Wednesday 15 February 2012

WOYWW 15th February 2012

What's on my work desk today????? Well, I can't actually show you the space where I am working at the moment due to more top secret, secret squirrel stuff but this part of my studio is a bit of a gathering place for my growing collection of dress forms. Some I have decorated myself, the big wire one is home to lots of keys and key rings but the black one in the front is the latest addition to the collection which will actually become a class project later in the year if all goes according to plan.
I have a busy afternoon ahead of me so I hope to be around to visit other WOYWW'ers desk later. If you would also like to join in the fun of snooping around the workspace of lovely crafty people, click here to hop on over to Julia, queen of blog hopping, where we all meet every Wednesday.



  1. Secret squirrel stuff? Are you sure you can't share even a teensy peek?! You are such a tease though I am sure the big reveal will be mega-exciting! Happy Wednesday x

  2. You make me curious!!
    Happy Wednesday linda :-)
    Hugs Marleen #45

  3. Secret squirrels are caring sharing creatures and would love to show what they are hiding away - honest.
    Love the dress forms and wishing I had more room.
    Ann B

  4. I love your dress forms. I have one, and its not nearly enough for all the things going through my head.

  5. I love all you dress forms and beautiful arty pieces ...lved your fabric journal but blogger sent my comment back!!!!hugs trace x

  6. 007 in the making fab!! love those dress forms I wish I had room to store one boo-hoo!! Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  7. that back velvet dress form just screams I need a red corset doesn't it?

    with pretty lace and buttons and suspenders with little things hanging...

    that will be a great class..


  8. Oh my, I do love those dress forms. And I'm a fan of squirrels in general, too. ;)

  9. Lovely to see your studio - it is looking fab! But I think we should have a peak of the secret squirrel stuff!! If we're very good...?!

  10. Hmm... Secret squirrel stuff? You have us all curious! Love the collection - I recently found a Pinterest board full of delightful dress forms. Heaven!

    Susan #146

  11. It's a good thing you're not showing us the secret squirrel stuff . . . since we're all a bunch of nuts and it would want to carry us off. hahahahaha Best of luck with your project.

    ~ Laura #118

  12. a dressmaker, Great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing,# 52

  13. Wow I love your collection of dress forms (Hazel, WOYW #136) x

  14. I too love dressforms and I look forward to seeing what your new black one turns into! I hate waiting!
    Lv JoZarty x

  15. Secret squirrel stuff sounds like fun! Love all the dress forms too! Love taking a peek at your workspace, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  16. hi your studio and yes I think you share the secret squirrel stuff with us all...hugs kath xxx
    ps needed 4 attempts before I could read the VW

  17. Love your dress forms, I was given a full size decorative one for a present. Take care, thanks for sharing & hope you enjoy this week's WOYWW. Zo xx 86
