to start playing again.........have got a few experiments lined up for next week, then I'll be working on some ideas for Artsycrafts and some other exciting but top secret stuff!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend......I'm very excited, picking up my new car tomorrow morning and all the family coming for dinner on Sunday.
Lin x


  1. I love the book you have made and how fabulous to have a studio like that!

    Emma - The Sparkly Fairy

  2. Fabulous layout in your studio, great to be able to display some of your favourite artwork. Love your book. Enjoy your new car and your family get together. Tracy x

  3. What a great space! Nice set of tins too ;) Love all the artwork on the walls!!!

  4. How fabulous that you are surrounded by all these 'old friends' - I bet you're enjoying seeing them anew in a different surrounding! Hope the car is wonderful (and smells all new!) and that you have a fab weekend x

  5. A wonderful altered book and your first! Love the zip!
    I have added blogger+ to my iPad, but still not able to upload photos. Not sure what I have missed. A visit to the Apple store, I think.

  6. I am so enjoying your posts. I love all your art work, and would have a big problem choosing what to display!
    What is your new car? Enjoy it!

  7. So nice to 'see' you still blogging and sounding relaxed.

  8. What a fab book - and I love the studio with all your great art on show. I can only dream..... both of similar beautiful work - and a studio! (heck, a desk to work on would be nice!)

  9. Loved having a peek into your wonderful altered book, the zip is genius! I'm a new follower having taken the opportunity to acquire some Darkroom Door stamps in your retirement sale. I always stop in awe at your stand at Ally Pally and hope you will still be around these shows in the future:)
    Val x

  10. I am so pleased you decided to show some close ups of your altered book, as I remember seeing it on show on your stand at Ally Pally. I loved it then and it still looks good now. Your studio is looking great with all your art work on the walls. Have a great weekend. Jean x

  11. So much to see and what a fantastic studio space you have there Lin decorated with all your fabulous art. Love the zip in the altered book, very clever and intrigued with the 'top secret' things you are doing are you the new Jane Bond?

  12. How lovely that you can take your things and still have room to display them, they look great. Your book looks gorgeous too.
    have fun with your new car.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  13. so why don't you?

    alter it more?

    books are never finished, stories always have next chapters...

    I can see why the metal sign stays
    and you just reminded me that I haven\t blogged my 'for altering' present from Mr Doone - hmmm will it fit on my desk for weds? we fell on the floor laughing en masse when I unwrapped it....


  14. The book is fabulous - can see why you are still pleased with it.
    As for your studio it is looking stunning with all your bits and pieces - are you sure you retired to spend time with the family and not just hide away in there :)
    PS - enjoy the new car

  15. What a beautiful altered art book, you have great imagination, the zip is so clever.
    Von #18

  16. Ohhhhh I love your book and that zip page is genius. Your room looks amazing. Lee xx

  17. I am reading your blog from my iPad and I have no problem enlarging the photographs. love the book and your studio. Enjoy your new car and have a great weekend.

  18. A stunning book and wow what fab artwork!!can't wait to see all your fab creations in your new room!!! Hugs trace x

  19. Fantastic book Lin, gorgeous in fact! I'm jealous of that studio now that I've realised how big it is - grrrh!

    I'm glad Penny and Bob have settled in though, moving is so stressful :)

  20. loving the chance to see your amazing art in your new workshop,hope Penny and Bob have settled into their new home.

  21. Love the altered book. Your walls look very welcoming.

    I see you enjoy "Really Useful boxes as musch as I do. I have half my suitcase filled with them with each England trip.

    Enjoy getting to know your new auto and have a great time with Family Sunday.

  22. happy new year to you! i enjoyed my peek of your studio. it is amazing! and i just love love love that needlework book. i love the brown and all the stitching and zipper. i guess you can tell that i really really am swooning over it! thanks for sharing! hugs,
    peggy aplSEEDS

  23. Your studio is looking wonderful with all that gorgeous art on the walls & I love your altered book.

  24. Love the book! Studio setup looks great too. I find that my own workspace is constantly changing and expanding. I have 6 project boxes and when they're all full it's time to actually finish something!
