Monday 18 June 2012

Bit of a play & Class information

Last week I managed to have a bit of a play in my studio for a couple of days and one of the things that I wanted to do was to play with my brand new Paperartsy Sewing themed stamps. With my new classes looming soon, I thought would be a great opportunity to make a class project with these fabulous stamps, so this what I made.

If you follow me on Twitter, then you may well have seen some of these pictures already but hopefully you will be able to see more detail here on my blog.

The project is all about paint and stencilling techniques, colouring with Prisma pencils and of course Paperartsy stamps. A few of my Twitter buddies said the colour reminded them of minty, choccie chip ice cream and I have to say, I am inclined to agree with them.

Not only have I been playing in my studio, I have been working hard behind the scenes to get my classes ready for sale this week. My lovely, lovely son-in-law Chris has helped me loads with this as I am not a techy girl at all, but I think we are finally there.

As I no longer have the shop,  I therefore, no longer have credit card facilities so I had to figure out the best way to sell my classes and the obvious solution is PayPal. Classes will be up for sale on my old website, but it now carries my Yoursartfully banner and you will be able to book your classes on line. We are doing the final testing this evening to ensure that the stock control system works, so although we have a home page, nothing is live on the other buttons. If all goes according to plan, they will be up for grabs on Wednesday but I will post on here to let you know when it's all ready for you.

I do need to ask you guys a favour though. If you try to book a class and it is already sold out, please don't despair, email me at and tell me which class/date you are interested in. I will be compiling a cancellation list but will also consider repeating a class at a later date if there is enough interest.

All classes are to be held at :
The Bead Scene
Wakefield Country Courtyard
Wakefield Lodge Estate
NN12 7QX

Please do not call Steph at The Bead Scene, she will not be taking any bookings on my behalf, they are all up for grabs on line, any queries or questions should be emailed to me please.

So FYI here's a list of the first four classes to give you the opportunity to think about what you would like to book.

Sun 1st July 2012 - My Painted World
10am - 4pm   £28.00
Sat 28th & Sun 29th July 2012 - An Altered Book
10am - 4pm both days  £85.00
This class will also be available on:
Sat 15th & Sun 16th September 2012
Sat 18th August 2012 - Box of Wishes
10am - 4pm     £30.00

Keep your fingers crossed for me with all the technical stuff tonight.


  1. Oh I like what you have created!

  2. these projects all look fabulous! good luck with the testing.... see you on the 30th at the Barn!!

  3. woo hoo at last!! will be keeping my eye on the blog and hopefully snag a place on my fav class...see you on the 30th

  4. Fabulous samples Lynn, wonderful details. Good luck with your classes, not that you need it lol. Tracy x x

  5. just loving the sewing one but I thought the 1st of July was on a Sunday not Saturday.....the 30th of June is the saturday, fingers crossed you meant the Sunday as I would so love to do that one
    hugs and best wishes

  6. Oops, well spotted Danielle, it is Sunday. Been staring at the screen far too long!!I'll amend it now. Thank you.


  7. Ooh loving them all Lin !
    Sue C

  8. Better go create a PayPal account then!
    Happy craftin

  9. All look lovely Lin - but wouldn't have expected anything else! x

  10. The minty, choccie chip ice cream sewing theme looks very yummy! Wish I could come to your classes, but it's just too far :(
