Wednesday 28 September 2011

Ally Pally.....done and dusted

It's now Wednesday and I am only just starting to feel human again after Ally Pally. It was great to put faces to the names of some of my blog followers and wonderful to see all our regular customers again. Even though it is really hard work, it is also a lot of fun. It's a great excuse to play with all my favourite things for two full days without feeling guilty that I should be doing something else more important. I started out the show with every intention of taking a photo of every sample I made before giving it away and I did manage to do that for a couple of hours then it went completely out of my head!! Anyways, here are a few pics that I did manage to take.
These samples were all made using the fabulous Paperartsy and Dina Wakley stamps along with Pan Pastels. The colours are so rich, I really love this effect. Not many people had heard of Pan Pastels at the show and have been asking about classes. My Pan Pastels class is completely booked with people on the waiting list so I have decided to add another one to the schedule. It will be on the same date, Friday 28th October 2011 but it will be an afternoon session starting at 1.30pm til 4pm. If you would like a place on this extra class, call us at the shop on 01234 714848, bookings can be taken over the telephone.

Can you believe the beautiful weather we are having today......Olney is just stunning when the sun shines. This was the view along the High Street this morning.

Well that's me for today, I'm off to do some ordering.


  1. Still gutted I missed Ally Pally, the samples look cool,The sun is out here too although I am now off to work!! booo
    Make sure you order a ton of dina stamps in prep for the up coming class.. Im sooooo excited :P

  2. Those colours are gorgeous. Stunning tags. x

  3. I enjoyed my first visit to Ally Pally, and seeing you in action. I'm back in Spain now, trying to find homes for all my new stash. I had to post a DHL parcel to take all my excess luggage! I'm looking forward to some playing time now. Kate x

  4. Ohhh! I know that view along the High Street! Beautiful! Wish I could pop over for a visit... love your samples from AP show... hope all is well!

    Ellen xxx

  5. It was lovely to see you & Linda on Saturday! Thank you so much for the beautiful tag you made me.
    Enjoy the sunshine!
    Alison x

  6. The day has been fab here too, but my high street isn't as pretty as yours! It was great to see you and Linda and spend time absorbing (hopefully) your ideas- on Saturday and (as you have seen!) I am loving the pan pastels.... will be saving up for some more now!

  7. Well, Lin, those samples made my eyes water -- they are just luverly! Did you use something like Crafters Workshop stencils on them? So very beautiful. Will I ever be able to do all that? Time is ticking -- see you soon!!! Love and thoughts - Sally xx

  8. You did a great job Lin and I am hooked on the pastels, have made 2 things already.
    Fab foto of Olney, it won't look like that next time I see it!!!
    Take care.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  9. Beautiful, you're a bit far away for a workshop...

  10. Beautiful tag! Love the colours!

    xx Tessa

  11. Oh! The High street and your samples looks fabulous! Pan Pastels seem to be the way to go! Hoping you have a course next year as I can't make this one as it's half term - damn children!

  12. Those colors are amazing! Stunning creations!

  13. simply gorgeous....
    awesome colors..


  14. I couldn't get to AP this year, so it's nice to see some of your work. These tags are gorgeous.
