Saturday 10 December 2011

Normal service has been restored

Well, that was quite a day!!! Technology is fantastic when everything runs smoothly but when it all goes pear shaped, it certainly turns you world upside down. We have no idea what the heck happen to our website last night/early this morning except to say that it reverted to it's status as of 10 days ago which meant that it was showing that we still had a whole load of products in stock that we didn't actually have!!!! It is all fixed now and should be pretty much up to date, so please feel free to snap up the last few of the bargains.

The shop is now nearly empty of guys have shopped your little socks off and made me a very happy girl as I now don't have to worry too much about any left over stock.....I don't think there will be much at all. So just to confirm, the shop will close it's door to the general public at 5pm on Monday but the website will remain open and we will be happy to take telephone orders until December 19th.

Many of you have asked me what I intend to do with all my classroom equipment. I have two groups that I will be donating supplies to and once I have had a chance to sort out the workshop, I will be selling off some of my used stamps. I will post details of this on my blog as soon as I am a bit more organised.

Have a wonderful weekend, Lin

1 comment:

  1. So glad that everyone have been helping to clear the shelves.. If you need a home for any of your wonderful artwork, you just let me know, i'm sure i have room for a piece lol
