Sunday 19 August 2012

Out of the journal....week three!

It's week three of the uber talented Dina Wakley's "Out Of The Journal". I have had such a lovely time joining in with the fun and all you have to do is create some art that is not in your journal and post it here. It doesn't get any easier than that!!!

Here's my week three is another canvas because I enjoyed making the other two so much. I knew in my head that I wanted a bird on it and that it would have "take flight" on it somewhere but that really is all I did have in my head when I started out!!!!

It's all done with Fresco Finish paint again but this time I used stencils for the foreground as well as the background. I really cannot draw to save my life so I find stencils are invaluable to me. Not so sure that I am entirely happy with the shape of this bird but it really doesn't matter, the fact that I enjoyed the process was the main thing for me. I used my white & black Sharpie markers to accent the leaves and some Washi tape as little embellishments......I really am starting to like red a lot more than I used to. A few months ago, I would never have even considered red on any of my work......your tastes really do change!!!

Here's the usual few close up shots.

Don't forget, hop on over to Dina's place to join in the fun.


  1. fantastic as the colours!!! and the bird

  2. Another wonderful canvas - great stencilling, and the bird is lovely. I like the use of the red too.

  3. Love this Lin, wish I was at home to join in.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  4. another beautiful work of art...I love the draws your eye in and makes the whole thing pop...hugs kath xxx

  5. Last thing I looked at before going to bed! Toddling off with a smile because it is such a happy canvas. Such a clever lady.
    Big hug -- Missie Sally xoxo

  6. This is beautiful - I love the rich colours and the simple shapes of the petals/leaves.

  7. Now I know where my need to put birds on everything comes from! I love the canvas and the accents are really good.
    People like red, yellow and orange as they get a little 'older' (don't shoot me please) as the eye changes - the lens gets thicker. Claude Monet is a good example as he got older his eyes changed, and eventually he was diagnosed with cataracts, as they got worse his paintings went more yellow in colour. Then he had his cataracts operated on and he destroyed a lot of his yellow paintings as he saw the colours weren't right. I'm not saying you have cataracts, but how we see colour changes with age, and this has always interested me.

  8. The colors are amazing in this piece. Thanks for sharing your art.

  9. this is fabulous. well done !

  10. Great colors! Great bird! Great canvas!

  11. How gorgeous! Love your colors and how you've wrapped the bird's tail and tissue tapes around the edges.

  12. wonderful canvas very fine colours

  13. it is gorgeous, love everything about it! x

  14. This is so beautiful - love the colours and the white pen doodling :)
