Thursday 22 September 2011

Ally we come!

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go.....where to????? The Big Stamping and Scrapbooking show at Alexandra Palace this weekend. Now when I say my bags are packed and ready to go, that is true but the gazillion boxes do actually need to be loaded into Mark's van when he's finished work tonight!

I actually feeling calm and looking forward to this show as pretty much everything has arrived. I'm just waiting for my next order of Dina Wakley stamps and a US order containing my Picket Fence Distress stains and Limited Edition Distress pads and we are all set. I have tracked both shipments and they are scheduled to arrive tomorrow, cutting it fine I know but compared to the usual stress levels, we are doing pretty good. I can even remember one occasion when Mark went to the airport late on a Friday afternoon to pick up a shipment from our freight forwarder ready for a show the next day.......that really was cutting it fine.

Anyway.......we have some lovely, lovely products for you guys........beautiful Pan Pastels.......which are one of my new found loves and I will be demonstrating with these.

We have all of Paperartsy's fabulous new Hot Picks......loving the industrial/steampunk all works extremely well with my Ten Seconds Studio products.

Some of Tim Holtz brand new Ideaology lines have arrived, they are Halloween and Christmas themed as are his seasonal Kraft Resist 12x12 pads.

Then........drumroll please......this was a shock arrival, didn't think we would have any of these yet.......Tim's Burlap canvas panels. I only have six of them though, so if you would like one of these babies, I suggested you come bright and early!!!

Now these little birdcages have to be one of my favourite new lines......they are beyond cute!!!

Lots of Ranger goodies, including the taster size of Claudine Hellmuth's Studio paints

We have all the new colours of Ranger's Perfect Pearl Mists and Distress Stains.

And lots of new artwork to inspire you.

So if you are heading to the show this weekend, stop by and say "hello" it is always nice to put faces to the names of people who leave lovely comments on my blog  or who are Twitter friends. I'll be there demoing my socks off with most of the above products......hope to see you there.



  1. Have fun !
    Hope it all goes well for you

  2. Oh dear, I need too much of these new goodies..... You sound dangerously organised this time round... don't want to tempt fate so lets leave it there. See you on Saturday, bright and early indeed.

  3. have a fab time at the show! this is when i miss living down south, there are no big stamping events up here (that i have found anyway!). still I'll see you at ArtsyCrafts (i'm saving up for a shopping spree, all those lovely new things!!!!)

  4. Those samples look amazing, only sorry I can't be there to watch you demo those Pan Pastels!Have a great show.

  5. Really wish I could get to the show Lin, but not to be this time. Have a super time and see you there in the Spring xx

  6. How I wish I could be there. You work so incredibly hard - and your team - and create an amazing 'stand' I don't know where you get your stamina from - I could do with some!

  7. I would love to be there - but it is a bit far to come! I live the other side of the world.

  8. Looking forward to seeing what fabulous goodies you have, and watching one of your great demos. x x

  9. ally pally was great. Thankyou Linda B, for showing us how to use the pan pastels, i'm going to have such fun using this new medium. Thakyou linda E, for showing the new perfect pearl mist, i picked up the gold one as you suggested and i'm sure its going to be my favourite too. THANKYOU and keep up the inspiring work. karen
