Monday 29 August 2011

I Love Bank holidays

Don't you just love holiday alarm clocks......staying up late watching a few episodes of house....eating chocolate and playing. The fun started yesterday when the lovely Karen and I set off for Hatfield to go to a bead show......we are both suckers when it comes to beads.....just can't resist! So after a small magical mystery tour as stupid Tom Tom needs an upgrade and doesn't know where all the new roads are yet, we arrived at the venue for a fun morning of bead shopping, one of my most favourite pastimes. We both managed to find some real beauties and today I have spent a fun few hours in my new studio playing with some of my new stash. I am really pleased with this first set of jewellery, a complete set.....necklace, bracelet and earrings. Quite often when I buy sets of beads there isn't quite enough to make all three items so I was extra pleased to find out that this time I did!

The dark beads are really unusual, they are navy blue and opaque, I have never seen glass like this before, here's a close up for you.

My second necklace uses my splurge purchase from the bead show. It is made by a very talented lampwork artist by the name of Sarah Downton, Karen and I actually drove down to her home last year to take a lesson from her in the art of lampwork, I just hope that one day I'll be able to make something that resembles a bead rather than a lemon.
Wait til you see the close up of this little beauty..... It's absolutely gorgeous!!
And now with my inky/painty hat on, I'd like to share a few samples that I have been working on this week. It's not long now until the show at Ally Pally (24th & 25th September) and we are busy beavers behind the scenes in preparation for the event. Lots of ordering going on, planning of demos....well actually , that's not strictly true as I usually make up the demos as I go along but as you can imagine, a lot of work goes into the prep for a show of that size so here are some of the card samples that will be on display at the show.
Sample 1
All images are Paperartsy, the focal images are from HP 1109 and HP1110. Loving those bottles!!

Sample 2
Main images are from HP1109, verse is from HP1008

Sample 3
Car image is from HP1106, background images - houses are on HP1110, small newsprint HP1108, map HPXT01 and script Mini 61

Sample 4
I think I need a lesson in learning how to crop my'll have to excuse my grey background!
The nice young man is from HP1108, the compass is from HP1110 and the pointy finger is from HP1102.

Sample 5
Flowers - HP1111, dragonfly - HP1109

Sample 6
Last but by no means least a mix of Paperartsy, Dina Wakely stamps and stencils
Dina's stamps are Lonely Girl and Script Heart, Paperartsy Mini 61 script.

I have used Pan Pastels on all of the above samples, if you are not familiar with Pan Pastels and are coming to Ally Pally, stop by our booth, I'll be happy to show you.

All images are available for purchase on line at or you can call the shop on 01234 714848

Okey dokey, that's me for today....I'm off to tend my roast chicken and pack my overnight bag as I'm heading off to Paperartsy HQ tomorrow for some more Artsycrafts prep.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.


  1. Those beads are divine Lin, love them. Fab array of samples too using the new PA stamps, sounds like you have had an enjoyable BK weekend. x

  2. Looks like you've had bettter fun than I have! Love those samples, especially no 2!

  3. The lampwork bead is stunning, as are all the samples that you have worked on in your new studio today......
    have a lovely eveing

  4. Oh Lin -- everything is GORGEOUS! You make me feel so inadequate!!!!! I wish I did live closer so I could sign up for loads of your classes -- that way I could push myself forward and get going on lots more things. The blog entry is wonderful.
    Enjoy your roast chicken --
    Love from Sally x

  5. I loved the jewelry, and your projects as well. Very nice.

  6. Lovely jewelry Lin. I love beads too, but I never want to use them; just sit and play with them now and then!
    I am so glad you are going to be at the Ally Pally. I am over in UK for a couple of weeks and hope to get there with my sister. I have had to move my trip forward about six weeks for family reasons so we can't get to the NEC as planned. So we're doing this one instead. It's a first time for me and I'm rally looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll see you there. Kate x

  7. LOVE it LOVE it LOVE it....everything!


  8. I love your jewelery,simply gorgeous beads! You must have had fun choosing them. That lampwork piece is simply stunning.
    Love the new samples, they look great. Pity I live too far away to come to Ally Pally.

  9. Lovin your work as always... especially the metal piece

  10. Stunning samples as always & the opaque glass bead is just fab
