Thursday 25 August 2011

New class information coming soon

 It kind of feels that blogging has slipped to a weekly event at the moment, it really isn't intentional, it's just that a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff is going on here. Leandra and I are working hard on the Artsycrafts projects which are coming along a treat, it is very time consuming this tweaking lark, getting everything just so, but that's what makes Artsycrafts the event that it is. If you fancy joining us there are still a few places, click here for all the info.

I've also been ordering stuff ready for Ally Pally on 24th & 25th September, only a month away now. Note to self.....need to make new artwork for display boards!!! 

My big relief this week though has to be that I have finally got 2010 accounts to my has only taken 8 months to achieve this but phew, I'm glad to see the back of that challenge!!

And last but by no means least, new classes are on the horizon. Linda E. and I have been busy little beavers designing new classes for you guys. Not only do we have to make the samples, there's kitting up lists to be made, ordering to be done, the schedule to figure out, photographs to take and load all this stuff on to the website and of course this all takes a lot of time and effort. Anyways, we are nearly there now and hopefully, everything will be up on the website for viewing over the weekend. The important date for your diary is Saturday 3rd September 2011 when classes will be up for grabs. Class booking will start at 10am (not before) and as usual, it will be strictly first come, first served. I've got a few sneaky peeks to show you, hope you like them.

Workshop 2 -Metal Masterclass

Workshop 6 - Pan Pastels Taster Day

Workshop 3 - Imagine the Journey
Workshop 1 - Street Life
That's me for today, back to the paperwork.....think I'll make a cuppa first!!!!


  1. Always lovely to see sneak peaks of your class samples! I am not allowing myself any more stash spending till Ally Pally - am already getting withdrawal symptoms!

  2. Ooh, they look very interesting. Will have to make a note to remind myself of next Saturday.

  3. Well, Lin, if I had my way, I would be signing up for classes 1, 2, 3 & 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They look GREAT!
    Love - Sally x

  4. What great fun, and of course I LOVE the houses!!!!


  5. I've been checking everyday to see when the new classes go on display on the web.....and yay we have a sneak peek, I'm even off that day so I can make a visit and stock up on some goodies

  6. WOW... wish I could bee there!!!
    It looks fantastic!!! Hugs Susanne

  7. well what mouth watering peeks!!!

  8. OOh! So tempting!! Love the 'houses' and must try hard to get on the class for the first sample - that key is to 'die' for! LOl. Chris
