Monday 5 November 2012

Melt Art Weekend

Well that was fun!!! I taught my two day Melt Art class up at The Bead Scene this weekend with eight lovely and very enthusiastic ladies. I have to admit to being a tad exhausted by the end of it, they certainly kept me on my toes but they all worked so hard and produced some amazing beeswax and UTEE pieces. Suze, if you are reading this, you would have been so proud of them.

I think this finished piece belongs to Carol.

I'm pretty sure these hands belong to Thelma who is actually applying copper Treasure Gold to her moulded beeswax fleur de lys which has been embedded in a beeswax background. You may just be able to see the copper Perfect Pearls mists splattered over the was so gorgeous!!!!

These beautiful pieces are the work of Jean....look at how rich the colours are and we only used clear UTEE!!!!!

Danielle hard at work too.

Another finished piece, I believe this one belongs to Lin.

And to Janet, Rachel and Penny, your work was also amazing and I'm sorry not to be showing pictures of your work here too but because of the poor light yesterday, the photographs are too dark to upload.

Thank you all for coming, it was such a fun weekend.

Now that I have plugged what a fabulous class it was, maybe I can tempt one or two of you to join me for the same class on the 8th & 9th of December as I have just had a cancellation. Click here for the details.

OK, that's me for today, I'm off to London for a day or two to sort a few things out for my parents.


  1. Stunning project, looks like it was a great workshop xx

  2. Great projects, sorry I won't be able to make the December one to fill your gap!

  3. Oh my, these are just gorgeosu! I wish someone would teach a similiar class in my area!

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thank you Lin for your never ending help and inspiration xx

  5. Oh lovely pieces. I've taken a couple of Suze's classes years ago. I've been working with my UTEE again and it's fun to see what one comes up with.

  6. Cool, they look great
    Happy craftin

  7. Wonderful pieces, I am so jealous but just can't make it at the moment, wish I could.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  8. thank you for a lovely weekend Lin totally destressed and inspired
    hugs and best wishes

  9. What a gorgeous project Lin. I will have to think about Utee for my January to March classes. I haven't used Utee in ages. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration xx

  10. Ooh! Great to know there is a cancellation - does that mean there are now 2 places left as I would want to come with Linda if possible?? chris

  11. Congratulations Chris, you got the last two places!!
