Thursday 8 November 2012

Paula Pascual's Flowers, Lovely

I have no idea where my time is going at the moment, I have loads of new stuff on my desk waiting for my attention and it's starting to niggle at me a little bit so I made the effort to finish a project that I started about two weeks ago using a set of Sizzix stamps and dies, designed by the uber talented Paula Pascual. If you are at all interested, the set is Flowers, Lovely  658291 and I understand that the lovely Susan over at Countryview Crafts has them in stock.

My substrate is one of the Tando Creative mini printers trays......these are amazing value!!!
After gluing the pieces together, I painted the whole thing with Honey Dew Fresco Finish paint, found a nice neutral paper to line all the little niches and a piece for the front and inside covers. I used some of Donna Downey's inspirational stamps for the stems of my flowers and then started die cutting and stamping my flowers. Well, I had a lovely time, mixing and matching stamps with dies, inks with papers, I really got quite carried away and have more than enough flowers in reserve for about another 10 projects!!!!

I did a few close ups of the flowers so that you can see just how pretty they are.

I did dry brush a little bit of Spanish Topaz Treasure Gold around the edges of my flowers, just because I need to use it on everything I make these days!!! Joking aside, it really does give a lovely effect.

I love the fact that these little printers trays have a folding cover, it's a nice way to protect all the lovely treasures that you put inside.

I filled it with lots of the usual stuff....washi tape, ideaology, bits from junk jewellery that I have taken apart, paper flowers, pen nibs, spacer beads.........

........ buttons, postage stamps, keys.......basically anything that would fit!!!!

Well, that's me for today. I'm off to college tonight. Got withdrawal symptoms last week as it was half term so am very excited about tonight. We're doing Shibori at the moment and my piece is ready to dye tonight in the tank of Indigo dye.......I can't wait to see how it turns out.


  1. This is fabulous (of course!) but are you going to college to do collage??!!! Those flying typing fingers, eh!! I don't know what Shibori is so can't wait to see the results....

  2. Absolutely beautiful project Lin, those flowers are just adorable, and I love how many elements you've managed to cram into the tray but it doesn't look full, it's just perfect :O)
    Hugz Minxy

  3. Thanks for the heads up on my spelling mistake Helen. All corrected now.

  4. Mmmm, so stunning! I love your flowers, and your clever use of the stamps as stems. All together really beautiful.

  5. Lovely Lin. Can I have your permission to use your idea of the inspiring Donna Downey words as stems. I think it could really help me keep focused.

  6. fabbie printers tray Lin, spent far too much money at Paperartsy at the NEC today, lots of lovely metallic creams fell in my

  7. Love the printers tray Lin, gorgeous elements and colours. What is Shibori?
    Enjoy the start of the weekend.
    hugs Brenda xox

  8. As ever lovely work and such great colours
    Happy craftin

  9. Beautiful printer's tray, such lovely subtle colours xx

  10. Beautiful colours and images in the printer's tray Lin! Yes, what is shibori???

  11. That is so very beautiful. I love every millimetre of it. Hope you had a great class last night.

  12. Hi Lin, you will love the shibori, I did some at Knitting and Stitching a couple of years ago. Will contact you when I can but Dad is very ill at moment (his cancer is back and no hope this time). Lynne S (Oxford)

  13. Love, love, love this project. you get such amazing finishes. Really need to get my Treasure Gold and Fresco paints out!
