Saturday 1 October 2011

And the winner is..........

..............Sue C who said:

I've been watching with interest all of the wonderful things you've been making, Lin, with Pan Pastels. I love making my own backgrounds so would love a chance to have a 'dabble'. I've posted a link on my side bar for you too :-)
Sue C
Congratulations Sue C., you are now the proud owner of 12 Pan Pastels plus a pack of applicator sponges. Please email you shipping details to me and I'll send them on their way to you. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I do, they are dead easy to use and simply beautiful, the colours are just amazing!!



  1. Congratulations to Sue! I am sure this win will be well used!

  2. Woohoo ! Thanks Lin, this is fantastic ! I can't wait to have a play with them. I've sent you an email with my adress details. Thanks again !
    Sue C

  3. hiya sweetie
    thank you so much for the chance
    sue congrats hunni, enjoy your prize hun
    have a great weekend to all
    hugs angelique

  4. Many congrats Sue . Enjoy your prize
