Monday 13 February 2012

Damaged Sample

In between the demos at the show yesterday, I was trying to put a piece together using some of Leandra's new stamps but it was so busy, it was quite ambitious to think I was going to be able to finish it. I mentioned this to some of the lovely ladies and also that I didn't really have a vision in my head of how I wanted the project to look, I'm a try it and see what happens kinda girl. Then it was almost a challenge set by them to finish it in front of I thought what the heck, let's give it a go and see where it takes us. There was paint involved, a paper mache substrate, tissue paper, stencils, Portfolio Pastels and of course stamps. It came together really quite nicely but it just needed a few embellishments to finish it and of course I didn't have anything the correct colour with me, so I told the girls I would finish it at home and post it on my blog.

Sadly, my project got a bit bashed about on the journey home and my stamped tissue paper somehow got torn. First thought - ruined!! Second thought - lets see if we can stick it back down ....that wasn't a great success. Third thought - ruined!!! Fourth thought - peel off damaged tissue paper, sand it down, paint over it and start again. Fourth thought won.

I tried to use the same colours, I used the some of the same stamps but I did change the stencils. Yesterday I was using Leandra's stencils and I couldn't find one of the ones I used at the show so it is a little different from the original but it's as close as I could get. Anyway, it's completely finished now......Lin S. I hope you like it!!

A few close up shots.

That's me for tonight, I'm off to make a cuppa.

Stamps are all Paperartsy check out the Hot Picks and Vintage


  1. Stunning!! I bought one of these bases and didn't get to see you start work on it on Sunday!

  2. Wow! It's gorgeous, Lin. Really, really beautiful.

  3. This is fabulous! I love it.

  4. That is stunning Lin. LOVE the stamp... where is it from?

  5. Hi Jan,

    The stamp is one of Paperartsy's, it's just been resized for their new Vintage range. Check out their website

  6. ooohhh Lin it turned out great I love it love you decapitated that poor woman twice then:)
    Looks brilliant with the bits on it, can't wait to have a try

    thanks for a great day really enjoyed and Leandra made it all look easy xx

  7. Well it's just stunning - I love what you've done on the sides of the substrate. I bought a few of those and today's task is to have a go - I did one of the glass bottles yesterday and am relatively happy with that. I wish now I'd bought the flower stencil - maybe I'll just have to pop along to the website. Was that the flower frenzy or daisy cluster that you used? It looks like the daisy Cluster. I did get the chicken wire and it's brilliant. Can't wait to see your next project - thanks Lin.

  8. Gorgeous Lin, I just need another 24 hours in my day so that I can try some of these lovely things out. The stamps and colours are gorgeous on your project. I love Leandra's new stamp plates. Glad you had fun on Sunday, I was sad to have missed it, Judith xx

  9. Stunning project Lin ! Love it all ! Sue C x

  10. I thinks its lovely, not a spot of damge to be seen x

  11. just loving this Lin, love the hanging from the key, ingenious
