Tuesday 6 September 2011

Pan Pastels Giveaway

If you are new to my blog....welcome.....I hope you enjoy your visit here. It a place where I share some of my artwork and random thoughts, I do also use it to advertise new products that I sell in my store as well as promote my classes and events that I am involved in. If you are a regular visitor then you know what a mad, hectic life I lead and that at the moment I have totally fallen in love with Pan Pastels.

I thought it would be nice to share the love so I am having a bit of a "giveaway" here on my blog. All you need to do is leave a comment, preferably saying why you would like to try out Pan Pastels, put a link on your own blog linking it back here and you could be in with a chance of winning this little lot. Now of course, you can still enter if you do not have a blog but it would be nice to play fair if you do have one. The Giveaway will be open for entries until 30th September 2011.

 Here are a couple of background pages from one of my journals using the Pan Pastels, I love the way the colours blend together so beautifully.
 You can achieve soft, pretty, subtle backgrounds
or bright vibrant ones........such a versatile product....everyone should have at least a few Pan Pastels in their stash of arty goodies.

So come on, join in the fun, leave a comment, you never know, you might just win!!

Have a creative day, Lin


  1. Great backcgrounds! It must be great fun to play with pan pastels. I would love to try.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. wow! Fantastic job! Love all the backgrounds)))
    Hugs. Larisa. xx

  3. these backgrounds you have created Lynn are amazing, thanks for the chance to win a set of pastels

  4. wow, thank you Lin! I'd love to try them out, I create (nearly) all my own backgrounds, mostly with distress inks, and I'd love to try something new.

  5. You guys find the fabbest products. I love the colours you've used, and would love to give it a go myself!

  6. I have been totally inspired by the Pan Pastels seeing your work...I'd love to play with these! Thanks for a chance to win some!

  7. Just when you think there can't be another fantabulous product - up it pops and there you are tempting us all. The degree of tone variation and subtlety looks very inviting and yet seems very easy on the hand...saw a blogger recently that had bought all 80 colours (eek! Thanks for the giveaway - would love to win some loveliness!

  8. Wow, great way to make backgrounds. They look like pots of makeup. How fun to play with. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. I have been so intrigued by these. I don't know the first thing about using them so I hope you will do a tutorial (hint hint) on how you used them. Your examples are amazing!

  10. I've seen these on YouTube Linda, & they look fabulous! Your examples are beautiful! I'd love to give them a try. Popped a link in my sidebar.
    Alison xx

  11. oh wow i love your backgrounds using these i would love to win them as i want to start making my own backgrounds and i love the soft look on yor projects that they give thanks for the oppotunity of winning them xx

  12. I always love to read your blog as i think you are so clever with the ideas that you come up with you are so talented. I have been looking at the pan pastels as they look so interesting and fun to use and something different to try. Keep coming up with new ideas as i just love looking at them.

  13. Love the backgrounds. Would love to try the pan pastels as they look like a must for all crafters

  14. i am so sorry i havent got a blog, but am at this very moment just trying to find out what panpastel wil do? Is it ink, is it some kind of chalk? i am very curious. Here in Holland it is not easy to find a shop for such things.
    With warmest regards,
    anna lemsma

  15. Fabulous product of which I now own a few but I would love to add to my collection, pretty please. I love the range of one colour you can achieve and your backgrounds are fabulous. Tracy x x

  16. Ooh, giveaways!! lol.... I really really want to try these fab looking pastels because you make it look so darn easy! The link on my blog will have to wait till I get home as I can't get it done at work.
    Thanks for the chance to win goodies, Lin!

  17. I love the variation in shades you have achieved - from subtle pastels to the more vibrant pinks and oranges, but all retaining such a soft finish. Clearly I really, really need these lol!

  18. hiya sweetie
    this is such a lovely giveaway hunni
    the background are just stunning sweetie
    i would love to try a new technics
    i never done background befor, so this would be a great challenge
    i've never seen this in the netherlands sweetie
    thank you so much for a chance and it's already linked on my sidebar
    hugs angelique

  19. Seeing all your amazing creations with the pan pastels how could one not want to win a set, Plus i don't have any and am on a spending ban at the moment and am not allowed to buy any!!
    Thanks for the chance to win Lin x

  20. Well I'm coming on the course, so INEED to have these don't I??? I have seen them on the YouTube so they are a must have... also just getting into making a journal - well doing some backgrounds anyway, so come on!!! I MUST win (but I can't win a sick headache, tee hee!!)
    PS your pages are amazingly gorguss!!

  21. Whow Lin, this is great stuff, did'nt now that I could do all with this stuff. I now 1 thing...this pan pastels are going to be mine!!!

  22. These are gorgeous. I hear so much about these but still don't own any myself. Would be fabulous to win some! Thanks for the chance.

  23. thanks for the chance Lin. dying to have a play with these as I've not used them before and they looks so versatile. hence doing the class next month.

  24. I've been watching with interest all of the wonderful things you've been making, Lin, with Pan Pastels. I love making my own backgrounds so would love a chance to have a 'dabble'. I've posted a link on my side bar for you too :-)
    Sue C

  25. I never thought there would be anything to rival Distress Ink backgrounds and then up pop pan pastels.Thank you so much for being in with a chance of owning some.The samples are glorious.

  26. love the things you have made....
    and i would like to try the panpastels, it looks like lots of fun
    i don't have a blog...

  27. Really cool backgrounds! So I guess they are high pigment pastels! Very nice. I never heard of them, so of course I'd love to give them a try!

  28. love your work . thanks for sharing and a great give away.

  29. I love the look of the Pan Pastels! I've seen them demoed at my LSS and drooled. LOL

  30. Well I haven't got a blog but on the plus side - I am keen!!
    1. I have booked on the taster day
    2. This is my second attempt to leave a message after my internet has been down all day. I tried tapping it in on my phone but that failed so am now trying again on an emergency modem!

  31. Little pots of yummy gorgeousness just waiting to be dipped into! Just think of the loveliness you could create with these! Great giveaway - fingers crossed! jo xx

  32. These Pan Pastels are on my wishlist Lin, having seen your samples, I love the soft/blended finish they give projects and the colour palette is gorgeous, would love to be in with a chance to win these yummy little pots as I want to do alot more journalling. Inspirational as always Lin. x

  33. Oh wow, fabulous backgrounds. I would love to win them. Thank you so much for the chance to get them.

  34. These backgrounds are wonderful...I should love to try...keep my fingers and toes crossed!
    xxx Margreet

  35. what totally fab pieces - really loving the effect with those pan pastels - would love the opportunity to have a go - have posted a link on my blog.

  36. What a lovely giveaway Lin - hope to be down to the shop soon

  37. waginyour work is just beautiful..amd the pastels are great thanks for a chance to win
    hugs chrissy o

  38. I have been wanting to try pan pastels for a while. They look so neat and I love how many different techniques you can do with them.

  39. love the backgrounds! Thanks for a chance to try this!

  40. Lovely, lovely pastels, Lin! Vintage doesn't have to be dark, or grungy! I would love to have some of these, but I read that someone has all EIGHTY colours!! I would be happy with just a few, and then see how I could blend them.
    Jackie Thornhill

  41. Looooove your journal pages, NEEEEED the pan pastels!!! Please, pretty please, pick me Mr Random.org ;))) Thank you for the chance to win! xx

  42. It would be amazing to try the new Pan's Pastels and have the freedom to make some awesome backgrounds as you have. With a colour pallette of hundreds of shades of different colours - what a great new addition to your shop - you always come up with great new products and even greater ideas on how to use them.

  43. Wow! Yet another batch of toys to try! Sorry, no blog! I am just learning about all these fun things.

  44. I always love trying art supplies new to me and have been intrigued by Pan Pastels for awhile. Love you examples and have seen a few demos and love how the colors blend. These would be so fun to play with!
    I posted about your generous giveaway on my blog here: http://kimberiginals.blogspot.com/2011/09/check-this-out-for-chance-to-win-pan.html
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  45. Wonderful backgrounds - I would love to try these. I have posted about it on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win

  46. Lin would love to win those pan pastels but a bigger dream would be to actually take a class from you. Any chance your coming to Canada in the future to teach!( Calgary maybe)

  47. Another great inspiring technique from you Lin. Would love the chance to 'have a go' with pan pastels! Fingers crossed.

  48. I was wanting to order some of these from a local store here in Michigan but I forgot. Loved working with them at the stamp show this past spring. Maybe I will get lucky? Red, grey and charcoal colors would be so cool.

  49. Have been lusting after these and the Dina Stamps for a while. Can't wait to see you demo them at Ally Pally Lin. What a generous giveaway, thanks for the opportunity. Will create blog link after work this evening.x

  50. i would love to try the panpastels...
    gorgeous backgrounds!! =)
    hugs, SannaS

  51. Your backgrounds great as ever, do you ever make a bad one! would love to try something new . Love Francesca

  52. I have been a good girl and added a link on my blog! Why would I like to win? Because I love to learn new things - try the unfamiliar but above all I would love to learn to journal and I think these would make perfect backgrounds for my journalling! Thanks for your generosity!

  53. Pan Pastels? Until about a week ago, I've never hear of it, but I had a look around, and the more I see, the more I like it!
    It would be gorgeous to win this set!!!

  54. These look great, I love creating backgrounds and these look perfect
    Happy craftin

  55. I love what you did with your pastels! I have always wanted to try them. Thanks for the chance!

  56. Your backgrounds are beautiful. I would love to learn how to use the Pan Pastels. Would you do a tutorial on your blog?

  57. I'd certainly love to try these new pastels and love making new background so what an opportunity! Thanks for the chance to win them.
    joZarty x

  58. Wow! I'd love to try these out. The pieces you've done using them are beautiful - so inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win xx

  59. OOooH I would love to get my hands on the pan pastels give away,
    it's something I havent tryed yet.
    (I have tryed almost everything else lol)
    the backgrounds you have done look amazing,
    have a fab day

  60. yes, yes, yes, i would love to try out these pan pastels! thanks for the chance to win!

  61. Your projects are so beautiful!! I would love to try these so I can keep experimenting the artistic side of scrapbooking. TFS!! Take Care!!
    Jennie @ http://earthyscrap.blogspot.com/

  62. I love the look of your backgrounds! I am becoming more adventurous in my old age and would love to see how my journal pages would look with pan pastels!

  63. Your backgrounds look awesome!! Thanks for the chance to win some Pan Pastels, :}

  64. I first went to your blog for your panpastel backgrounds on the tacks.
    And I loved them. So I would really like to have some to try and play by my self.

  65. Those colours look yummy and you certainly know how to use them, the samples are fantastic.

  66. I love those colours and the wonderfully soft effect you get with the pan pastels.

  67. I only own 3 colors of the Pan Pastels. I would loke to have more but need to learn how to use them more before investing more money. Winning would help with that. Thanks for the chance.

  68. Oh wow, how fun, I just started an art journal class and learning to use all these fun media, thanks for a chance to win!

  69. Wow love your samples and I'm always up for "playing" with something new. Thanks for the opportunity.

  70. Love the backgrounds, love the pastels, would love to win some!

  71. Wow what a great candy. I have never used anything like this before and I love learning new coloring techniques. I have put your picture on my blog.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  72. thanks for this wonderful giveaway.
    Besides your amazing samples , I knew pan pastels from donnadowney, I love the colours you can get. For me these are great for art journaling!

  73. I never heard of Pan Pastels, but when I see the results, oh WOW, I would love to try! And I'm very suprised by the beautiful colours which match so well together.
    Thank you for your give away and the chance to try this wonderful product.
    Greetings from Yvon

  74. Im a young budding artist, please check out my blog here:) www.natalyaruby.blogspot.com
    I am love art!! its my passion and i would love to win these pastels and try something new with them, that would be brilliant! Thank you. Natalya xx

  75. love the look of your samples, so inspiring.

  76. I have a friend who recently started using pan pastels. I was amazed. I would love to try these out on my own projects. Great work on your tags!

  77. I absolutely adore the richness of the colours and versatility of these pastels and so desperately would love to try them out for myself. I want to start journalling and some pan pastels would be an excellent start to my stash.

  78. Well, I love your blog... and I think it would be wonderful to work with those pan pastels

  79. Love your artwork and love the pan pastels!!!

  80. Beautiful samples & what a fabulous product, I would love to have the chance to try these out.

  81. I just started art journaling about a month ago and I love it! Have been eying these pan pastels and really would love to get my hands on some but alas, my budget just won't allow at this time! I have oil pastel sticks, some chalk pastel sticks, water colors, tube acrylics, oil paints, etc. but this medium really intriques me. I must start a pan pastel cookie jar to save up for some! Would love to win!!! of course we all would.

  82. i have really been wanting to try these Pan Pastels. I love adding mixed media to my work - so thanks for the chance to win.

  83. I love the way your backgrouds turned out - you make it look so easy!! The Pastels look yummy-creamy; I'd love to try them!! Thanks for the cahnce to win:)

  84. I've never tried them, but they look wonderful, and I love trying new products--gets the creative juices flowin'. =) I posted a link for your giveaway on my blog. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

  85. Love these gorgeous backgrounds that you created with the Pan Pastels! I am already a follower and would love a chance to win. Have added your giveaway to my sidebar! Thank you!

  86. I love your backgrounds, I do not have any Pan Pastels but would like to try them.

  87. The backgrounds are beautiful. I never tried pan pastel. I'm a newbie in art journal and I would love to try those pan pastel. I'm seeing them on many blogs and they look like a very cool product. Thanks folr the opportunity to win!

  88. Your backgrounds are gorgeous...I would love to try these...thanks for the chance to win...I dont leave many comments, but i love your work and see all your posts !!


  89. I could tested the pastells, and wow, the pastells are wunderfull! Your Backgrounds are fantastic.
    Thanks for the chance to win it.

  90. I've heard so many good things about the Pan Pastels, I'd love to try them out for myself. Your examples are exquisite.

    I'd added a link in the sidebar of my blog. Thanks for the chance of winning some!

  91. Ooh Lin, these pan pastels look and sound scrummy! I love the way you can make soft and vibrant colours. As I make almost all my own backgrounds I think that these pots look like a lot of fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. that looks awesome, must try it in combination with my scrappages! TFS!

  93. That looks so awesome! I must try it on my scrappages! TFS!

  94. Hmmm. Something new I've never tried. Your pages are so inspiring.

  95. Wow...would love to try them!
    Putting a link on my sidebar now.

  96. gorgeous backgrounds! Please count me in!

  97. Hi, I've seen your great backgrounds with panpastel. I've only two colors and they are very good.
    I would like to win youre blogcandy!


  98. WOW.....Your Backgrounds look just super fantastic. Hav fallen in love with them the minute i laid my eyes on it. WOW its a must have.
    Thanks for the chance to win them! Woo Hoo....
    I'm yr newest Follower & am off to update about it on my BLOG.

    email: ritibanka@gmail.com
    blog: alilpieceofheaven17.blogspot.com

  99. Stunning! Of course, all your work is AWW-Mazing!! I would love to win those pastels!!

  100. Your backgrounds are fantastic. Thanks for the chance of winning those wonderful Pan Pastels. I've bought a beginners pack during the Stempelmekka in Hagen and I love them. Seems to need some more ;)

  101. Pan Pastels are a wonderful art tool to make your projects look the way that you want them to look! I used these babies in a class and have wanted them ever since! Thank you for the opportunity to win some!
    I put the link to your blog on my facebook page, since it has more followers than my new blog does! Hope you get some new followers!

  102. Hi there, the pan pastels are dreamy, creamy and yes I am impressed wth the bright colours on your samples and would love to try some. I will be in Ally Pally so will def stop by to watch your fab demos. Good Luck Sunanda

  103. I have a couple of these in my stash and whilst I think they're pretty, I wasn't entirely sold...not enough to pay the huge price for them here in Australia. But after seeing your gorgeous creations I'm now convinced I need more - I need them all! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  104. I'd love to experiment with these...seems I'm seeing new techniques every place I look. I especially want to try some background effects.

  105. Always loved the effect of chalks but not so keen on faffing around with them. These Pan Pastels look to be the answer. Thanks for the opportunity try some out for free ;-)

  106. fantastic backgrounds. sure i would be happy to win!

  107. Hi Lin - I really like the look of these pan pastels so thought I have a go a winning them. Hope I am lucky. Margaret

  108. Hi Lin
    I loved your demo at Ally Pally and came straight home to play with the ones I bought. They are fabulous, I love the bright colours and versatility of them.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  109. I just LOVE the subtle colour effects you have achieved on your samples with the Pan Pastels. I've been toying with the idea of buying some soft pastels but think will have to have this range instead!

  110. Nice gift! :)
    I like to try new things
    please enter my name
    I will post on my sidebar.
    Blog: http://lilangkrea.blogspot.com/

  111. What a fantastic giveaway - thank you for the opportunity to win. I have blogged about it here: http://jennibelliestudio.blogspot.com/2011/09/woyww-121-paint-more-pay-less.html much love, Jenny

  112. Fantastic work with the Pan Pastels. I have been doing bit of a net and blog stalk to see what beautiful images I can find. And WOW! there are some truely inspiring and stunning pieces out there. I will be keeping my fingers well and truely crossed for this candy..... it sure would be 'christmas come early!' Might have to fight my son for them though. He is quite the artist and would love these too. Thanks for the chance to win xxxxx

  113. These look like fun! I would love to try these :)Thanks for the chance! I just found your blog and will be following you :)

  114. What wonderful pots, full of delight. Called "Pan" pastels I suppose I should say full of magic.

  115. These backgrounds are wonderful, I had never heard of these pastel until a week or so ago but then here they are to tempt us lol. I would love the chance to give them a go x

  116. I've seen some tutorials where pan pastels was used and I am so intrigued at the effect! Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from

  117. the colors look so vibrant and yummy, it would be great to be the winner!

  118. I saw you demoing these at Ally Pally and as always your work was inspiring and vibrant. I loved these and bought a couple to get me started. I have already used them on a CJ page and would love to expand my collection.
