Tuesday 14 December 2010

Tim Holtz giveaway

As it's nearly at the end of the year and in celebration of all things Tim, I've got a bit of a surprise for you guys. I have a blog givaway!!!!!! It has been quite an amazing year this year where Tim is concerned, so if you are new to my blog let's do a little recap of events. The beginning of the year Tim launched tons of fabulous new products with Ranger Industries, who of course are masters of all things inky. The guys at Sizzix produced Tim's wonderful dies and embossing folders which have just turned out to be the hottest products on the market....we can't keep those babies in stock!!!! Oh, and I mustn't forget the Vagabond, Tim's electronic die cutting machine......this will be available here in the UK in February. Then of course Advantus produced Tim's Ideaology range and I have to say these embellishments have to be my favourites, I love to be able to add lots of detail to my work and these gorgeous goodies help me to do that with ease. Tonic are the manufacturers of Tim's brilliant scissors and last but not least Stampers Anonymous manufacture Tim's range of stamps.
During the summer I got an email from Tim inviting me to be part of his design team. I could not believe my eyes when I read the email, I must have read it three of four times before I convinced myself that it was from him and not one of my friends playing a game on me. I enjoyed every moment of the challenge, it made me push myself just that little bit further with my creative projects as I now had a standard to live up to. Sadly, due to Tim's overwhelming commitments, it wasn't something that realistically he could continue with. If he can't give something his all, then it is better to not do it and I admire him for admitting that he is only human like the rest of us and it was not to be, but I thank him for the opportunity and I will always continue to use his products as I just love them.
Next came the breaking news that Tim was able to accept an invitation that Leandra and I offered to be guest tutor at one of our Artsycrafts events next February......how lucky are we???? Leandra and I are also teaching at this event but how excited are we to be able to offer a class here in the UK taught by Tim himself. It is a unique opportunity and I have no idea why Leandra and I were so worried about selling the tickets as we managed to sell them all in under forty minutes!!!!! We would have been happy if we sold them all be the end of the year....I think we were a tad naive don't you???
Tim is more than generous when it comes to sharing his ideas, techniques and creativity and just like the last few years, he didn't disappoint us, this year he came up with another "12 tags of Christmas" to inspire everyone. If you havn't seen Tim's step by step instructions for these tags click here and all will be revealed, you really need to check this out.
So as the year comes to an end and we eagerly await CHA to find out what Tim has in store for us next year, all you have to do to have a chance of becoming the proud owner of the bundle of Tim's goodies is to leave a comment here on my blog, mention the giveaway on your blog with a link back here....simples!!! It's a scrummy bundle of stash......good luck......I hope you win. The winner will be announced on New Years Day.


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G Peplow said...

Wowzers, what a gorgeous giveaway, Thank you so much for the chance to take part, I'm excited already and a Happy Christmas to you:0) xx

Lisa said...

Wow, what an amazing array of goodies. Tim's such an inspiration to all of us crafters. Sounds like quite a year doesn't it! Hope 2011 can top it!

Janet said...

How lucky you were to be chosen for Tim's Design Team. It's too bad he's too busy to keep it going. But I discovered you through his website! Your work is inspiring. Thank you.
And Happy Holidays!

Hilda said...

Wow Lin, what a fabulously generous giveaway - you really are amazing!! I dint have a blog but am putting the link onto my favourite craft forum - hope this counts!!!!!

Bine said...

There must be a great feeling to work with the Duke of distress. Thanks for the great examples that I could admire your blog. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a good start in the new year.

Greetings from Berlin/Germany

chrissy o said...

wow what a great giveaway thanks for the chance to win and happy christmas!!!
hugs chrissy o

Wendy said...

Ooh...That's quite a treasure, and the winner will be VERY lucky! Thanks for your generosity. Merry Christmas.

Tracy Evans said...

What a fabulous selection of goodies. I love the Tim embellishments and use them all the time in my artwork, the more the merrier LOL. I also enjoyed looking at your DT pieces they were all inspirational. Have a wonderful Christmas and Best Wishes for The New Year. Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies, I will post on my sidebar on my blog. Take care. Tracy Evans x x

Rainbow Lady said...

Wow what a wonderful lot of Tim's goodies here. Thanks so much for the chance to win it.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year and see you in February. xx

Ellie Knol said...

This is very kind of you!
It will be a good start of the new year to win those beautiful goodies!

Helen said...

What a fantastic giveaway, Lin!! When you read it in one go like that, it does make for quite a year! I am linking the giveaway as we speak and will keep my fingers crossed.

Sherry said...

That's quite a year! Thanks for the chance of winning your fantastic giveaway - you can never have too many of Tim Holtz wonderful products! I've added it to my sidebar already!

Hope 2011 will be as good, if not better!

Anne Jagger said...

Ooooo that all looks fabulous. What a generous giveaway - thank you. Somebody's going to be a very happy bunny. Off to post a link on my blog.
Happy Christmas!

Steph martin said...

What a fabulous giveaway Lin. You were a great addition to Tim's design team - what a shame it couldn't last longer. Can't wait until Feb to come on the Tim event and to do a workshop with you and Leandra :)

theboelemas@aol.com said...

Fab giveaway, thanks for offering the chance to win. I've posted alink in my sidebar. Have a great Christmas and sucessful 2011. x

Bernice Hopper said...

Wow, thank you . What a fabulous giveaway. Have a great Christmas

Maureen in Mass. said...


Pauline h said...

I love Tim holz products.just got a new die of his .Fab giveaway!!s.

Lulabelle said...

Lots of lovely goodies there!!!
Thank you for all the inspiration on your blog and in your wonderful shop!
Happy Christmas & New Year to you and all at LB

christa said...

What a fantastic giveaway. It would be brilliant if I won these goodies as i'm just beginning to be more arty in my crafting but i never seem to have the tools etc that i need to try all the different ideas I see on your blog or Tims etc.

Minxy said...

You have indeed had a hell of a year Lin, and it couldn't of happened to a nicer lady.
I'm just so gutted i missed out on the tim tickets as i was taken into hospital the day they went on sale, how unlucky am I.. still maybe he'll come back to artsycraft again, well my fingers are crossed anyway!
I did get to play along with his 12 tags for the very first time this year which was wicked.
Your candy is very very generous so it would be rude of me not to put my name in the hat x Have a lovely christmas hun, and all the best for 2011 xx Minxy xx

Trish said...

Wow, it has been quite a year for you! Thanks for the great giveaway, and as always we follow your inspiration (with Tim's products and more)

flutterbycrafter said...

What an amazing year you've had Lin, it's been wonderful in the main, apart from the fire of course, and I hope 2011 will be just as good for you. Fabulous blog candy, will add it to my side bar to spread the word. thanks for the chance to win. Have a lovely Christmas with your family. xx

Stephanie said...

WOW...what a wonderful give-away! That is so cool that you got to be a DT member for Tim...very very few people can say that!! How exciting to have him come teach a class with you. Loved his twelve tags this year and I'll love it next year too! I will put a special link on the right sidebar of my blog linking to this give-away!

DeeDee Catron said...

I started following when Tim decided he was disbanding the team so that I could keep a better eye on my favorites - How exciting for you to see him this coming February! Can't wait to see what you all do in your class - Across seas is a bit out of my range, but it never stops me from being inspired =) - can't wait to see who wins this fun bundle!

Ineke Original said...

Just love this!

ScrappyDandyDoo said...

Wow, wow, wow what fabby blog candy :D
I have posted it on my blog :D
I have thoroughly enjoyed playing along with the 12 tags for the first time, and still can't believe this time last year I just did not GET TH!!! LOL
Now I'm an addict!!!
Julie xx

Joanne said...

I am a total fan of all things Tim and with that have spent so much money this year on items that I wanted - sorry NEEDED! Having said that, I see many goodies of his in your picture that I don't have!! How could that be??? I therefore hope to put that right by leaving this comment and adding the details to my blog. Thanks for the chance.

Karin said...

What a fabulous giveway.
I'm looking forward to breaking up from school so that I can make a start on trying out some of Tim's inspirational tags.
here's my link

Happy Christmas Lin. At the rates time is flying it won't be long before February's class :-)

Sarah A said...

Great giveaway and what an amazingly exciting rollercoaseter year you have had!!

I have posted your giveaway on my blog

Sarah x

Kath Stewart said...

what a fabulous give-away lin and I can't wait to meet you and Leandra and of course the man himself on 25th February...counting down the sleeps...have a lovely christmas...big hugs kath xxx

Scrapbookdoll said...

this giveaway rocks, unfortunately i don't have a blog, but i would love to have a go at this because i'm wild about tim's stuff...

Siobhan Brignull said...

ooh I hope Im lucky and win, but thanks Lin for a brilliant year of creativity from you

Martina said...

OMG, this giveaway is fantastic and generous! I´m thrilled! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your draw.
Wish you a Happy Holiday Season.

Scrap Vamp said...

Talk about generous! Wow, those are a lot of goodies! Thanks for giving us the chance to win them!

Daniele said...

what a great crafting year its been,truly inspirational work, great tutorials and a lovely shop to indulge our crafty shopping and now a chance to win some goodies....looking forward to 2011
best wishes

Unknown said...

Wishing you a very happy - and hopefully restful Christmas.

Thank you so much for the chance to enter such a fantastic giveaway - every crafters dream Christmas present.

Off to add this to my blog

Sharne Gregory said...

What a fabulous giveaway. I love his products. Happy Christmas and a very creative New Year!

Unknown said...

Forgot to say - it's a big link at very top of my sidebar.

Good luck everyone

Carol Plume said...

what a fab give away - must say I love all things T!m and you've certainly done a wonderful summing up of his year!

I was one of the lucky ones that managed to get a ticket for his big day over here in the UK and I can't wait!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

donnalouiserodgers said...

linked and everything, come see my sheepdogs... - dx

Sarah Somerset said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah Somerset said...

I'll never forget that evening of excitement, buying the tickets and waiting for the emails to come through. And now as each day goes by the anticipation of receiving the actual ticket is just too much to bare. Roll on 2011 and the final and still unbelievable finale :-)))))))))
Looking forward to the sale too.
Sarah x
PS posted it on my blog

Barbara said...

Hi Lin

Thanks for a great giveawy. I have to say it was Tim's tags that got me feeling its christmas time. I too discovered you blog from Tim and enjoy visiting your blog. Happy holidays

kjjc said...

What a lovely thought.How kind. thank you for the opportunity. Hope you and yours have a lovely christmas.

Netty said...

It was my first year of Tims tags for Christmas and it was a wonderful adventure and loved every minute of it.... I will certainly display your terrific giveaway as LB Crafts is a most amazing shop as is your blog of tutorials. So please enter my name into the draw. Many many thanks. Annette x

Anonymous said...

I recently started to follow your blog (from a lead a friend gave me:) and I am excited to see the give away - how very, very generous of you!

:) Linda

Deborah said...

Wow, what a generous way to celebrate another year of sir T!m. Thank you! Off to add a link on my blog, then crossing my fingers until the draw is announced :-)

Unknown said...

I so love everything Tim and I'm still so excited that you were a member (and will always be in my heart) of his team. Your work inspires the HECK outta me LInda. Thanks for everything YOU have done this year.

themessycraftroom said...

Wow, wow, wow. what a generous and fantastic giveaway. Boy would I feel like I had gone to heaven if I won this. Thank you so much for a chance to win.
Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful, joyous and healthy new year.
Don't know how to put it on my side bar but will but a posting on my blog. Hugs x ChrisB

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had an amazinge crafting year. This is a fabulous giveaway. Happy Holidays.

Tona said...

I really enjoyed doing Tim's tags this year. I actually cut the top 1/2 inch off of the tag & then made mine into Christmas cards when I was done with the tag portion.
Thanks for the chance at such an awesome giveaway.I don't have a blog but will be spreading the word to my online friends.

Zoe said...

Wow what an awesome giveaway. Sadly I don't have a blog I can post this on, but thought maybe if I leave a comment I could be included anyway....thank you for your brilliant and inspirational blog! Zoe :)

JoZart Designs said...

That's a fantastic giveaway, thanks so much for the chance of winning it. What a year. Thanks to YOU as well as TH for all the inspiration and good luck for another great year in 2011. A Crafty Merry Christmas too!
JoZarty xx

Aissa's said...

Wow, what a great give away.
Thanks for the chance. Have a Happy Holiday

Dawn Edwards said...

WOW WOW WOW! What a great Giveaway! I Love anything Tim and this giveaway is filled with Tons of Happy Goodness! Enjoy your Tim Class in Feb!

Margaret Garrood said...

What a wonderful giveaway.

That you for the chance to win such a great craft package.
Happy Christmas everyone and good luck!!

fairy thoughts said...

wow what a year you have had. this is very inspiring for next year to keep crafting. hope i win the stash, if i manange to link it properly

sandysewin said...

Wow, what a year you've had!

I got to take two classes with Tim last October. That day was definitely one of the high points of my year!

Thanks for the chance to win all those goodies. You can be sure they'll be put to good use. :-)

Anikraft said...

Thats an awesome giveaway!!!
I also cant wait for the workshop in February, I am lucky enough to got my hand on a ticket and I'm rather excited to meet the man himself!!!
In the meantime keep getting inky and thanks fo a chance of winning this!!! Anika

Kim said...

omgosh, what an exciting year you have had, and what an honour to be on Tim's design team! I can't imagine his schedule and totally understand why he had to stop the design team. Also very exciting that Tim is going to be doing classes for you!! YEAH!!! Thank you for the chance to win this incredible blog candy! I have linked you in my sidebar!
Have a wonderful evening,
Kim P.

Anonymous said...

What a prize..... Brilliant, tho I don't have a blog but will tell crafters I know lol!
I lol when my DH comments on 'my Tim', and he's not even jealous that I love another!!! I think there are lots of us who think he's the bestest and can't wait to see him and all the girls when my sis and I get over in feb- so excited :)

ForgedinPaper said...

What a great post and you deserved to make the team as your work is fab. Your candy is in my sidebar and roll on 2011 and what you get up to next year with all the Timmy fabulousness.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo COOL! First and foremost, sorry your not on the Tim team any longer but WOW what a wonderful opportunity you have had to meet and "play" with Tim and Mario. Your prize giveaway looks awesome. What a wonderful xmas present to someone during this hard economic time. Thank you for the chance to win the prize giveaway. Merry Xmas. Michele

Lorraine said...

wow this is awesome i just love your candy its delish thankyou so much for the chance of winning xx

Kristy Hansenwi said...

Oh my goodness--would I love to win this box of Tim goodies. You are so generous. I check in often-I love what you do. Thank you for sharing with all of us. KHS

Karen said...

what a great give away, i do hope i win it. I have to say your tim holtz pieces have been inspiring and i just love reading your blog. Keep up the fantastic work and looking forward to all the new stuff in 2011.
karen x

ellen vargo designs said...

WOW Lin.. quite an impressive pile of stash to give away... and your post was written so eloquently... you're a class act. I haven't forgotten about your cozy corn pillows - as soon as I survive the holidays I will get started on them - promise! I'll definitely put a link to your giveaway on my blog. Was a pleasure to meet you and get some UK stash in your store - I was in heaven! Merry Christmas to you!

Ellen Vargo

judith@poppy cottage said...

Wow, what a great giveaway Linda. Your inspiration this year has been fabulous, and I've enjoyed seeing your creations along the way. I've loved coming to your classes too. Have a very Happy Christmas, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in 2011, Judith xx

Linda Kay said...

No blog to post to, but I'll comment anyway...I love YOUR blog and have been a faithful follower since I found it several months ago....your Tim posts always make me laugh! He does seem superhuman at times!
Love your work and will continue to follow your blog even with out the Design Team status!

BethW said...

NO blog here but did want to agree with everything you said about Tim-his talent and generosity with that talent is a present to the entire world.

Anonymous said...

How kind of you to give away all these goodies! Tim's products are all so useable and your artwork inspires me - I just want to go and play now!

Lynn Wild

Cassie_lu said...

What an amazinzg year it has been for you. May next year be just as amazing.

Lillian Child said...

I just discovered your blog and am now a follower. I've also posted about your giveaway on my blog here: http://lillianchild.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for a chance at some of Tim's amazing products! He just rocks my creative world!

Xongie said...

Wow! Congrats on getting chosen to be a part of Tim's team! Thank you for a chance to win your wonderful candy!

Diffirent Shades Of Life said...

I too have just discovered your blog and become a follower. I just love Tim, his ideas and creativity are amazing and I just LOVE all his products, so thanks for the chance to win. Wish I was in the UK next feb I could have gate crashed your event, I'm sure you wouldn't turn me away when I have come all the way from West Australia !!
Look forward to seeing more exciting stuff on your blog.
Sue xo

Unknown said...

Congrats and keep up the great work! Thanks for the chance to win such fab supplies. Merry Christmas to all. Sue

Larisa said...

Very nice candy!!! What a fabulous selection of goodies. I love the Tim embellishments !!! I linked it on sidebar
I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win))
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

Mariannes gjenbruk said...

WOW what a greate giveaway!! And I got a ticket to Tims class in february and you guys - I can hardly wait!!!

jude said...

Wow ....what fab candy thanks for chance to win!Mr T is inspiration to all us crafters never fails to come up with some amazing techniques and creations.One hell of a guy.
I am big follower have added candy to my ncandy jar.Thanks and fingers crossed
hugs judex

LisaVeronica said...

I want it all! ;) with a link in my sidebar. Thanks!

Patricia said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW what a great giveaway.
I love Tim s stuff and sinds i am follower of your blog,( a few monds) i am every day take a look, so i can see what for beautiful things you make with Tim s stuff.
I pray for this beautiful giveaway.

Loveley hollidays Greetz Patricia from Holland

Tanya said...

How lucky you were to be chosen for Tim's Design Team. You really talented and your works just awesome!!!
Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic giveaway! I would like to be the lucky winner! Looove Tim's products.
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!

Unknown said...

Lin,congratulations on your achievement.....I would have been totally besides myself...thanks for the bolgcandy ......maybe i win, who knows???

Glennis F said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win this great prize. I have been an avid follower of the 12 tags - what an experience! Wish I could be 'over there' for his and your classes.
Have a great Christmas

Dragon said...

Wonderful year, Lin, and Tims accolade was so well deserved as you are so talented... I managed to get one of those tickets so how excited am I???!!! Hope you have a fab crimble and hope I win these great goodies!!!

Nikki said...

WOW WOW WOW what a sweet pile of goodies thanks for the chance it's an amazing holiday gift I'm sure anyone would be Happy to win :)
And Congrat on the Dreamy DT position :)
happy holidays
hugs Nikki C

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous giveaway, how kind of you to share your good feelings about the past year. I wish everyone who enters the best of luck to win this prize.

LisiB said...

You are one lucky girl to have met Tim personally! I read your blog on a regular basis - too bad I live in Austria so I cannot attend your exciting workshops.
Thank you for the chance to win this outstanding TH package. Good luck with all your future projects - you rock, girl!!!!

Lynn Stevens said...

Oh what a wonderful stash of goodies, count me in. I'll post on my blog!

Kelly K. said...

Amazing candy!! I wish I can win this one, this will make my year!!! I just adore Tim Holtz products...Gretting from Greece!

cowboydutrem said...

Wow, thanks for a chance! Your candy is linked in my sidebar.

Anne said...

Hello Lin , bet February can't come quick enough !!! Wish I'd been able to come, however my chum Kath is counting down the days !! so I'll be picking up lots of inspiration from her on her return--- that is when she comes down from cloud nine he he !
Have a great Christmas and you and Leandra have a fab time with Tim,
Anne xxx

Penni said...

Wow What fabby Candy!!! I've put a link in my sidebar for you. Thanks for the chance to win.


jolande said...

Oh Lin...I am glad that I link you on my blog....What a nice suprisse that I can win blogcandy..

Tim is wonderfull to give his inspiration to us...just as you are. Thanks for everything
Jolande from Holland

Zuila said...

What a gorgeous giveaway, Thank you so much for the chance to take part.
Thank you.
And Happy Holidays!

francesca said...

Fabulous, to think just over a year ago I hadn't heard of the Great Tim, until I came to your classes, thanks Lin. Lets see what 2011 brings, Happy Xmas, Love

Anonymous said...

What wonderful goodies Lin! And, what a year you've had, so well-deserved, you're a very talented lady! And, I can't wait for Feb!!! :o)))
Hope you & your family have a lovely christmas & new year!
love Alison xx

jordiegirl said...

Fabulous giveaway thanks for the opportunity of winning.

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you and yours.

Unknown said...

How fantastic to be on Sir Tim's design team and what a wonderful stash of blog candy!!!



rach said...

Wow Great prize, thanks for the opportunity to win it.

Saskia said...

Wow, that's a serious give-away. I would love to win that. Thanks for the chance to win.
And a merry christmas to you!

Karen McAlpine said...

Oh, love all Tim Holztiness of it all. I have put you on my candy bar.

irene said...

Wauw Lin, your year sounds just amazing. So happy for you. And just like you I'm eager to see what Tim gots in store for us this time. Thanks for the change to win this generous give-away. It looks so great, I'll keep my fingers crossed. Bye Irene

Hatuli said...

Wow, what an amazing year this was for you! Thanks for the generous giveaway!!

kellystar said...

It sounds like you've had an amazing year too! Enjoy the season as we all look forward to 2011.


Gina said...

Thanks for a great year and this awsome give away! I have posted it on my blog.

Hugs Gina

Primitive Seasons said...

THis is a really great giveaway. I'd sure be lucky to win such a load of Tim's products. I admire him so much and have enjoyed your blog since I found it this year. Happy Holidays!


Elaine said...

Now that would be a great Christmas present!! Linked to my blog:

Lindy-Loo crafts said...

Wow, what a wonderful prize.
I love all things Tim too.
I have enjoyed this years 12 Tags immensely.

Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful bundle of goodies:)

Sandy Reeves said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

echo143 said...

Amazing giveaway, this will make one lucky person very happy in the new year!!!

Sue aka Greyhound Lover said...

What a fab generous giveaway and so very kind, I would love to be entered and in with a chance.

Sue x

Shirley Anne Sherris said...

Have only just found your blog and what a lot to see - going back and back and back.
A very generous give-away too.
Many thanks for all those blog/tutorials.

Paper Paradise said...

That's an AMAZING bit of blog candy up for grabs. Gotta be in it to win it so fingers tightly crossed! x

Marjo Brans said...

What a great giveaway, love to winn it!!!:) thanx for the chance (hope a get lucky this time ;)

Marjo Brans said...

What a great giveaway, love to winn it!!!:) thanx for the chance (hope a get lucky this time ;)

EileenMV said...

Wow - terrific giveaway!!! I just became a follower of your blog and I posted the giveaway it on my blog: http://eileen-mahony-velez.blogspot.com/

LellyJelly said...

I've just heard that I've got a space on the February day to have classes with yourself, Leandra and Tim. I'm just so excited!!!! And now I can enter to take part in the giveaway. What a fantastic chance to win some super goodies. Thank you so much.

Elaine said...

Wow, what a wonderfully generous Christmassy treat. I would be very happy to give it a lovely cosy crafty home. After seeing you demo at shows for a while, I was delighted to make it to LB in Olney in person for a class in June. Fab class, fab shopping - you are a treasure - thanks for bringing us such special inspiration.

Elaine x

jay said...

From a girl who usually never gets crafty pressies on Christmas day :(
Off to add a link & thanks for the little chance of winning such delights ...You've got to be in it to win it :)

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Lin, oh what FAB candy you have on offer. You've had a wonderful year craft-wise and it's such a pity that Tim's DT couldn't continue but he's so busy/popular it's understandable that it had to end. I wonder what the highlight might be for 2010? I wish I could have come to his event in February. My kids wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas and I said a visit to the house by Tim would be fab but instead as that's not possible I've asked for one of his paper pads as I fell in love with them at the NEC. No doubt I'll hear the squeals of everyone attending 14 miles down the road and I will be VERY GREEN with envy!!! I have put a link to your candy in my sidebar. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Marianne said...

Wauw, this is a very great candy. Love these Tim Holtz goodies and I am greatful for this chance of winning them. Hope I'd be lucky this time! Merry Christmas!!
Hugs, Marianne from http://Mariannesblogje.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway Lin - I am new to you blog saw you on THE LINDA ELBOURNE's bloggy adventures. Thanks for a chance to win.

Stampersue said...

Wow what a super giveaway what a great chance to win this wonderful stash.

Have a Happy Christmas and best wishes fot the New Year.


Diane Kelsey said...

To win would be the best Christmas present ever!

barb said...

what a fabulous giveaway just in time for Christmas. Have a happy Christmas all you readers.

sam21ski said...

What a fantastic prize. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

Have a great christmas and can't wait for the winner to be announced at the end of the year.

Good luck everyone xxxxx

Shelly Hickox said...

You are such a fantastic artist in your own right - I wish I lived over there and could take classes! I posted a link to your blog on mine. Everyone needs to check out the eye candy over here. :-)

Valerie said...

Wow what a fantastic giveaway, hope I'm lucky! Congratulations on a brilliant website and inspirational projects. Merry Christmas x

Samantha said...

Wow what a fabulous Christmas giveaway! I've never had chance to try any of Tim Holtz products yet, so this would be a perfect opportunity! I love the range!


Gloria L. said...

What a wonderful thing to do! I hope they get to live at my house! Thanks!

Lynne Forsythe said...

OMW>...that is almost tooo MUCH GOODNESS in one place...it's just alot TIM-O-LICIOUS-NESS!!

Nancy S said...

What a treasure trove of crafty goodies! I love all things Tim. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Linda Mc said...

This is the mother of all giveaways! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

kathi said...

Most excellent selection of goodies! Thanks so much for giving away part of your stash. Look forward to more of YOUR work in 2011.

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Hi Lin - thanks for such a generous giveaway. I've just recently started incorporating Tim into my artsy life, and I'm oh-so-happy! Sadly, while I always have loads of crafty stuff on my wish list, the Santa I married doesn't seem to understand their importance. *wink* Perhaps this year the "blog giveaway" stars will shine on me. I'll post on my sidebar, of course. Cheers to all!

grannypoppy said...

Fantastic giveaway, Lin! It certainly has been the "Year of Tim". He is everywhere I look in the scrap/stamp world. And everyone is talking about his creativity. And what a genuine fellow he is. You were very fortubate to be chosen to be on his design team, even if it was for such a short time. And he is going to the UK for your event, too! I was lucky enough to go on this year's cruise with him and .... am booked for 2011's one, too! Aren't we lucky girls!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Love your blog and your inspiration.


Cathy Y said...

OMG - what a stash! Pick me pick me! Your artwork is totally inspiring, by the way.

calliopedesignstudio.etsy.com said...

Your blog is wonderful and so is the fabulously generous giveaway!
Happy Christmas and New Year!

Katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie said...

Hi there,

Well, I can say that I do not have anything in your giveaway stash. What a generous New Year's gift! That Tim sure is a crafty genius! And you are going to be rubbing elbows with him, very lucky! I really enjoyed the Christmas tags this year, it is so interesting to see what it has been inspired everyone to make. Wow, I am rambling on. Thank you for the opportunity to win! I don't have a blog but I can post the picture up on my Flickr account. Everyone who visits the Simon Says Stamp and Show entries will see it. Thanks again.

Best wishes!

imkt (at) excite.com
(here is where I posted the photo and link back to your blog... http://www.flickr.com/photos/53388866@N02/5264991551/)

Cher said...

google given me a headache today lol...but ty for the giveaway offering...too fab! Merry Christmas! was bummed about the design team as well...but it will work out...he is just so busy it seems...and u enjoy him soon enuf!!!!! what a year!

Tammy said...

Thank you so very much for the tips and for sharing your tags---what a super job!!
Be so blessed!!!

Neil said...

What an amazing givaway! I did all 12 of Tim's tags this year and loved every moment of it. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous prize!

Martha said...

Thats a amazing giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your insparation. I love to see how tim is doing all his scrapwork.Thanks for the chance to win.
With love, Martha

rainbow_poppy said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Love Tim's work. x

angelique (anlou) said...

oh my sweetie
this is a amazingly, great, yummy candy
thank you so much for the chance to win this
i've linked it on my sidebar
slowely i've more and more tim holtz product, so this would be so perfect to enlarge my crafting goodies
hugs angelique

Kat said...

Hi linda,
what a year it has been,
not only for Tim, but for you as well,you have had some amazing classes on offer this year,& your blog it always packed with amazing tutorials & inspiration, not to mention Penny & Bob so congrats for that,
I would love to win the goodies on offer (as I crave anything tim produces,it's all a must have, lol)
so thanks again to you for a year packed with fab inspiration, & your patience when I am in your classes.
have a grate christmas,
Kat x.

MissyG said...

Wow what a fab giveaway Will post a link on my sidebar

Yvonne F. said...

Wowzers.... what a great giveaway.
I just recently "discovered" Tim and he's sooo inspiring.
Thanks for the chance to win some of these yummie gooedies!
Happy holidays from the Netherlands.

byebye Yvonne

Jolanda said...

wow!!! what a fantastic giveaway - it's really exciting :)
Have a happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!!

celia said...

Wow schitterend...ik ben gek op Tim Holtz en Magnolia!Die twee passen perfect bij elkaar!
Hartelijk dank voor deze geweldige kans!
Heel veel liefs uit Belgie, Celia.

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

OMG what a stunner of a giveaway!!
...and I can't think of any better way to start the New Year with winning this super selection of Tim's Goodies!!
Looking forward to meeting you, Leandra and of course Tim!! at the Artsycrafts event next year!! :)

Jan x

KarenB said...

You are so generous, and WOW, what a prize! Good luck to everyone - wouldn't that be a fun way to start the New Year?

Lynne K said...

Brilliant giveaway! Who wouldn't like some fab TH goodies?! Thanks for all the inspiration this year, and hope next year is even better for you!

ScrapMiranda said...

Wahat a wonderfull Giveaway. And I Think it 's very cool to be a member of his team. You can be proud of!

I wish you a very happy Christmas and verry good New Year!
Miranda (the Netherlands)

lisa said...

Wow what a fantastic giveaway. Tim is such an inspiration and his tags have been amazing this year haven't they. Thanks so much for the chance to win this gorgeous stash.
Hugs Lisax

Jason said...

what a generous giveaway. I hope that I win I see some things in the pic that I do not have.


joann valdez said...

i can;t belieive what a wonderful giveaway. thank you so much. good luck to everyone. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.

JILL said...


Joyce said...

I agree. It's been an absolutely amazing year and one very hard on my budget. Having the opportunity to win this stuff would be just amazing. Thanks for the chance.

Suzanne Bouchard said...

THank you so much Lin for this chance to win Tim Holtz products! I am a great fan! Here is the link to my blog where I talk about your giveaway! Happy holidays!

Jensters said...

I love Tim work and would love a chance for this giveaway.

Kim Gamage said...

I love Tim's work and his products. You did a great job with the tray. I love all of the ephemera.

kim henrich said...

I was a tim follower and found your blog because of him.I think the art that you create is simply amazing. I would love just an ounce of the talent that either of you have. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2011

Michelle Nelson said...

That is an AMAZING giveaway! How lucky someone is going to be. I found your blog from Tim's. You, too, are quite a talent. Happy New Year!

Ms.Hudson said...

This is a fabulous give away, unfortunately I do not have a blog currently thus I am out of the running :( I love all of your art though and very sad that the design team has ended. Good Luck in all your future endeavors, and I look forward to viewing all your creations in the future!

donna said...

Awesome giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to win Tim stuff. Falalalala

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this so I could share my creations with my friends on www.examiner.com/scrapbooking-in-detroit and www.thepursuitofscrappyness.blogspot.com. Oh what fun it would be!!

Marjo said...

Awesome giveaway. I have never had the opportunity to work with any of Tims products. How exciting would that be! Thanks for the chance.

Posted on my sidebar.

Hugs, Marjo

Winnie Loves to Scrap said...

Wow, what a wonderful package of fun. It is quite a fun giveaway. Thank you for this.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2011!!!
Winnie at winniesthoughtfulspot.blogspot.com

Svetlana said...

This giveaway are wonderful!!! if you post to Ukraine - I'm in %)

SannaS said...

What a fabulous candy!!! Thanks so much for the chance!! =)
Linked you in my sidebar!!
Hugs, SannaS

Kaybee said...

What a fab giveaway. Love everything Tim! Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2011.

Esther said...

Such a busy year and Tim never fails to inspire..thanks for the opportunity to win some of his goodies..Esther xx

Pretty said...

Hi, beautyfull giveaway !!! I take my chance and happy Christmas to you :o)

jordiegirl said...

What a fabulous giveway you are offering us.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

ziggymity said...

OMG!!! how awesome. Thank You so much for the chance to win!!! What great Tim goodies!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!

Jan said...

What a great opportunity for you! And what a great giveaway for us!

kariluis said...

Wow what a wonderful lot of Tim's goodies here. Thanks so much for the chance to win it.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year !!

Unknown said...

Wow thanks for the opportunity, I like everyone else, adore Tim, can't get enough of his products and tutorials. I live in Australia and guess what I just bought the Vagabond. Sorry you guys have to wait til Feb though. It's a dream. Hugs Suzanne x

Jane said...

What a fab giveaway. How exciting to be on Tim's design team for a while. Thank you for the chance to be inspired

Sondra said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. And so sorry that the DT thing didn't work out.... playing with Tim is a dream for any scrappergirl!

keineisteinek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debra said...

Hi I am a new follower and WOW what a wonderful chance to win! Thanks in advance. Here is a link to my blog I have posted the giveaway in my sidebar:


Jester said...

Wow, such an amazing giveaway - I would love to be the winner!
Happy Christmas!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a wonderful giveaway!
I love those Tim Holtz stuff.
Wish you all a creative, healthy 2011!
Regards Hannie

Erika said...

Loved the 12 days of Christmas tags. What a fantastic giveaway. There's nothing quite like getting all inky!
Have a fantastic Christmas and even better New Year. x

Wanda Boyd said...

i can not even begin to say how much i like your blog,thrilled to be a part of your world and to witness your talent. i am a huge follower of Tim, i spread the word to everyone in our little town of Quesnel B.C. i don't have a blog but word of mouth and showcasing all tim products in my studio has really taken my scrappin buddies by storm, we cannot get enough of his inkyness.
merry christmas to you and your family and thanks for the chance to be a small part of your life

Julie said...

I just love Tim Holtz supplies! Such a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.


Shazza said...

wow what a great giveaway x

Linda R said...

Luck is not usually on my side in these things, but since it's TIM stuff I can't resist the opportunity!! Thanks for the generous possibility ;-) I can hope, right?

To say I'm all about Tim is an understatement LOL. I can be found lurking in his Blog several times a day and had the great fortune of taking 2 classes with him in Ohio this year WOW is all I can say. It's his generous spirit and love of his followers that makes him so unique.

Sad to see the design team break up but so glad you are here! Happy Christmas and congrats on getting Mr. Tim over there.

Linda R said...

I'm ready for 2011 - can't wait to see what he unveils - gonna be a good year! I've blogged about the giveaway - yay.

Winslowwoman said...

Woot!! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway from the wonderful Tim Holtz!!
Posted on my blog too!

Jenny V. said...

Wow what an awesome giveaway.I just love Tim's products but don't own much of his things. Thank you so much for the opportunity to play in your candy.

Peggy Lee said...

whooo hoooo how awesome is this giveaway and the news your recieved. Thanks for the chance to win, love reading your blog.

Rosalee said...

Fabulous Giveaway. Someone is going to be really lucky. I've added a link to my sidebar and I am now a follower of your great blog. Thank you so much for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

AJsArts said...

Great giveaway!

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