Wednesday 18 January 2012


As it's Wednesday, it's desk hopping/blog hopping day. If you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, click here to hop on over to Queen Julia's place where all us blog hopping, desk loving idiots gather to share what's happening on our desk.

My desk or should I say desks have been a hive of activity for the last couple of days. Desk No. 1 has a whole stack of chopper-upering of grungepaper and card ready for kits for a class that I am teaching in Holland in March.

Desk No. 2 shows what helped me get through what was on desk No. 1 !!!!!!

And on desk No. 3, well there's a whole host of exciting things. Hush, hush, top secret Artsycrafts stuff and a stack of artwork that I have been creating for Mr & Mrs Paperartsy which I should be keeping under wraps for a while but I'm pretty sure they won't mind if I share one piece with you.

Have fun with the desk hopping.


  1. You've been a very busy bee!
    Love desk 3 the bestest and won't tell mrs PA we got a sneak!
    Jeanette :)

  2. Love the creative art piece, especially the colours :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #86

  3. This is a beautiful piece, thanks for popping by happy woyww hugs trace x

  4. Thanks for sharing your desks with us - pity you can't offer a choc online!! That projectc with the winged creatures looks brilliant

  5. Those wings are so realistic, beautiful!! I will have to look up 'grunge paper', as I have heard of it from two woyww-ers so far today. :)

  6. I hate secrets so now I'm dying to find out more. Maybe I'll pop over to Leandra? Nah, she won't split, I know!
    JoZarty x

  7. Beautiful creative desk, hope you enjoyed the chocs, your project is stunning, Hugs May x x x

  8. Love the Paperartsy artwork! Promise not to tell her we've senen it.
    Looks like you're keeping busy anyhow.

  9. Ooo so exciting, hope you have a fab time in Holland. Gorgeous piece. Kim #81

  10. ooh, a sneaky peak-loving the moths...stunning colours.

    kyla #39

  11. Lin....that does not look or sound like the desk of a retired teacher/artist/shop owner now pursuing their own art at their own leisure...I thought you quit work! (although you did say you were carrying on with the paper artsy to be fair) and lucky Holland gets the benefit of your skills too....
    if you are continuing classes would you let me/Liz know if ever you do a journaling one?

    here's me hoping you did kind of start a slippery slope.....

  12. Love, love, love!!!

    WOYWW #117

  13. Hi there, 3 desks and all busy! I'd have gone mental by now! Hope you have a good week, love the last project!
    Neil #34

  14. ooohhhh sneaky peak! we are honoured!

    MdM workshop was fab and hope to do more, great workshop mentor and tutor.

  15. 3 desks? I think I'm jealous, but it would also mean cleaning 3 desks too....hmmm....guess I better stick to one!

  16. love sussing out your desk the gorgeous art piece and yes I will be hunting you down at Stitches...hugs kath xxx

  17. Gorgeous bugs, I really love that piece.

    Von #30 :)

  18. Gorgeous card love butterflies on any creation.Youve been busy girl.Hope it's another creative week for you.Happy woyww hugs judex14

  19. love the bugs too - a masterpeice. u r so talanted! u do art - i do crafts! i'm glad we live in a workd with both!

  20. I adore this piece on desk 3 ...stunning ....and you deserved the choccies.

  21. I thinks houmayhave solved the tedium of chopper peering jobs!!!

  22. I love how you have three desks!

    Happy WOYWW (on Monday!)
    Katie #16

  23. Just managing to make it round to a few more desks before the fun starts all over again tomorrow, I didn't realise how long it takes to leave everyone comments rather then just peeking at their desks, Very busy desks, I have never used grunge paper but have heard so many people talk about it so think I will have to have a go soon. Hope you have a great day Lou #94
