Thursday 15 December 2011

Website information

I just wanted to let you all know that I have taken the decision to close the website slightly ahead of our scheduled date. I had previously announced that the website would remain open until the 19th December, but quite frankly, I have nothing left to sell you!!!! I have the odd jar of paint, a few stamps here and there and one or two alcohol inks so I think you'll understand my decision to close it down early.

Everyone is asking me if I intend to continue with my blog and my answer is most definitely. I am really looking forward to have the time to start creating stuff again which will of course will give me something interesting (hopefully you'll find it interesting) to blog about.

In the meantime, thank you all once again for all the guys have been amazing!


  1. Thank YOU for all the wonderful bargains!

  2. hope you can get the time now to put your feet up and enjoy Christmas, lookng forward to seeing your next creations
    hugs and best wishes

  3. I hope you'll now get a chance to have a well earned rest. Have a wonderful Christmas, recharge your batteries and let those creative jusices flow. Thank you for all your inspiration and friendship over the years.

  4. Well done you! Hope you and Mark have a fabulous Christmas and look forward to seeing your amazing work on your blog very soon!

  5. One of the reasons your shop is empty - a good proportion of it is on my craft table, and on the floor, in the drawers, in the cupboard.....
    Thanks for all the bargains.
    Have a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and a craft filled New Year.

  6. Thank you Lin for my boxes, looks like i got in again just in time!! Have a fabulous Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year xx

  7. Thanks for the bargains ........enjoy Christmas and your family x

  8. So glad to be catching up with you and good luck Lin, it has been such a pleasure being at your shop and ordering my bargains on the web site - I will miss this. But I am looking forward to your blogs and hopefully workshops next year.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a well-earned rest with the family and my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxoxox

  9. blub blub sorry and happy at the same time, cant wait for xmas day to open my packages, (excite dance) :)

  10. Thank you for those bargains that my other half bought me for Christmas, a lot of which I've never tried before! Can't wait for Xmas day now! Have a great rest, a very merry Xmas and a happy new year! Maria x

  11. So glad for you... I shall wait with baited breath to see your creations
    Merry Christmas

  12. Boo hiss! about the shop.

    Hooray! for the blog continuing and you resting and coming back in the New Year.

    (Can you tell I've just got back from a panto?)
