Saturday, 19 May 2012

Where did the week go?????

It's been a mad crazy week, this week. First up, I spent a few days hanging out in my studio with Leandra putting the finishing touches to our Artsycrafts projects. Figuring out what we need to order, planning class get the idea. Anyways, here's a few sneaky peeks of the projects.

This is our fabric book that we will be teaching on the Friday class......lots of paint, lots of Paperartsy goodies, lots of texture, lots of cool techniques and a ton of fun!


 Our Saturday class is the Sewing Room, a little Sewing Closet jam packed with all things stitchery

 Sunday is the day we teach our Rusty Relic's a mixed media heaven.

If you fancy joining us for a fun, craft filled weekend, we have the odd space still available, simply click here for the's going to be amazing!!!!

Among all the AC prep, I've been back and forth to the hospital all week for some allergy patch tests. THe good news is that I am not allergic to Leandra's paint which was a huge relief but I'm no further forward in resolving my skin issues.

On Tuesday evening my daughters Kelly and Sarah had the launch party for their new business ClaraRose. Leandra and I popped along for a bit of moral support which they really didn't need as they were overwhelmed by the turnout of people snapping up some bargains.  If you live in the Milton Keynes area, they will be at the Handmade &Vintage fair in Middleton Hall next weekend, it a fabulous event, pop along and check it out, they have worked their socks off and I am beyond proud of them.

Thursday is baby Isla's first birthday so Kelly held a little tea party for her today as well as running the Race for Life this morning.....she's definitely a supermum.

So I have my work cut out for me over the next couple of weeks preparing kits for AC so I'm pretty sure that I'll be absent from here for a few days but I just wanted to share a pic of my latest purchase. I haven't had a chance to use them yet, they arrived when Leandra was here and it's driving me mad that I haven't had a minute to even get them out but they look oh so pretty in the box. Thank you muchly  Simonsaysstamp for the amazing service.


  1. Wonderful! Just love this! Congratulations! I'm follower nr. 900!!!
    greetings from Holland.
    with love,

  2. Crazy busy fun week!! The class samples look fabulous, can't wait to see more! Hope they find out what you are allergic too soon...

  3. hi lin

    the samples look the look of the rusty one....
    your piccy of your new purchase made me sit up,, I had come across these on you tube earlier spooky is that?? can't wait to see what you come up with they do look very lots of pics soon please!!

  4. love the samples......just wish Warrington was not so far away
    Have missed your posts this last week nice to have you back

  5. I'm with the other lady I would love to have done the Friday and Saturday class, the projects look stunning
    have a lovely weekend

  6. Lin,
    The samples are wonderful and baby Isla a year old already????? Where does the time go?
    You are blessed.

    Your Friend in ART,

  7. Love the samples Lin, wish I could join you for more than one day, but will make the most of the Friday class ! Sue C x

  8. These projects look amazing, especially the sewing room, fab colours xx

  9. Love your wonderful creativity, Lin, and am thoroughly enjoying browsing through your posts! :D


  10. Wow Lin, ok I just love it all the project peeks the yummy new the supplies and the super cute photos too :) Huge good luck to your daughters with their new venture. Hope you have a good week - yep it will disappear! Where do the weeks go? Kim

  11. THANK YOU for shopping with Simon! Abby just turned 1 too. I'll never forget lunching with you at CHA while I was pregnant and hearing about the baby on the way in your life too :)

    Glad to see you well and happy!

    :) Heidi
