Sunday, 23 September 2012

Sunday, Sunday!

Tis Sunday and I feel like I need a day to catch up. Loads of odd jobs to do....putting away my demo kit from yesterday (more about that soon) big pile of ironing, some urgent paperwork, promised Mark I would bake a marble cake, some homework for college (more about that soon too), a project that I promised I would do for Ryn and because it's so cold and wet today, I really don't feel motivated to tick any of those items off my "to do" list!!!

OK, let's start with my fun day of demoing at Ally Pally yesterday with the lovely Mr & Mrs Paperartsy and their gorgeous daughter Ella. Silly, silly me didn't take any pictures of the samples I made at the show but Mrs Paperartsy did and she even blogged them last night after the show, so if you click here on the magic link, you'll be able to see what we both got up to!!! On the lead up to the show, I spent some time making some samples for Leandra, some of which can be seen in a previous post but here are the last couple that I made.

Look closely at the gorgeous Claret embellishment at the bottom of the tag, can you believe that it started life like this????

It's one of Time Holtz Shabby Buttons and one of the gorgeous new brads that Leandra has for sale. A little bit of Claret Fresco Finish paint and Spanish Topaz Treasure Gold and the magic happens!!
(The brad shown above is not the same one that appears on my tag but there are quite a few different ones to choose from).

This next sample caused a bit of a stir yesterday! Everyone wanted to know what colour orange paint I was using.

It is actually made by mixing Pumpkin Soup and Brown Shed Fresco paint together. Start with a puddle of the Pumpkin Soup and keep adding the Brown Shed until you achieve the shade of orange this LOTS and it looks so rich and warm when blended with the Claret. I cannot tell you how many times I demonstrated this yesterday, I had a bit of an orange overload day!!!!

So a big thank you to all you lovely people who stopped by yesterday to see what was going on at Paperartsy and a special thank you to all you lovely people who came with gifts of chocolate and all know who you are and you are very kind.

On Thursday, I started my college course. For those of you new followers who may have missed what I am up to, I am taking a City & Guilds course in Creative Textiles. It is quite a short course, it will be finished by Christmas but I can't tell you how excited I am to be doing this.

This is the classroom where I will be hanging out on Thursday evenings with eleven other students and our lovely tutor Jane. Our first evening was spent talking about the course and what is expected of us, doing some Zentangle doodles and transferring those images to some polystyrene and using that as a printing block! So different from my comfort zone but I loved every minute of it and cannot wait for next Thursday evening!!!

And last but not least, way back in June I was approached by Bernice Hopper to take part in a little project that she had cooked up where she asked a number of creative people a set of questions for a Friday Feature on her blog. This week, it's my turn and if you are interested to see what I had to say, click here but I need to warn you, the photo of me (in my opinion) looks nothing like me!!! It would be lovely if you left a comment for Bernice so that she knows all her hard work was worthwhile.

OK, that's me for today, I'm ready for a cup of something hot before I tackle that list.


  1. It was great to see you yesterday, and thanks for the great demo's. Hope to try out that colour combi soon!

  2. Who knew ... Pumpkin Soup & Brown Shed would give such fabby results, I'm loving the claret/orange one just as much too though. Hope you enjoy your course Lin. Take care x

  3. Lovely to see you yesterday to say hello. You were so busy with people, no chance to chat but it was great to see your demos.
    Love these pieces and looking forward to seeing your course work. I used to do printing with the kids I taught using polystyrene blocks and transferring their drawn images to it. A fabulous process.
    Hope to see you again soon and I hope your day has been a creative one.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  4. I went to Ally Pally today and saw all the samples, they are just awesome.

  5. Gorgeous samples ..really enjoyed the post ...good luck with your course.I know you will have such fun.xx

  6. Couldn't make it to Ally Pally - will you be assisting Leandra at Kettering next month?
    Good luck with the Course - look forward to seeing the results of your labours.

  7. Love Love LOVE those projects you have created and wish I could have seen them for myself for real. See ya at the next one hopefully.
    Any marble cake left? Be round in the morning!

  8. Lovely to see you last Saturday Lin, you were creating wonderful art as usual. I loved that combination of colours you used, & I've been having a little play myself, today :o)
    Have fun on your course, it sounds fab!
    Alison xx
