Thursday 23 February 2012

I'm on catch up this week.

It feels like forever since I last blogged.....nearly a week in fact! I spent a fun few days up at the NEC with
Mr & Mrs Paperartsy, helping out on the stand at the trade show.
They have some fabulous new stamps which they launched at the show.  Nine new Hot Picks, and there are now ten plates in the Vintage range. The uber talented Lynne Perrella has just designed four more plates to add to the LP range which bring this total to eight.. I did take a few pictures, but as they are not that great, I'm only going to share a few with you but if you would like to see all the new stamps, they will be on the Paperartsy website soon.

I think I need all of the new stamps......don't you????

I managed to catch up with loads of people at the show including the lovely Karen, Sweet Pea (Linda E.), Rachel Greig from Dark Room Door, Tim, Mario, Alain and Dyan. Friends from America which was a complete surprise....Amy, it was fabulous to catch up with you. Plus many, many more so please don't be cross with me if I haven't mentioned your name, there was simply way too many of you.

I came home completely cream crackered and to a house with no food in it. That's what happens when you leave two guys at home to fend for themselves!!!! I've been housebound again today waiting for the UPS lady, this is starting to feel a bit like groundhog day which has meant nothing creative happening here but I do have a sparkly clean house!!!! It's been such a beautiful day too and Missie Meg the doggie is still waiting to go out for a nice walk so I hope the UPS lady arrives soon, she is becoming as impatient as me!!!!

Ooo, that's the doorbell.....fingers crossed!!!

Yay, was my lovely UPS be off and take Meg for a walk.

Back tomorrow, hopefully with something creative to show you.


Just spoken to Leandra who confirmed that the new stamps will be on the retail website in the next week or so.


  1. More deliveries??? Loving the look of those new stamps.
    Hope you're enjoying your sewing machine still..

  2. oh nooo not more stamps they do look fab...the stand looked great as well.

    glad you had a great time...very jealous :)

  3. Ooooh!!!!! I want, want,want those stamps - and I cannot find them on the PA webpage anywhere!!!!! Getting a bit worried about the amount of housework you are doing Lin - don't you know its not good for your (craft) health?? lol!!!! Methinks you need a portable doorbell!

  4. Ooops sorry guys, my mistake, images of new stamps are on the trade website now but will be up on retail site soon.


  5. Soooooo pleased you had a good time at Stitches! And that you caught up with old friends. Those new stamps look tantalising! Will keep my beady eye on the website!!!

  6. it was lovely to see you and leandra again at stitches...can't wait for those gorgeous stamps and paints to arrive at The Papeterie...hugs kath xxx

  7. And I can't wait for them to arrive at Colemans Ctaft Warehouse! Karen is making me buy them all!!

  8. Stunning! Of course you did nt need to make me any more for my birthday ... The book would have been enough :0)
    What are horses days ... That's a new one on me!
