Wednesday 30 November 2011

We're back on track

So the lovely Karen and I have worked our little socks off clearing the backlog of orders for the bargain boxes......we had to have another chocolate day though to see us through.......and we are now ready and waiting for round two. Our gorgeous webmaster extraordinaire, Sweet Pea, has popped the offer back on the website for me, so if you missed out first time's another chance to nab one of these outstandingly good value boxes.

I have also prepared some bargain boxes just for the shop too, these will contain items that are too heavy to post and are still excellent value, so if you are coming to the shop over the weekend for Dickens of a Christmas, just ask at the counter for a shop bargain box, we will have a stash of them ready and waiting.

Thank you again for your continued support.


  1. OOh awaiting mine with bated breath... hope they arrive tomorrow xx

  2. Fabulous value Lin and a wonderful collection of goodies. Thanks so much for mine.
    Glad your week is going well.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  3. ohhhh not more goodies to tempt us, thought I'd bring a little gift of my own being as you are tempting us with your gift boxes


  4. Thank you so much - mine came this morning - sooooo pleased. Even tepted to come over for more on Sunday!! If you haven't got one of these - you just MUST!! Thanks Lin and Karen.

  5. Thank you so much for my goody boxes - have just received them and they are choc-a-block full of amazing stuff. Really good value too. x x x

  6. Thank you so much for the fantastic selection of goods in my box which was delivered this a.m.

    Best wishes for the future.

  7. Hiya

    Thank you so much for my goodie boxes. Choc a box full of lovely things, even looks like you've colour co-ordinated them specially for me :-) Thank you so much.

    Enjoy your dickens weekend.
