Wednesday 11 January 2012


Today has been a bits'n'pieces day. I did a spot of babysitting this morning for my daughter Sarah and little Seb. It's always a fun time when you look after Seb, he really is the happiest baby ever but I didn't think that it would be inappropriate to sit him on the table and say this is what's on my workdesk!!!! I do actually have three desks that I could share with you this week. The first one would have been boring as it is exactly how I left it last week. The second one has prototype Artsycrafts projects on it and that is all top secret stuff at the moment abd Leandra might have killed me so it has to be the third desk.
This is the result of my day of playing on Monday. Am really liking the tag on the top of the pile, I'll pop back later in the week to tell you how I did it, it was one of those happy accident things.

Anyways, if you would like to join in the WOYWW blog hop, just click here to be transported over to Julia's blog.



  1. The tags are all scrum my and love the fab collection of colours, happy woyww..hugs trace x

  2. You've really taken to this retirement business!!! Love those tags - and have played at your "play day" technique - love it, so thanks again!

  3. Looking forward to seeing more of your experiments

  4. my 'baby' was a happy accident,

    they are indeed the best..

    shall NOT be sharing how we made him...


  5. Everything you touch turns out beautiful. It just makes me heave heavy sighs! I really want to make a tag like that one on top -- think it must use Leandra's new paints -- more and more urgent to get some of them . . . .
    Big smile -- Sally xoxo

  6. Ooo loving all those colourful tags - yum! Kim #57

  7. Hi there, thanks for popping by my place. I found the keys at a little antique market we have in town on a friday. Love the colours of your tags, hope you have a great rest of the week!

  8. I managed to clear about 2 square feet of my workdesk today to have a little play. (It really needs an industrial level clearing but that's for another time.) Not nearly as imaginative or creative a play as yours seems to have been though. Retirement obviously suits you!

  9. Those are some nice looking tags there!!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #45

  10. I'm seeing how many I can get round this way.then when I have finished I'll come back again, that is if I can STOP reading all the posts first Happy WOYWW

    LOu P

  11. Love those tags the colours are just perfect, Hugs May x x x

  12. It must be truly wonderful to wake up each morning and think "Maybe I'll....instead of I MUST!" The tags and colours are looking great...looking forward to what you cook up for AC! Thanks for the visit and kind words about my CS debut...yes you might have to go and buy all the mags for real now. I would sure miss browsing through all the new Stampingtons! Thanks for the peek in to your crafty space...Sarah.

  13. Can't wait to see what you Do with these tags .....have you got your blog roll in flip board tis fab way to keep up with it all ....get updates when they come in fab x

  14. Looks like you're having a blast being "retired"! Shame I never got to see any of it! I think from prior conversations you set up in MK market the year I left England for America, so I never saw the shop in Olney either, sadly. I hope you have a brilliant time in your studio.

    Brenda 103

  15. I was laughing I could just picture you plopping the baby on the table and taking a picture....just struck me funny! I love your tags, they are all lovely! Thanks for the visit today, Happy WOYWW

  16. Hi Lin, I'm catching up with your blog post, hope the retirement is going brilliantly so far. I LOVE the top two tags, looking forward to seeing what else you do with them.

  17. Those tags are gorgeous,loe the mix of colours.
    Von #19

  18. Nice to see you on here again Lin. Hope life is getting to be "normal" for you now that retirement is taking hold. Not that you are fully retired (thank goodness) with Artsycrafty around the corner.
    Will try my best to keep you informed as to what is going on but don't think I will do is justice like you do. Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog - Hugs, Neet xx

  19. I agree with you that the top tag is awesome. I can't wait to see what you do with it. That said, they are all neat looking tags and will be fun to play with. I giggle at the 3 desks. I have the craft desk, computer desk, and table so I can relate.

  20. The tags are gorgeous and I think it would have been totally appropriate to put the baby there for pix!!!

  21. Oh em gee, what if one day you post the wrong desk by accident!!! Glad you're finding time to have seb and enjoy the thrill of three desks..and the tags...I like em all!

  22. Love those portfolios and succumbed to the paperartsy sale to get me some more Lynn Perrella stamps! many thanks for the inspiration Lin.
