Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's the final countdown

We're now on the final countdown to closing the doors on L.B.Crafts for the last time. First of all, I just have to say a huge thank you to each and everyone of you who have sent me emails, gifts, texts, messages on Twitter and cards wishing me well for the future. Your extremely kind comments mean so very much to me and I have to admit to being reduced to tears a times but they are good tears, I truly feel very blessed to have made so many wonderful friends throughout my creative career. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Now for the important stuff. As the shop is now emptying out of stock at the speed of light, I thought I would share a few pictures with you.

So as you can see, there's not that much left now BUT and this is a really big but......everything except Fresco Finish paint and Pan Pastels is now half price!!!! Yep, that's not a typo.....HALF PRICE!!! If you happen to visit the shop (cos we have more in the shop than we do on line) if it's not actually marked down on the price ticket, we will deduct the 50% at the till for you. Here's the link you need to go half price shopping. Please bear with us though, our normal same day turnaround is a bit of a struggle at the moment due to the volume of orders but we are aiming for processing the next day. Don't forget, first come, first served....when it's out of stock, it's gone forever.

Thank you all so much.


  1. Looks so bare! That means there's less to pack away when the doors finally close! Much love x

  2. Such empty shelves.... wish I could have got there to see it in person.... all the very best to you and to Karen in her new job.

  3. oh my goodness - look at all that floor space!
    Wishing you all the very best with your 'retirement' - tho I have a feeling you may soon be saying 'I don't know how I found the time to go to work' because your days will be full of exciting new things & quality time spent with the special people in your life. Which is as it should be! Enjoy.
    Take care

  4. Dear, dear Missie Linda:
    The photos made me cry! On the one hand, I would love to be able to visit the shop one last time; on the other hand, I think it would make me even sadder! That's from the customer/follower side. But from your side, I can only be delighted that your customers have wiped you out, and that there's only the "pickings" left now. I hope so much that you will have a wonderful time in your (semi-) retirement, and that you will enjoy all your family and friends to the utmost. . . . and that you will travel to fantastic places and have a fun-filled, active life.
    Lots and lots of love (and a whimper or two) from Missie Sally xxxxxxxxx

  5. I dare not ask hubby to take me there again, although there were a couple of stamp sets I had my eye on from Darkroon door and Oxford impressions as well as some inks. oh well. Its sad to see the shop look so empty especailly when you think of much stock you had.
    all the best

  6. Oh it's getting really bare, thought I had a duty to help you some more today, was lovely to catch up and have a chat. Wishing you so much happiness in your retirement, I'm sure you will be kept busy by the little ones wanting to spend more time with their nanna and hope we will be blessed with lots more of your beautiful artwork in the future.
    Send Karen my love and wish her all the best in her new job ... ok I'm gulping now, best go before I make the ink run. Take care xxx

  7. Sad to see your lovely shop so bare though, always such a fab place to browse. Hope to nip in before you close your doors for the last time.
    I do hope you will continue blogging and uploading your gorgeous creations though. xx

  8. ooh more tempation, package arrived yesterday and has been hidden from me, boo hoo, roll on xmas, wishing you and Karen all the best, it must be quite sad seeing the old place empty before your eyes. x

  9. My goodness the shop looks so different now. So glad your sale has gone well - and guess what? I placed another order - what am I like?
    Good luck with the last few days, I am sure it will be emotional but just think of all the time to come with your lovely grandchildren and more time for your art.
    Take care.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  10. Blimey Lin, that made me feel really sad to see the place so empty so gawd knows how you, Karen and Linda must be feeling... am sending you a big big hug... I will try and pop over before closing day to see you... take care xx

  11. What a sad sight but bet there are lots of happy memories :) couldn't resist and have placed another order
    Von xxx

  12. I came to the shop on Dickens day, seeing it emptying was a gratifying sight rather than a sad one, as you are ending of your own choice and on a high, proved by the customers who want to travel to see you and to buy every last scrap of your stock before you close.
    Hope to see much art from you on your blog, it will be interesting to see how your work develops outside the contsraints of runnung a business.Thanks for the great customer service and inspiration.xx

  13. Dear Lin
    Thank you for lovely bargain box received yesterday. I am sad your shop is closing - it's always been my favourite - but I have 'semi-retired' recently and can only recommend it - time is precious so best wishes and enjoy those lovely grandchildren

  14. Wishing you and Karen all the best with your new adventures.
    Loooved my £20 box that arrived today.
