Monday 28 November 2011

Who knew????

Well all I can say is WOW!!!! Who knew, I certainly didn't, just how popular our surprise bargain boxes would be. We have been inundated with orders and I have removed them from the website for the time being until we have filled all the current orders. If you have placed an order either on line or over the telephone, thank you very much. I just need to warn you that it is going to take us at least 2 or 3 days to catch up on the backlog. We ran out of boxes rather rapidly but more boxes are due to arrive tomorrow so we can start filling and shipping again. Once all the orders have been processed, I need to see if we have enough stock left to put them back on offer, so just watch this space for an update.

Whilst we are talking about lack of stock, I wanted to let you guys know where we are in the grand closing down scheme of things. Basically, I had originally planned to close a week before Christmas (probably 17th December) but the sale is going sooooo well that it may be sooner than that. The shelves are starting to look a bit bare now but there are still some great bargains to be had. Just because an item is not on the website, doesn't mean that we don't have it. Everything left in the shop is now at least 25% off regular prices, so a visit could be very worthwhile.

Thank you for all the wonderful messages wishing us good luck for the future, I truly appreciate every comment and email.

P.S. Yvonne W. if you are reading this blog post, I am receiving your emails but have no idea why my emails are not reaching you. Sadly, I do not have a contact phone number for you, perhaps you could call me at the shop if you get a second. Many thanks. L.


  1. I knew the 'lucky dip' boxes would go well - such a lovely idea and just right for a 'surprise' Christmas present to 'me' from 'me' - staying unopened until Christmas Day. So pleased I got my order in quickly.

  2. Thanks for all the yummy goodies and good luck, hope to still see your fab crafty makes here! Hugs trace x

  3. Oooh, Lin -- I get a bit wobbly when I think how little time is left for the shop. You cannot imagine how much I would love to jump on a plane (me???!!!!!!!!!!!) and spend a day or two just faffing around in the shop and helping, if necessary. I feel I should keep my box for Christmas, but it's going to be impossible -- am soooo curious to see what's in it! I'm so lucky to be getting one.
    Take care, Lin, and remember CUTO!!!
    Love and thoughts - Sally xx

  4. Well done Lin - such a brilliant idea, I am not surprised they went so well.
    I am looking forward to workshops next year, so you won't get rid of me that easily.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  5. ohhhh I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I managed to secure one, will you be open this weekend Lin for the Victorian day on Sunday as I was hoping to get down then, that is providing the shelves are available for me to pick up

  6. Cor Blimey !
    bet its keeping you all busy
    Wish I had found your shop sooner :0)

  7. Wait till Christmas must be joking . Mine won't last that long. Hope you'll still keep your blog updated with all your inspirational makes - love them. Take care
    Caro xxx

  8. hey Lin, why don't you share some of the images of the sale items at your shop?
    valentine gifts pakistan

  9. Ooh the power of marketing and doing such good work x x x
