Wednesday 14 March 2012

WOYWW 14th March 2012

I feel like I've been AWOL from my blog for ages. I did post a quickie plug for Artsycrafts on Saturday but was feeling a tad under the weather and to those lovely people who were concerned about me, I am feeling much better now thank you. It appears my ultra sensitive skin went into sensitive overdrive and left me looking like a melted wax work model from the reject department of Madame Tassuads!!! Am now being referred to a dermatologist so I'm a much happier girl.

Anyways, enough about me, Wednesdays are all about the creative workspace. I had to tidy mine last night, it got to the stage where it was completely unbearable. My box of classroom equipment arrived back from Holland so there was all that stuff to put away too. I've not been working in there today and it is my morning to look after Master Sebastian who is now into everything and thinks it's hilarious to to chase their little Yorkshire Terrier around the house.

So what is on my desk????

There's a little pile of tags that are the result of some recent experiments. Sorry, I'm not going to reveal everything yet, the technique neeeds perfecting before I share the details but I will say that it required clear embossing powder and for some bizarre reason, I didn't have any and had to go out and buy some from a well known craft store !!!!!!! Can you believe clear embossing powder....what the heck!!! Whilst I was in said craft store I stumbled across these.......

.......liquis pencils!!! It does what they say on the packet....writes like a pen and erases like a pencil but will become permanent in 24 interesting I thought. They definitely do erase like a pencil but at the moment the jury is out for me, I need to play a little bit more before I decide if they will be the next best thing. 

Also on my desk is the altered book that I've been working on. Mark and I were going to spend a day in London on Saturday but because I felt so rubbish we didn't go. I stayed home and decorated the front cover of my book instead.
It's quite tricky to photograph as it's so dark but I am really starting to like it now.

OK, that's enough of my desk, I'm off to look at your desk. If you would like to join in the fun, click here to leap on over to the lovely Julia's blog where you can join in all the blog hopping fun


  1. Glad you're feeling better, you certainly created a beautiful book cover! The liquid pencils sound intriguing, you must let us know how you get on... luckily I don't have a HC store near me!!

  2. that book just keeps getting better and better!!!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better hope the hospital sorts you a nice way of course lol x

  3. Gorgeous book cover ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Hi Lin - glad you're feeling a bit better - the book cover looks great

  5. Glad to hear you are feeling a tad better. Nothing worse than skin issues... Your book is looking Fantastic and You have really motivated me to get going with mine! Happy WOYWW day!

  6. Glad you're on the mend, I adore the cover, colours are just up my street, beautiful work xx

  7. Stunning book cover and I adore that knob with the roman numerals, not seen those before so assume you made it yourself. It really adds to the whole front cover.
    Glad you are on the mend - onwards and upwards.

    Ann B

  8. Hi Lin!!

    Love the cover!
    Quickly watching all those lovely desks!!
    Have a happy WOYWW Wednesday :)))
    Watch mine too, I've an awesome announcement on my BLOG(click)
    Hugs Marleen ;-)

  9. so sorry that you have not been feeling 100% but things can only get better
    now...HOW did you do that knob????
    in fact the whole cover looks fantastic!
    Mikki B

  10. Your book cover looks incredible and I really like the look of those pens - must investigate. Also like the look of your flower tutorials, something else to come back for, methinks! Regards, Anne #150

  11. so glad you are feeling better, I just love your book cover it is FABULOUS!! and liqid pencils, got to check them out, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  12. So pleased you're feeling better. The book is looking absolutely gorgeous. Love to hear what you think about the pencils. Sounds a bit too good to be true

  13. Hope you are not allergic or sensitive to anything you craft with, it can be really awful and sounds like it has been for you. Hope you can carry on making such wonderful pieces to inspire us all, as I am really grateful for your inspiration.

  14. Glad you're feeling better. I love the book cover, it's fab.

  15. Stunning book cover - love it.
    Liquid pencils sound intriguing - must look out for them next time I get to a certain craft store (which isn't that often).
    Hope you feel 100% soon.
    Take care

  16. The new pencil sounds like a must have and I look forward to your report on it. So sorry you've been unwell but glad you are on the mend. These things are sent to try us when the time should be our own.
    Still your book cover is a reward for being sicky and it is gorgeous. Fabulous detail as you always provide.
    JoZarty x

  17. I think craft imps sneak in at night and steal clear embossing powder...mine mysteriously vanished the other day!

  18. I liked your book cover as soon as I saw it Lin. Love that knob on it.
    Sorry you have been feeling under the weather, hope it soon gets sorted and you are back on form for June.
    Sewing machine? Not in my craft room - not enough space - but it might appear on the dining room table (if I ever get around to making my mind up what I want).
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Glad to hear you are getting better, I've been off sick today so feeling a little sorry for myself. Those pencilslook interesting, oh and I lurve your book cover it is awesome!!

  20. Wow, your book cover is gorgeous! Well done for feeling under the weather. I hope you are back to normal soon.


  21. great storage you have on your desk. Your book looks fab are you doing Elizabeths course, if so ... you are way ahead

  22. Gorgeous!!! Love seeing your progress! Are the letters used for "my and life" made of metal or chipboard made to look like metal? Great colors also!

    Hope you're feeling 100% better soon!

  23. glad you're on the mend popping over to your crafty space and I'm drooling over your book cover...happy WOYWW...hugs kath xxx

  24. Glad your feeling better ,and im sure hospital will sort you out!Loving the cover of the journal!Have creative week
    hugs judex 17

  25. Sorry you felt so rough... lots of it about!! Lovin the book front

  26. Just popping back to tell you about my clamps for my AB - I got them at Poundland, 4 in a pack for the £1.... from their DIY section - I was quite impressed, as even though they don't reach far, they are pretty good quality for £1... may have to go back for some more though, I didn't really have enough for the niche.

  27. Look forward to seeing you in June - just finished rearranging my room and sorted my books out. I've got one here called "Recipes for Successful Stamping & Stencilling" have you seen this one?
    Hugs, Neet x

  28. Your AB is stunning! Intrigued by your experiments! Hey ho it's Friday but I'm still snooping the WOYWW desks & loving every minute of it! Take care Zo xx 33

  29. Glad you are feeling better - but running out of embossing powder? Goodness me! I cannot get my pea-sized brain around the idea of a liquid pencil - sounds ridiculous and yet genius at the same time!
    Love the book cover though and the title is just perfect! Much love for your continued sanity as you chase Seb who's chasing the dog!

  30. totally gorgeous altered book,x

  31. Well, like you, I would not have been able to resist the liquid pencils!! You will have to let us know what you think of them.
    Love your AB cover, it is gorgeous, dark, textured and lush...

  32. Im incredibly late to visit, so I hope you're feeling a whole lot better by now. Amazing isn't it, I have to let my area get to a ridiculous state before I get fed up and have a really good tidy. Ridiculous. Im glad that you're 'starting' to like your My Life book..from here, I'm shouting 'what's not to like'!!
