Friday 15 February 2013

I can finally break the silence!!

At long, long last I can finally spill the beans. You may have noticed that I have been extremely quiet here on my blog and on Twitter as of late and there has been a very good reason for that.....I am rubbish at keeping a secret and I was scared of letting the cat out the PaperArtsy bag!!!

So without further ado......I am so excited and proud to announce that I am one of the new designers for say that I am a bit of a giddy kipper at the moment would be an understatement. Here's a little sneaky peek of a project I made using my new stamps, the full project is over on the PaperArtsy blog with step by step instructions. I hope you like my stamps, they are very different to everything else under the PaperArtsy banner but that's what makes PaperArtsy such a great brand, their product line is so diverse and eclectic, there is something for everyone. To get the low down on all the newbies, click here to hop on over the the PaperArtsy blog where all the details are being revealed today.

I have lots of to share with you in the coming weeks, tomorrow I will reveal my big project which I am really excited about, in the meantime, grab yourself a cuppa and a cookie or two, hop on over to Leandra's place to read all about it. When you're done, please pop back here and let me know what you think before I go into complete meltdown!!


  1. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! Love them! Trace x

  2. YAY For you, What fab news, can't wait to see all your wonderful stamps and samples xxx

  3. Congratulations Lin! Your stamp designs are *wonderful*! I love the look of hand carved stamps and have been using lots of them in my own work these days! Would LOVE to try your new ones out! Again, congrats on the next step in your artistic journey! Love it!

  4. Congratulations Lin! These sneak peeks are looking gorgeous so can't wait to see more on the PaperArtsy blog. The big project is bound to be stunning, your work always is and to be created using your own stamp designs, wow! You are one very talented lady.

    Lesley Xx

  5. Congratulations Lin, The stamps are lovely. Can't wait to have a play.


  6. Oops I'm a bit late to the party today - sorry about that - but HOW EXCITED AM I!!!! the stamps are fabulous, and going to be so much fun to use! AWESOME!!!


  7. Go you! Congrats and I loving your designs... off to have a proper nosey now :O)

  8. Oh! How blummin' exciting! I'm so thrilled for you! These are, indeed, lush and I love the first project pieces! Many, many congratulations!

  9. Oh Lin - what a lovely surprise! How fitting that your first stamp designs are for Paperartsy! What a fantastic, creative double act you both are! (Not ignoring the team@ Paperartsy). I love your stamps. Was disappointed not to be able to attend your workshop on making our own stamps (too close to daughter's wedding!). So this is a great consolation! Good luck with these and can't wait to get hold of them.

  10. Many congratulations Lin! The stamps are absolutely gorgeous and now right at the top of my wish list.
    Fliss xx

  11. Wow oh Wow Lin these are just fabulous and will be going straight to the top of my wish list.

  12. fabulous lin...can't wait to see your new stamps...hugs kath xxx

  13. Huge congratulations, Lin! The stamps are gorgeous - I love the hand-carved look, such strong graphics - amazing!! Looking forward to getting my hands on some soon...
    Alison x

  14. Lin...

    I am SOOOOOO happy for you!
    Sending GIGANTIC congrats to you!

    I wish you HUGE success!

  15. Congratulations Lin! I love tulips so I'll be heading straight to Paper Artsy at Stamperama (mind you, I usually do LOL).

  16. Yay - Fab designs Lin! these are such great stamps! People are going to love them! (I love them - can't wait to get my painty little hands on some to play with :o) )

  17. Lovely stamps Lin, just got decide which ones to buy first.

  18. Huge Congratulations to you Lin. You must be so thrilled.....excited....!!!!

    Look forward to viewing your designs

    Crafty hugs

    Annie x

  19. Yay lol and breathe. Loving these new designs Lin simply beautiful as is your samples, huge congrats:) x

  20. I've just been over at the PaperArtsy blog & I LOVE your new stamps - what a perect combination you two are! The samples are of course gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing more.

  21. Your stamps are beautiful Lin, congratulations!

  22. Wow! Congratulations Lin. How exciting. I've just been looking at your lovely stamps too. The samples are great.

  23. I'm running late saw then earlier but had to work :( super stamps Lin you must be really pleased. Well done you :)
    Happy craftin

  24. Oh love 'em! They're perfect for paint stamping! Sure hope they come to the states!

  25. gorgeous love the project and the stamps, think you've sold some sets to us!

  26. Just seen the stamps on PaperArtsy so had to pop by to say 'congratulations' I love your new stamps.
