Tuesday 1 November 2011

New bargains up for grabs

Well, the weeks are certainly flying by at a rate of knots and it is quite scary to think that I only have about six weeks before we close the doors on L.B.Crafts for the final time which leads me nicely to the purpose of this blog post......more bargains!!!!

Bargains this week are in addition to those from last week

Short and sweet post from me today, I need to go prepare for my journaling class tomorrow.


  1. Hmmmm not sure what is wrong with your links, they wont work. It says "Host not found" but it will not deter me. I shall have a wee looksie on the site itself. Lee x

  2. Oops! Thanks Lee for the heads up re. the broken links.....all fixed now.


  3. Oh, the links still don't work for me ;(((

  4. OK it really is fixed this time!!!!
