Saturday 26 November 2011

It's a surprise!!!

Thank you guys sooooo much for all the on line orders over the last couple of weeks. I truly appreciate every single one, not sure if our lovely people in our local Post Office agree with me, but it's good to keep them busy too....right?????

So what's the surprise? Well, we have lots of fabulous stuff in the shop that doesn't actually appear on our website, quite a lot of small things like charms, ribbon, embossing powders, moulds and all sorts of treasure. So we came up with the idea of a lucky dip box. We have two sizes, the large one will contain over £70.00 worth of stock for the amazing price of £20.00.
 The small will contain product worth over £35.00 for just £10.00.

P&P will be added at our normal rates and the contents of each box will vary slightly, but it will be like a surprise Christmas pressie. They are located on the home page of or website here.

Hope you have a creative weekend, Lin.


  1. Ooh looks super have just ordered mine... thanks so much Lin x

  2. Brilliant idea Lin, I love goody-bags. Now do I go for the smaller or larger - decisions, decisions.
    Whatever it is I will keep it wrapped up and open it on Christmas morning. Well that's the plan but my willpower is going to be severely tested.

  3. Super idea for the online shoppers.
    Lin and Karen I have enjoyed your service and will miss your shop.
    This will be my Christmas present to myself to open at Christmas.

  4. Fab Idea..I do love a surprise!! Have just ordered one ;)
    Jan x

  5. Brilliant idea, I've just ordered one of each for my Christmas present from OH and daughter. It will be a lovely surprise not to know what I've bought myself from them :-)
    Thank you, Karin x

  6. You are incredible... I have ordered one (somehow stopped at one, lol!) I too will try not to open it before Christmas...

  7. Ordered mine!!!mustctryand leave it till Christmas!!!thanks for all the lovely goodies! Ta trace x

  8. Have been bad and ordered one of the small ones now... thanks again...will miss you. Will try leave one of them till Christmas lol xx

  9. ohhhh I just love lucky dip bags can you please save me a £20 for when I come and pick up my shelves That will be my christmas pressie to me as well, so I won't open it until Christmas day.....if I can wait that long

  10. Thanks Lin for this fab offer, mystery boxes are such fun. I have ordered one for myself and one for my sister in Spain as she didn't want to bother you with foreign postage while you are so busy, I will send it on to her later. Jean x

  11. Thanks love a goody bag :-)Just ordered mine.. S xx
