Friday 15 March 2013

Extra class spaces

This is a blog post that I have intended to type for a week now, I really don't know where the week has disappeared to but disappeared it certainly has. I am really busy with college projects at the moment, I'm half way through my level 2 course and we are experimenting with all sorts of techniques that are completely new to me. Next week we will be looking at the art of fabric manipulation.....all very exciting stuff but also very time consuming. On this course, I have to produce ten A3 samples showing combined uses of the techniques that we have explored as well as a final sample which is going to be an art quilt that measures a metre in length by the width of the fabric so I think you will understand my lack of blogging at the moment.

Anyways, back to the purpose of this blog post!!!! When I released my classes for sale earlier in the year, I was a bit overwhelmed by the response, for which I thank you enormously, and ended up with long waiting lists of people. In an effort to try and accommodate all of those lovely people, I added extra dates for classes which of course I didn't advertise as the aim was to shorten my waiting list. I have now crossed everyone off my waiting list and I have four spaces on a class in July which is the replacement class for my Secret Garden class. I have posted pictures of this project on my blog before, all the paint techniques are the same as the Secret Garden. it just has different substrates and embellishments. So here's the deal, if you would like to learn more about the paint techniques that I use to achieve that multi-layered look, the class is on Saturday 20th July, 10am - 4pm. The cost of the class is £40.00 per person and all you will need to bring is a pair of scissors and some lunch. The class will be held at The Bead Scene, Wakefield Country Courtyard, Wakefield Farm Estate, Potterspury, Northants NN12 7QX. If you would like a place on this class, please email me at as soon as possible with an indication of how many places you would like. Once I have confirmed that I have space available, I will send you a PayPal invoice for full payment of the class. Terms and conditions are as stated on my website .

I hope you all have a fun and creative weekend and fingers crossed, you will be able to join me in July for a very painty class.


  1. oooh Lin your course sounds like it's really picking up speed..can't wait to see the results!!

  2. I just love this piece "Beautiful". I am in Florida so can't make it to your class. What a pretty, pretty layout you did. So talented. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous collage!


  4. Gorgeous Lin such rich colours and fabulous details.
    hugs {brenda} x0x
