Monday 24 October 2011

My big announcement

I have already hinted that a big announcement was imminent but I am guessing that many of you will be surprised to hear what it is.  Are you sitting down comfortably????? You may need to brace yourself for this one! There is no easy way to say it other than blurt it right are you ready? ...........I am going to be retiring at the end of this year. Well, I say retiring, semi-retiring would be more accurate. 

Basically, it has been 18 years since I started L.B.Crafts and I’m exhausted. I have loved every single minute of it, well every minute excluding the paperwork!!!  I have made friends that will remain friends for life, I have taught hundreds of people over the years in my classes and many have become dear guys know who you are.

It is not my intention to disappear from the face of the earth completely. Artsycrafts will continue as teaching is my passion, although it will be reduced to one event a year as it is my main aim to spend some quality time with my family. Leandra has a few things that I will be helping her with and I do intend to continue teaching my own classes although the venue for these is still to be confirmed.  

My whole family, especially my fabulous husband Mark have all been beyond understanding about the amount of my life that I have dedicated to my addiction of crafting and now it is time to give something back to them. I have four beautiful grandchildren and it breaks my heart that I have not had the time to spend with them and this is the first thing on my agenda to put right. Mark will wonder what the heck has happened, a meal on the table when he gets home from work will be really nice......I hope......after all, I'm not a fantastic cook but I think he deserves a treat or two after everything he has sacrificed for me. 

I have already told a few people about my plans and some have said how sad it is. Please do not think that I am sad about it, it is my choice and I am very excited at the prospect of a new beginning. I already have a few teaching things in the pipeline for next year and who knows where my new journey will take me. My only sadness about my decision is for Karen and Linda. I am sure that if you follow Linda on her blog, you will be able to keep up to date with her plans for the future and as for Karen, well, what can I say. I simply have not the words to express my gratitude to Karen. She has gone way beyond the call of duty in absolutely everything that she has done for me over the last few years and has also been very supportive of my decision to call it a day. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you to Karen, Linda (otherwise known as Julia or Sweet Pea) and all my faithful customers for the amazing support you have given me, I have been blown away by all of you.

The shop will actually close it’s doors a week before Christmas so keep your eye on this blog for details of bargains that will be up for grabs soon.
With my very best wishes and heartfelt thanks to all of you.


  1. It's about time you had some time for yourself and your family, you will enjoy every minute, and your grandchildren are only little for such a small amount of time, cherish every moment. Like you say you will still be involved in crafting just to a lesser extent. I wish you every success in everything you do and plan for the future . Take care. Tracy x

  2. How exciting for you, I'm sure you will love every minute and have no regrets at all. It is sad for us, but so pleased to hear that you will continue with Artsycrafts.
    Thank you for all the inspiration, look forward to seeing you before too long, and hope you'll still be blogging now and again.
    Anne X

  3. Am sure you are doing the right thing, retirement is wonderful as it allows you time to be yourself and do more of what you want with your family and friends. Am pleased that you are continuing with Artsycrafts - especially as I was a first-timer at the Warrington event - would hate to miss out again.
    Good luck for the future -and enjoy.

  4. hiya sweetie
    family always come's first
    but now it finaly going to be so
    i wish you all the best sweetie
    enjoy your time with your family
    hope to see you ones and a while in blogland sweetie
    hugs angelique

  5. My goodness, a shock announcement and no mistake! I wish you every success in the future (I know how time consuming this business is) and I know you'll love the creating and the teaching but I'm pretty sure you won't miss the stress of the business side of things. Good for you!

    I do hope you'll keep blogging though - and sharing your brilliant projects and ideas. Big hug.

  6. I'm rather sorry to hear this Lin although I can completely understand why you need to do it as it's awful when you can't spend enough time with your family.
    You're definitely going to be missed by all your customers at shows and the shop including me so wish you and your family all the very best for what you do in the future.
    Fliss x

  7. Sometimes, it's time to take another path...and your time is coming. Have fun with your family and now that you mean a lot for me!!
    Thanks for everything Jolande

  8. I would like to add my love and thanks for your generosity - you have gone beyond "lady behind the counter" at LB and have become a friend and confidante and been incredibly welcoming to all of my family. I am very excited for your new adventures and hope we keep in touch! Much love xxx

  9. I'm sorry for us, but very hapy for you. You've more than earned this! Wishing you lots of happy time with your family xx

  10. Well what can I say.....I agree with everything you have said. Family is the most important and that should always come first. BUT now the selfish part...Where am I going to shop you are the best craft shop I know..How will I learn more? You and your team are the ones who got me into crafting for this I say a great big Thank You. Please keep up your Blogging and show us what you have made in your studio.Cherry.x

  11. Oh, Lin... I am among those that are very sad... not for you... but at the prospect of "LB" not being there next time I come to visit. Visiting your shop those two times was one of the true highlights of both trips. I will hope that one of your continued teaching opportunities will coincide with another visit - may have to plan it that way because I am determined to take one of your classes! Now that my selfish rant is over... I completely understand your decision and I'm so happy for YOU, that you will be able to spend the quality time with your family. ENJOY! I'll continue to follow you on your blog and will be on the lookout for opportunities to see you in the future. Best to you... ~ Ellen xxx

  12. Aww Lin I think you so deserve some You time....I am amazed at how busy you are and how you fit it all in, wishing lots of happiness for the future and look forward to hearing about all your future family plans

    love kazx

  13. Lin this can only be viewed as a new phase in your life, which as you say, is very exciting. We will miss you, of course, but again as you say, you will still be around. I wish you every success and happiness in your new adventure. Sue C x

  14. I'm so pleased for you and your family. We will still be able to catch up on all the escapades via twitter and the blog!
    I know it'll be lovely for the family spesh the grandchildren to have nanny around a bit more. I'm sure Marc will be happy too.
    I wish you a lonnnnng and happy, healthy retirement, looking forward to some more of your great teaching classes.
    Lots of love and best wishes to you and Marc
    Jeanette xo

  15. I'm so pleased for you and your family. We will still be able to catch up on all the escapades via twitter and the blog!
    I know it'll be lovely for the family spesh the grandchildren to have nanny around a bit more. I'm sure Marc will be happy too.
    I wish you a lonnnnng and happy, healthy retirement, looking forward to some more of your great teaching classes.
    Lots of love and best wishes to you and Marc
    Jeanette xo

  16. Oh wow Lin, I am sad you won't be there any more, but truly happy for the future. I decided to slow down about 4 years ago because I wanted to spend more time with my parents and my grandchildren, so I know exactly how you feel. I am so pleased I am coming to a workshop in November and look forward to seeing you before you go.
    Enjoy your time with the littlies - they grow up far too fast.
    Take care.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  17. I wish you all the best!!! Thank´s for sharing your time :)
    Hugs Susanne

  18. I know you are going to love, love, love your newly found freedom and time with the family(having heard for many many months about all your exciting plans whizzing about in your head), but I am sure many people will sorely miss the UK most loved and longest established shops. Congrats on achieving such a long and successful career...i think we all need to pitch in to give you a gold watch!!

  19. Wow that is a big announcement! It will be lovely for you to spent well deserved time with your family, but I so love coming for a browse in your shop which I only discovered this year, so I will miss your Aladdin's cave of crafting goodies, I will be popping in soon to get my fix before you close your doors. XX

  20. Wishing you all the very best for the future - with your family!! I will so miss you - not that I ever got to visit your shop - but your demos at the shows you attended have been an absolute joy to be part of. So I am sad, but for me - and the rest of your friends and customers - for not having such access to your creativity and inspiration. I know you have said you will keep blogging - make sure you do mind!!
    But, mainly ENJOY yourself!
    Lots of love, Helen.

  21. It has sunk in now lol, you are one of lifes true gems Lin, have the bestest fun with your family and catch up on hugs from the little ones, it has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you and experiencing 1st hand your talents, take care but most of have fun. x

  22. Thank you for all your beautiful posts. I don't live anywhere near you but I know you will be missed. It is difficult to find talent in good craft shops like yours.
    Family is important and life is fleeting so ENJOY! You definitely deserve it.

  23. I am sat in a lounge in a sunny place, just logged on and found this news. I hope everything works out fine for you and selfishly am glad you will still be teaching. I wish you well and am sure you will wonder how you had time for the shop and everything else. Now think about all the fun you can have with those grandchildren.

  24. Oh Lin, best of luck in your exciting new adventure! I'll miss your shop, but still see you at ArtsyCrafts!
    You deserve more time for yourself (including crafting). Will we be able to follow you on your blog still? All the best xxx

  25. Goodness Lynn, what a big decision, but such a positive one for you and your family. I have only made to LB once for a class and to shop with my three Quartet girls. I am so glad we made that visit. Shows will not be the same without you, you have always been my favourite at Ally Pally. You have given so many people such a lot of inspiration and it is nice to know your teaching will still do that. Elaine x

  26. Sorry to hear your retiring, but I can imagine it has worn you out. Take good care of yourself and I hope we wil see you around in Blogland.
    xxx Marianne MW

  27. Wow Lin certainly a BIG announcement but would like to wish you every happiness in your semi-retirement :-) xx

  28. wow. I am so glad that I will have the opportunity to see you next week.sad news for your customers but so pleased that this is your decision. What will the craft world do without lb crafts.

  29. Wow, what an exciting new chapter in your life, I am sure you will be just as busy. I was so excited to come to an artsycraft event back in Feb and have the opportunity to visit the shop. I wish you every success.

  30. Its so hard work running a shop and teaching and trying to keep up with your family, on a selfish note I shall miss my trip to Olney as I loved visiting you for a shop and a cappucino at the Courtyard, I hope that I shall be able to attend any classes that you put on as you have inspired and educated me to explore other techniques in my art which have been my salvation this past couple of years for which I thank you. Enjoy the time with your Grandchildren and family, I'm sure you're making the right descion for you and you get to play in your fabbie studio
    hugs from Daniele

  31. OMG OMG OMG great news for you, sad news for us . . tell Leandra Im happy to step up (I know what a relief that will be to her) LOL . .
    Only visited your shop once OK twice in the same Timmy weekend and was so looking forward to coming back for another mooch and mayhap a bit of spending :( . . . big kisses to you, you have given us crafters so much of yourself and your talent has inspired us, missing you already xoxoxoxox

  32. Wishing you every happiness and lots of special moments with the family :)

  33. Oh Linda, of course you deserve to enjoy your family, and I do not often get over to your lovely shop, but I am sitting here with a lump in my throat. You and your "team" will be missed. Thank you for your inspirational ideas and wonderful samples at the shows. Happy, happy retirment. Take care xxx Sheelagh T.

  34. Unfortunately I've never had the pleasure of visiting your shop but did go as far as getting route details for use some time in the future (haven't got long left now have I)
    I can quite appreciate your decision and as others have said family should take priority and your grandchildren won't stay little for long.
    Please, please, please keep your blog going and continue to inspire us with your creativity - maybe one day I will be able to get to one of your classes.
    Take care.
    Trudi xx

  35. Oh Linda, Of course you deserve to at last spend your time with your family. Enjoy your new found time when you retire. I do not often get over to your shop, a rare treat! But must tell you I am sitting here with a lump in my throat. Thank you for all the inspiration and wonderful samples over the years. Happy happy retirment Linda xxx
    Sheelagh T.

  36. Congrats to you and here is wishing you the best of everything and have a blast doing whatever your little heart decides to do.

  37. best wishes to you, my sweet friend.
    I wish you much happiness & lots of time to play with those
    grandbabies...and lots of time to make art...just for you!


  38. Oh Lin - this is the best of news and the worst of news! It's hard to take in. I cannot bear to think of the shop closing! We so love our regular visits and the lovely, friendly welcome we always receive from you and Karen. But I also know the pull of our wonderful grandchildren and the need to spend time with those precious little people. Thankyou for your patience and inspiring classes. Thankyou for contributing so much to our own art journeys! we both wish all of you the very best in your next awfully big adventure! Fondest love from us both xx

  39. Oh Lin - this is the best of news and the worst of news! What will we do without our regular visits to the shop, you and Karen? It's hard to take in! But, thankyou for all you have taught us in your inspiring classes and the lovely welcome we always receive.But - I also know the pull of wonderful grandchildren and the need to give time to those precious little people. We love you all very much and wish each of you the very best in your next, awfully big adventure! Chris & Linda xx

  40. Dear Missie Linda -- what a mind-blower . . . . how pleased I am for you, and how I wish you a wonderful "new life" full of happy events every single day. How strange it will be for all of us not to have your wonderful helping hand in the shop -- but I do hope I count among the friends who will not lose contact and who will continue to share laughs and tears. You have been such a great guru, and I just cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. The help you have always offered me (as well as the charming, wonderful Miss Karen) will always be carried like a torch. Good luck, Lin -- see you soon -- lots of love -- Missie Sally xx

  41. Shock upon shock you have the best shop and staff for miles and miles around. To say you will be missed is an understatement.......
    After saying all this I wish you joy in your retirement which has been well earn't and have fun with the grandchildren. Will be seeing you.....Annette x

  42. Dear Lin we will all miss the most inspirational seller of all things arty but you deserve every minute of the wonderful times you will be spending with your gorgeous family. Have fun being arty in your beautiful new studio and I hope to see you teaching sometime, somewhere. Paula x

  43. Forgot to say.... best of luck and everything good to the wonderful Karen and Linda. They are indeed fantastic but we will see them around for sure!x

  44. Whoops! Sorry for the repeat message - didn't think the first one got through! Yet, the sentiments are worth repeating! Lol chris xx

  45. i like your art that is superb you are a really fantastic artist.

    Plastic card printing
    Plastic Cards

  46. wishing you every happiness. You will love having the extra time with your lovely family .Thanks for sharing all your crafty knowledge over the years and for being very inspirational.

  47. Lin LB Crafts will be sorely missed, but your Grandchildren will grow up so quickly, and family life is truly precious. It is fabulous that you will still be teaching to a degree, and we can hopefully still keep up with your wonderful, inspiring talent through your blog. My visits were few and far between to the shop, but I was very fortunate to take some classes with you. I always enjoyed watching you at Ally Pally and Stamperama, and you will be missed there. However, this new chapter will be an exciting time for you to make the most of whatever comes your way.Enjoy, and know that we are wishing you well, big hugs, Judith xx

  48. Happy for you that you have made the decision, however sad will not be able to come to the best craft shop around. thanks for all the classes and events I managed to attend, taught me alot. Hope to visit shop before you close , but wishing you all the best for the future Frncesca xxxx

  49. Wishing you a happy ever after work time!
    xoxo Sioux

  50. All the best Lin! enjoy your "retirement", although am sure you'll be kept just as busy with your dear grandkids!

  51. Dearest Lin, I think everyone else has said it all. Great for you, to be able to spend more time with your grandchildren, I know how precious they are to you, but so sad for us. You've been a constant source of inspriation to us all, and so generous with your talent. We'll miss you and Linda and Karen so much. Good luck to you all. Allyson x

  52. The best way is to follow your heart. Enjoy whatever is coming.

  53. Lin,
    Congratulations! You will feel the load lifted from your shoulders! Been there, and have decided the same thing, sort of. The hubbies have supported us, the gkids are growing up too fast, and life's too short. So I'm in your corner, and completely understand.

    Recharge your batteries, hug those babies, and enjoy all that you've learned. Can't wait to see what door opens for you next!

    Big Hugs!


  54. As I said at the weekend its time for you to put yourself first! I'm sure your family will love you being around, especially your grandchildren.


  55. Congratulations Lin on making this very hard decision... you are very, very brave and I am wishing you a very long and happy retirement, spending time with your lovely family and getting some YOU time for the first time in a very long time. I have been incredibly lucky to call LB my local store, to take classes with you and Linda, to do ArtsyCrafts, the Tim event and to be able to spend time with Karen, who is, without doubt, one of the best "enablers" in the business. All the very best for the future Lin... big hugs x

  56. Hope this makes you really happy and less tired! Will be eagerly watching to see where and when you will be teaching.xx

  57. Gosh Lin, I am sad to see such a beautiful art shop close but I can't fault your decision to spend more time with the family.
    So glad ArtsyCrafts will continue: I thoroughly enjoyed the classes at Warrington and the 'Tim day' back in Feb.
    All the best for your (semi) retirement.
    Love Karen

  58. OMG!! What a shock! But I wish you all the luck in the world as time does go so quickly and family means the world - as you know the last 18 months have put alot into perspective here! You've worked so hard and shared your unique talent with so many people, so a big thank you for that. The craft world certainly won't be the same without L B though - how will we survive!!! The shop has been unique and by far the best anywhere! Lots of love and best wishes. See you Friday! Carol. Xx

  59. Congratulations Lin, you've worked hard to have such a successful business but missing your family grow up is hard. I hope your teaching ventures will bring you down south of the country again.
    Wishing you all the best. Karin xx

  60. Wow! Life's rich journey offers another bend in the road for you. I'm so pleased for you Lin. Have just got back from a week away and logged on to see what your big announcement would be. You and the LB family have touched so many lives and left them all the richer. Having changed my own path recently I can well understand the mixed feelings of joy and sadness and know the blessings you will now be able to enjoy.

    With much love from Anna.
