Monday 12 December 2011

L.B.Crafts closed it's doors today!

It has been rather a strange day today......Karen and I closed the doors on L.B.Crafts for the final time. We have been mad busy for the last couple of weeks shipping out tons of orders which stripped the shop nearly bare.
 As you can see, there's not very much left!!
 This will make my task of clearing out the shop so much easier. I know I have thanked you before but I am truly grateful that you guys helped me out by shopping so well, I can't thank you enough.

Having said that we have hardly anything left, we do still have some Ten Seconds Studios moulds that I would rather sell than take home so I have put together some fabulous deals for you.

EDITED 15th December 2011 - sorry website now closed

Just so you know, although the retail shop is now closed, the website will remain open for orders until 19th December 2011, after that date, this facility will cease too.

Take care everyone, Lin


  1. All the best Lynn, here's to the future and time with your family. You will enjoy every minute, trust me I speak from experience. Tracy x

  2. It's sad to see you close but good luck to you and Karen and thank you for all your wonderful offers from the shop .....enjoy your grandchildren ....have a good festive period x

  3. Oh Lin, I can't thank you enough for all you have done, it has been a pleasure visiting you, karen & the aladins cave that was LB. I wish you both all the very best in pastures new. You are one of lifes true gems ... have a lovely christmas, speak soon. xx

  4. Wishing you lots of happiness for the future xx

  5. Hello Lin, thank you so much for everything. I wish you a wonderful retirement.

  6. It is so sad to see you close, but hopefully this is the start of a wonderful new adventure in your life.
    Merry Christmas xxx

  7. I should think you and Karen must be feeling a bit sad and wishing you all the very best for the future.
    We'll all miss you a lot too.
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
    Fliss xx

  8. Wishing you and Karen all the very best. Thank you sooooo... much for all the fab classes, and every trick and technique that you've taught me. I wouldn't be half the crafter I am now without you guys.
    Big hugs, Karen x

  9. Dear Missie Linda (and including the lovely Karen, too): I think you both know how very much I will miss you both in the shop (N.B.: I did say "in the shop" -- I hope to be in close contact with you both "out of the shop" for a long time to come!). You have both been so precious to me -- staunch supporters in good times and during moments of feeling a bit down. And such wonderful goodies to lift spirits and bring on the smiles, not to mention all the sensational things I have learned from you over so many years. I shall feel so lost without the magic phone number to dial . . . but I'll manage; and I wish both of you all the very best you could possibly hope for -- you certainly do deserve it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Let's hope that Father Christmas is good to us all, that we have a Happy Holiday Season, and let's start 2012 roaring: "here we come"! Much love to both of you from your pal, Missie Sally xxx

  10. Have a great retirement if such it is!!! thanks for all your ideas and good luck to you... you are certainly one of a kind, girl

  11. The phrase "when one door closes another one opens" seem particularly apt for you and Karen at the moment. Although you have closed the shop this opens the door to many more exciting times ahead - not least more time with your family and those precious grandchildren of yours - enjoy yourself.

  12. Dear Lin

    Wishing you all the best for the future. I really enjoyed visiting you and your Alladin's cave of crafty goodness and instruction. You have taught me such a lot are have been a wonderful inspiration.

    I should image that you and Karen are both feeling a little sad at the moment, buthave the future to look forward to, and the delights that it brings.

    Love and hugs to you both

  13. Wish you nothing but the best in your next adventure - visiting LB was truly one of the highlights of BOTH my visits - won't seem right next time I come - may have to see for myself that it's really not there any more. I still hope to come one time and do Artsy Crafts with you & Leandra.. fingers crossed! Look forward to continuing to see you in blogland though! Don't disappear!

    Lots of love - Ellen xxx

  14. Best Wishes on your well-deserved retirement!


  15. Best wishes to you and Karen for the future. I popped in on Saturday for a last spend up in your shop and feel sad It was the last time, but as they say all good things come to an end. Hope you have a Great Christmas and New Year. XX

  16. Lin, it's a sad day for us, but the start of an exciting new phase for you. I have loved visiting your shop and your stand at Ally Pally. It has been brilliant and I have learnt so much from you and your team.

    Wishing you all the very best for a new fulfilling future and I look forward to more inspiration from your blog.

    Elaine x

  17. All the best with your future plans


  18. Sad that this day came, but you can keep on smiling. thanks for your past inspiration and am sure you will be back with more in the not too distsnt future. Enjoy your retirement and your family, they are the most important things in ones life. Keep on smiling, swee you at Artsycrafts!!!!!

  19. Thank you Lin for everything you have done for us. For the wonderful range of goods you sold, for keeping us up to date with goods you saw in America that were new to the market, for sharing your expertise, for having a fantastic shop to visit with lots of goodies for sale and the most luscious items on display and for being you.
    You will be missed, but hopefully we will still be able to see and share with you the delights of ArtsyCrafty events once a year.
    All the very best for your new direction, I hope you will be very very happy doing your own thing, in your own time (and sometimes in fluffy slippers)and in your new stamping den.
    Lotsa Love
    Neet xx

  20. I will miss your inspirational demos at stamping shows, but wish you a happy retirement - enjoy spending time with your family. x x

  21. I Lin ! Iam very sad you have stopped your shop.... I'm french, and I have met you in version scrap, I was your most crazy customer, Domitille. will you continue your blog and will you come at version scrap in 2012 ??? Oh please, tell me you continue....
    Thanks for all you gave me and all you have learnt to us
    Sorry for my poor english

  22. Well, the week before Christmas I paid my annual visit to my favourite ever craft shop and stood outside the doors in disbelief and wept! It will leave an enormous hole both in the heart of lovely Olney and my crafting life but a big thank you for all the joy you've given me in recent years. Tragedy xx
