Sunday 13 November 2011

The week that was

Sorry that there's not a lot of blogging going on at the moment but to be honest there's not a lot of creating going on either......Karen and I have been more than a tad busy sending out a gazzillion parcels to all you lovely people who placed orders for some of our bargains, but more about that later.

What else have I been up to, well let's see.
Monday.......babysitting for this gorgeous little fella......only he's not so little anymore....well actually if I'm honest, he's never been little but he's always been gorgeous!

Monday and then back to the shop and queueing in the post Office with a ton of mail order packages.

Tuesday.....I taught my Metal Masterclass, was a fun class, thank you ladies but sorry I didn't take any pictures on my own camera!

Wednesday.....I played shopkeeper and mail order dispatcher.

Thursday.....sorted out the stockroom with a trip to the dump.....that was quite an epic!

Friday.....I had a lovely, lovely day in London with Mark and look who was also in London for the weekend....Missie Sally, my friend and long term customer from France with her beautiful daughter Sabrina. We met up in Covent Garden for a quick cuppa and a catch up, which is always a delight.

I did a little bit of shopping at the bead shop.....only a little bit.....the shop was half empty which was very disappointing but I'm sure Mark was greatly relieved!

We then went on to Foyles bookshop. Mark and I are both suckers for a good bookshop, I managed to find four that I couldn't bear to leave behind........just need a few minutes to sit down and actually read them.

After a stroll up Oxford Street we decided to hop on the tube to go to Westfield shopping centre at Shepherds Bush. Mark actually did a lot of work in there before the shopping centre opened so it's quite interesting to know what went on behind the scenes.

I had the most unusual glass of apple juice.......definitely not enticing by it's appearance but it was the most delicious glass of apple juice I have ever had.

Was a pretty full on day and we were both quite exhausted so it was a little disappointing when our train home crawled along at a snails pace....signalling problems apparently.....never mind, we got there eventually!

Saturday......I taught my Street Life class to eight lovely ladies, another fun filled class, a bit emotially saying goodbye to a couple of my ladies but still fun,  then went home to clean the house and collapsed in front of the TV to get my weekly fix of X Factor only to find they had some technical problems and it was all running late. Not sure I'm liking the show so much this year but I still watch it every week in case I miss something good.....I know that's sad but it's also true!!!

So what else has been happening recently......let me two beautiful daughters Kelly and Sarah have set up their own little business and they had their debut event last weekend which all went swimmingly well. It was a mad panic stricken week for them both, preparing for the event...they managed to take over my new studio to make a gazillion gorgeous candles and now my studio smells fabulous, the scent they used in the candles is called baby powder and it smell just like Seb and Isla!!!!

OK, so what's the latest on the sale items in the shop????? Our latest additions to the sale on line and in the shop are some super deals on Paperartsy lines.......25% off all items with the exception of the new Lynne Perrella stamps and Fresco Finish paints. Linda will be adding more items to the sale throughout the week and I'll try to blog about them as soon as they are up but it is worthwhile just checking the website to see for your self as I might not be able to blog about it straight away due to the volume of orders at the moment.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Lin


  1. My word Lin, you sound like youve been run off your feet! Me and my hubby are the same, we cant pass a book store without going in. Thats fabulous news about your daughters starting up a business, I wish them every success for the future. Lee x

  2. whoa that is a busy week, think soon you'll have so much more time to do the things you want . . x

  3. Glad you got a day to enjoy in London on Friday, the rest sounds mad busy! Hope you're having a relaxing day today...

  4. Busy, busy, but all sounds fun, especially the visit to the bead shop and Foyles. More goodies in the sale - can I resist? Probably not, I have already bought three lots of stuff. Fantastic service as well, so quick, and a little gift with last week's order - very much appreciated.
    Have a good week.

  5. Wow, you sound super busy. Hopefully it will all quieten down next year...
    Glad you had a good day in London, Trish xxx

  6. Back in France after a lovely weekend with my Breenie -- and such a plus to see you and Mark for a little while. Really fun. Photo looks as if I have some dreaded disease all over my cheek -- oh goodness, have to go to the dermatologist!!!!
    Lots of love from Missie Sally xx

  7. my first your blog and artwork!

  8. my first your blog and artwork!
