Thursday 26 January 2012

Sewing Machine Update

After a lot of researching and mind changing, I have finally done the deed and ordered a new sewing machine which is going to be delivered on Monday!!!!  There were a few features that I knew I had to have after using Leandra's all singing/all dancing machine last weekend and to my surprise most of those features are pretty much standard on the majority of machines now.......obviously been a long time since I purchased a sewing machine!!!

I had kind of narrowed the choice down to two or three different models of Brother machines. The main reason was that Leandra's is a Brother and having used it, I was really very impressed. Leandra did tell me that her machine is quite a few years old and so it was no surprise to find that that particular model was discontinued some time ago. The lovely Karen suggested I have a chat to my other lovely friend Mary as she had recently become the proud owner of a brand new sewing machine. Fabulous idea me thinks to myself and would you believe it Mary got the same machine as the one on the top of my list and guess what????? She loves it!!!  Recommendation is good enough for me so more time spent on tinternet finding the best deal, order placed and now I can't wait for Monday. So what did I opt for???? It's a Brother Innov-is 50 which is no where near as fancy as Leandra's but it does everything that I want.

In preparation for Monday, I am now the proud owner of this fabulous fabric. Fabric is a whole new world to me and I can't stop saying "look at this" and "this is to die for". Now I know how my customers felt when they came into my shop and you are confronted with a huge selection of's all very exciting.

OK I'm off to drool over my fabric again.


  1. uhh ohhh... fabric is a whole new addiction... wont be long till your needing a 2nd craft room to keep just your fabrics & sewing machines in !


  2. That's it you are doomed now to create stashes of neatly washed and ironed fat quarters that you gaze at lovingly and stroke! Stoking of fabric is very important, when you shop in proper fabric shops they gaze at you with a motherly look that says - it's ok go ahead and stroke we know it's nice, we won't tell you off. jo xx

  3. I am sure you will love your new "toy" and I can't wait to see what you make first. The fabric piles are gorgeous... have fun!

  4. hi, i have a brother machine (my second) & i love them.. good solid, easy to use machines.
    have fun!

  5. Have fun Lin, looking forward to seeing what you create.

  6. oh how I would love to get a fancy sewing machine but I have only jsut got to grips with my mini one that goes...erm... forwards... only! I was the kid at school that got chucked into the boys woodwork class because I kept breaking the sewing machine...ekkk! CAn't wait to see what you come up with ... oh and... LUSH fabric!!


    .......SEVERE FABRIC ENVY HERE!!!!!!

  8. I was into quilting at one point....fabric is a bit like collecting pretty papers....only darn more expensive!!! LOL
    Have fun
    xoxo Sioux

  9. Ooh fab news Lin, can't wait to see what you create. Roll on Monday so you can start to play !
    Sue C

  10. My machine needs serviced. I got it from "Santa" when I was 13 I think. Then it was a refurb but was like brand new. I was flabbergasted to work out it's now more than 30 yrs old eeeek!
    A new one would be bliss, enjoy your brother when it arrives!!
    Jeanette x

  11. Don't get me started on fabric lol have an atic full which hasn't been touch since I got inky tehe
    have fun :)
    Von xxx

  12. You should have said when you were over - I sell Brother and you could have had a play!
